Ok, I have combo boxes the if its not in the system they get asked if they want to ass and it takes them to an "Add A Whatever" form. I won't let them add anything directly in the form. But right now I am beyond confused where to even start.
Am I putting a Dlookup or a Dcount? Do I put this in my Zip Code data source on my form? Or do these go in the City or County fields? And when I am in a text vox and click the ... it takes to an expression builder. Is that where I want to be?
I literally have twenty tabs open in three different internet searches trying to figure this out backwards and I just lost. Every where I look it says use combo box to populate unbound text boxes. I don't understand how typing in the Zip Code doesn't somehow require the ZipCodeID?
I tried to figure out the Dlookup code from this example:
Look up the CompanyName field from table Company, where CompanyID = 874. This translates to:
=DLookup("CompanyName", "Company", "CompanyID = 874") --> then there was stuff about nulls, etc
To me the above translate to: Lookup the
ZipCode field (txtZipCode) from table
ZipCode where
pkZipCodeID = some zipcode ID number
So I wrote this: =DLookup("txtZipCode", "tblZipCode", "txtZipCode = " & Nz([txtZipCode],0))
But I got stuck...because where is my zipcodeID? I don't have that on my form.
Should it be:
=DLookup("txtCity", "tblZipCode", "txtZipCode = " & Nz([txtZipCode],0))
If so where does that go? Then how do I get the county and state to fill in?
Can you please help me with the next step? Where do I start? I have my previous form. I've made all four fields text boxes. In my mind, I need them to type in the Zip Code text box after they finish typing in the zip code and hit TAB, I want the other three fields to fill in. Let's for a minute just pretend there aren't any other choices. Just where do I start to make that happen?
I really appreciate all your help. I'm sorry I'm so confused