Will Joe Biden be the next president?

I see the wall of moms is about protecting peaceful protesters. How do these moms know they are peaceful protesters? Are they the same protesters who burned down the police department, smothered the place with graffiti and other criminal damage? Does violence against police count?

I see these moms don't care much for social distancing. Aren't the Dems complaining about Trumps handling of Covid? They certainly aren't playing their part. Their close contact is spreading death around the US, while pointing the finger in the opposite direction. These mass gatherings are a form of murder. Cause and effect. The only difference is the detection between who infected who is hard to ascertain. Their mere presence at these gatherings is the bullet that will lead to people dying from Covid.

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I see the wall of moms is about protecting peaceful protesters. How do these moms know they are peaceful protesters? Are they the same protesters who burned down the police department, smothered the place with graffiti and other criminal damage? Does violence against police count?

I see these moms don't care much for social distancing. Aren't the dems complaining about Trumps handling of Covid? They certainly aren't playing their part. Their close contact is spreading death around the US, while pointing the finger in the opposite direction.

I just had the biggest belly laugh so far of the day! The helmets.

"We need to go and protect these peaceful protestors. NOW WHERE IS MY HELMET??"
  • Haha
Reactions: Jon
The police are the real threat, that's why you need the helmet! Forget the global pandemic sweeping the world, decimating people in the hundreds of thousands. Protect your heads!
The "election" in the US is just an illusion of choice and democracy that is forced upon the world to give us the illusion of control.
Maybe in US and Canada there ought to be 3 parties (we'd need to drop at least 4 current factions) with a ranked balloting system. That way we'd have a choice other than Left or Right and if my first choice doesn't win, my vote goes to my alternate choice. At least there'd be a chance that one of my preferences actually gets to govern instead of the winner only having 50% (US) or about 66% (Canada) of the popular vote. I suspect US would have to ditch the Electoral College though.
We have MANY parties...they just never get a chance. The debates are run by private organizations that make up their own rules - rules they can and have changed on the fly.

The media ensures they only two parties allowed to the stage are Democraps and Republitards which lead the VAST majority to believe that these are the only two choices. The apple cart almost got upset when they allowed Ross Perot to join the debates during the 1992 election on the Independent ticket - he managed to actually gain a significant amount of EC votes (from the states that are bound to the popular vote). Each side blames his presence as the "splitter" that cost them the election. Since then, they will not allow that to happen again.
I was aware of the independent but there are others as well?
Ahh, but there are only 3 possibilities at the federal level, no? That's what my suggestion was based on.
@Isaac I considered that viewpoint too, where perhaps people get fed-up with the chaos caused by BLM and so join the backlash. If you look at what is happening in Portland, it was been over 50 days of protests. At what stage do people get fed up and say enough is enough?
The Mayor of Portland made an absolutely ludicrous remark concerning the presence of federal law enforcement. He claimed that "Their presence here is actually leading to more violence and more vandalism." It is the rioters who are creating the violence. They have the free will not to riot. No one is making them riot.
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Not quite true. ALL the parties have right to campaign and make a play for the Oval Office. The table is tilted and the game is rigged. It will NEVER get any better...
@Jon, the liberals don't see what they don't want to see. Portland is EXTREMELY liberal to the point where it has become difficult for me to have normal conversations with my virtue signaling favorite niece. Antifa has been rioting in Portland on a regular basis for years. I'm sure there is a social network posting that goes out each time - avoid 4th and main. The peaceful protesters are banging on cars and threatening their occupants:)
It is also well known that "Papa Joe" was able to financially benefit from his previous political dealings. He took full advantage of the situation. So did DJT, because money has flowed to his holdings as well. So there, they are about equally bad.
@Doc, I disagree on the equivalence of these two things. Trump had a worldwide business when he was elected. Presidents are not required to divest themselves of their businesses when they take office so Trump is doing nothing illegal or even unethical and has turned over day-to-day operations to one of his sons. His situation is simply unusual since most of our Presidents have been politicians so they were always feeding at the public trough. Trump was a billionaire going into office. Word has it that his net worth is down since he was elected. We can't say that about Biden. He got rich by profiting off of his office by placing family members in no-show jobs among other tactics. We don't pay members of Congress enough to be come millionaires. Why do so many enter as middle income and come out as millionaires? How can our Congress have gotten so corrupt?
It's not about believing women or not. It's in front of the camera and right in our eyes. In any country, each one of those scenes will face a child abuse or sexual assault charge. But he is allowed to run for the presidency.
The liberals don't see what they don't want to see especially because they are not willing to entertain that they might be wrong about someone like Uncle Joe. Part of this is driven by Cognitive bias and the rest by the way that social media directs the narrative by their filtering algorithms. If all you ever see in your feed is "Joe is good", "Orangeman is bad", you eventually begin to think that everyone else must be right (cognitive bias). The fact that you are seeing what you are seeing is because of the way social media rates and filters what you see. I'm sure that there are still negative articles on Biden and positive articles on Trump but they are so many pages into the feed that you never get to them. I once proved this to a friend by manipulating my Yahoo home page. For a week all I clicked on were articles on the British royal family. Pretty soon, the first two pages were nothing but articles about royals. Mostly, British but others as well.

I really hate to have to stand up for Trump. The man is his own worst enemy. He really needs a filter for his twitter account to ask him to rethink some of his posts. I was a registered Democrat until two months before the Presidential primary in 2016. In Connecticut, you can only vote in the primaries run by the party with which you are registered so regardless of your leanings, it is important to vote in the Democrat primary because Connecticut is so overwhelmingly "blue". That way you get two shots at the target. You get to vote for the Democrat who you think will do the least harm and in the general election, you get to vote for the Republican or independent whichever is your leaning. The reason I changed my party allegiance was to vote against Trump. Not because I didn't think he would be a good president but because I knew he wasn't going to change and he was simply going to be surrounded by chaos. It is absolutely amazing to me that he has accomplished as much as he has during his tenure but I keep thinking of what he might have been able to do if he had only not telegraphed his plans to drain the swamp. Since the swamp is filled with Republicans as well as Democrats, this turned all the RINOs (Republicans in name only) against him. Mitch McConnell is one of the major Never-Trumpers and he has been thwarting and slow walking Trumps agenda from day 1. And Paul Ryan completely thwarted his agenda in the House during the first two years plus he was directly responsible for convincing so many Republicans to retire. That is what gave the Democrats an open field in the House elections. People tend to vote for the incumbent due to name recognition. I almost always vote AGAINST the incumbent as my way of enforcing term limits.

I think if you look closely at the facts, Trump is not corrupt. He has been accused of "sharp" business practices but never with details Who writes the laws? If what he has done is not illegal, how can you throw stones at him? If it is illegal, why is he not in jail? Why would you not instead criticize the people who voted for the laws that allow the "sharp" practices? Because of his high profile, Trump is on the IRS' permanent audit list. Is that fair? Not a bit but that is how the IRS rolls. They are every bit a part of the deep state. The fact that he's on his third wife would indicate that he's a philanderer but with the exception of Bush the younger and Obama, most of our previous presidents have also been skirt chasers. The two good things you can say about him is that he is not a convicted sex offender (like Clinton) and he marries his baby-mommas. I think half of the players in the NFL are embroiled in paternity suits and some make it a game to see how many children they can have by how many different women. I hate to sound racist but I don't think that the white players are in that particular game. That leaves us with his tweets and penchant for name calling. Trump says what he means and means what he says (or at least he used to). The public is too used to knowing that if the mouth of a politician is moving, he is lying and so they vote for the lies they like the best. Where the public fails, is that they don't hold their elected representatives to what they campaigned on. Trump is doing his best to fulfill his campaign promises. His plain speak gets him in trouble because his speaking is not polished and that makes it easy to quote him out of context and make him sound even worse. And then there is the name calling. There is no justification for that so all I can say is that it probably isn't terrible if other world leaders think of ours as a bully. It will make them think twice about crossing him which can't be all bad for us.

Both Trump and Biden are known quantities. Trump is trying very hard to do what he was elected to do. Biden is promising to do the things he never did during his 40 some years in Congress and as VP. If he didn't do anything about judicial reform then and what he actually did resulted in more jail sentences, why is he going to do it now? How is raising your taxes a good thing? How is giving away free stuff a good thing? If you paid for that overpriced college degree for yourself and your children, how do you feel about other people getting a pass. And then there is the creepy handling of women and sexual assault charges. Keep in mind that although the two women Trump paid to not talk, violated their contracts and talked to get their 15 minutes of fame, no women has ever accused him of abusive behavior. I wonder why they didn't have to give the money back?
The police are the real threat, that's why you need the helmet! Forget the global pandemic sweeping the world, decimating people in the hundreds of thousands. Protect your heads!
Silly me. I totally forgot that police were the threat. Where is my head today ?? Get with the program Isaac. Hence the helmets.
And of course, eye goggles, so that when they consummate their plan of intentionally breaking the law, they can be protected from the resulting tear gas. Good planning is not to be underestimated in events with bad intentions.
"Your goggles, dear, are you going to swim class? No, mommy, I'm going to a Peaceful Protest. Hand me those matches."
"Ok, but make bail by nightfall!"

Parenting 2020
Gutfeld, on Fox New, had a very insightful analysis of the Democratic s (Biden's) Covid-19 response. The Democrats don't actually make any recommendations that are different from what the Republicans (Trump) have already done. All the Democrats say is that they would have done it "faster" and "better", which is really an empty response since the "faster" and "better" have never articulated.

That bring me to Biden's "Build Back Better" campaign slogan. Sound like a shabby rip-off of "Make America Great Again". Once again Biden lacks imagination and resorts to plagiarism.

When the Covid-19 pandemic was just emerging; Biden claimed that Trump was being xenophobic. Perlosi said there was no there there and that everyone should continue living as normal. The Fox News panel then went on to question my the media failed to point fingers at Cuomo for sending infected people back into nursing homes. Basically, The Democrats, at first dismissed COVID-19, now they want to deceitfully twist the pandemic into a Trump failure.

Since posting, the issue of mail-in ballots was briefly discussed on Cramer's Mad Money. Missing was the legitimacy of the mail in ballots. The Democrats have obstructed attempts to clean-up the voter registration roles. Furthermore, the ability to get registered has become "too easy", leading to the potential that those voting by mail have not been properly vetted. The Democrats must believe that there is a benefit to them, as they otherwise would not be obstructing the cleaning-up of the voter registration roles.

Based, on the polls indicating that Biden is ahead of Trump; it seems that the public continues not to comprehend the emptiness and disingenuousness of the Democratic narrative.

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Gutfeld, on Fox New, had a very insightful analysis of the Democratic s (Biden's) Covid-19 response. The Democrats don't actually make any recommendations that are different from what the Republicans (Trump) have already done. All the Democrats say is that they would have done it "faster" and "better", which is really an empty response since the "faster" and "better" have never articulated.

That bring me to Biden's "Build Back Better" campaign slogan. Sound like a shabby rip-off of "Make America Great Again". Once again Biden lacks imagination and resorts to plagiarism.

When the Covid-19 pandemic was just emerging; Biden claimed that Trump was being xenophobic. Perlosi said there was no there there and that everyone should continue living as normal. The Fox News panel then went on to question my the media failed to point fingers at Cuomo for sending infected people back into nursing homes. Basically, The Democrats, at first dismissed COVID-19, now they want deceitfully twist the pandemic into a Trump failure.

Based, on the polls indicating that Biden is ahead of Trump; it seems that the public continues not to comprehend the emptiness and disingenuousness of the Democratic narrative.

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I like your Dilbert cartoon, but I think Scott Adams forgot one critical piece.
They should also pick out a spot from a speech like
They should probably eat - the babies will be crying soon if they don't.
and quote it as
Eat - the babies
I'm with Dilbert. If America goes, what is left? I used to think that Political Correctness was the worst thing that ever happened to us but virtue signaling has doubled down on that concept. If you don't/can't wear a mask you are evil and you don't care about anyone but yourself and you're trying to kill Grandma. I am wearing a mask so I am a good and caring person even if the mask doesn't cover my nose. It's the attempt that counts. Also doesn't matter that the masks people are wearing, even when worn correctly, do not stop viruses. Just read the specs. Dust, smoke, pollen. Nothing about viruses or even bacteria or mold spores which are much larger. If you put a chain link fence around your yard, why do you think it would keep out mosquitoes? That chain link fence is like woven cloth and the holes created by the weave are significantly larger than the largest virus. Two layers with one cut on the bias and a non-woven replaceable filter between them are the best you can get and those are less than 30% effective and that's even if they fit tightly around the nose and chin without leaving gaps. The single ply masks are 3% effective. Dr Faucci hasn't been right about anything yet except his original remarks about masks not being helpful but that was before he got political and decided to extend his 15 minutes of fame. The masks are most effective at stopping the spread when the wearer is actually sick and symptomatic. Of course, if you are symptomatic, why are you going out in public anyway?
Pat, you are right. The masks can't stop the virus. But they can stop the moisture you exhale normally because they can stop droplets of mucous. Your mask protects me from your exhalation while you are in that induction period that is asymptomatic. And my mask protects you.
It's a wonder to see still there's a lot of discussions about To Wear Or Not To Wear.
For us, it's just like discussing the earth is flat or round.

We use masks here to protect ourselves and don't be a harm to others. You're talking about the possibility and the percentage of prevention that a mask may have?
We think even 1% of possibility that a mask may help us to prevent spreading the disease, is better than 0%.
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I agree with the concept that even a low percentage reduction in transmission is worth it. When you are dealing with an exponential infection rate, 1% here and there can potentially cut the number infected in half, given a reasonable length of time. Let us take a 3% reduction rate. Anyone know how to do the math? x to the n? I haven't had my morning coffee yet so unlikely I can take a stab at it.
I agree with the concept that even a low percentage reduction in transmission is worth it. When you are dealing with an exponential infection rate, 1% here and there can potentially cut the number infected in half, given a reasonable length of time. Let us take a 3% reduction rate. Anyone know how to do the math? x to the n? I haven't had my morning coffee yet so unlikely I can take a stab at it.
Agreed. I am an expert with math, so I won't be able to help you there, but clearly masks do some help. All you have to do is look at countries that have been successful in getting over this thing, I mean there are only a few variables in all of this. Widespread mask wearing and general, widespread obedience/enforcement of the crowds and distancing rules--that was pretty much it. In my personal opinion, I throw in one more variable--cultural habits involving physical contact. Being familiar/close to a lot of hispanic culture, it's easy to see why some south american countries have struggled. But then again, that just falls into the same categories of physical closeness.

I'm all about personal freedom and liberty, and I come down pretty hard on that side in most issues that involve it. But this virus is a top priority. The sooner we get better the sooner we can all go back to normal.
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