Your favourite AI resources


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:45
Sep 28, 1999
Let's start off with the main ones:
  • ChatGPT
  • Claude
  • Gemini
  • Co-pilot - a good AI that searches the internet to help with results, so you can get very up-to-date answers, like the latest summary of a football match etc.
How about tools to generate images? My niece recently created an AI image as a memorial for a deceased family member. It was stunningly appropriate.
I have no favorite AI. As to the image generator AIs, I abandoned them when I learned that if I used them to generate illustrations for my novels, I could not copyright the AI-made drawings.
I was thinking of using one of these image generation models to create a good image for the homepage here at AWF. Maybe it could do an improved logo too!
Facebook has an image creation feature by META. Works good, free, unlimited. But can act like a fool too. :P

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