Union Queries


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Today, 04:05
Jun 9, 2010
I have been successful in joining 4 years of data through a union query (which I am very novice at) and off of that query I would like to categorize them by year (crop) and have written the following iif statement which is not producing CY08 records, they are reflecting CY09. I see CY10 & CY11 but just something I've done in the iif statement. Could you please advise my error:

CY: IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/25/2008#,"CY08",IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/24/2009#,"CY09",IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/23/2011#,"CY10"IIf([Pay Period End]<=#4/23/2011#,"CY11"))))
Thank you so very much for any help!
Why not just use:

CY:"CY" & Format([Pay Period End], "yy")
Thanks so much Bob; so are you saying I can just call the expression CY and not use iif's?
Like CY: "CY" & Format([Pay Period]<=#10/25/2008,"2008",<=#10/24/09","2009") etc.?
Thanks so much Bob; so are you saying I can just call the expression CY and not use iif's?
Like CY: "CY" & Format([Pay Period]<=#10/25/2008,"2008",<=#10/24/09","2009") etc.?

Quick question as I may have misunderstood. Are you on a Fiscal year that runs from about 10/26 to 10/25 each year? Is that why you are chcking with the dates?
Thanks Bob. These are crop years from late september to the following (early to mid)October which is one growing year. In that year there are tasks that I hope to plot throughout each year and then compare hours/$$ over 3-4 years. (later exercise) Thanks so much for your help!
Yes, then you would need an IIF but we should be able to make it more generic. So, is there a place in the database which defines the start date of the crop year?
I could make a table. Currently we downloaded from our labor system into a database into a table by crop year. ( I was pretty new at this when I started and no resources to learn from) so I did it by copy year. Then I was taught about union queries so now I have one data base that is separate which has each crop year table. (I'm being a bit wordy here, sorry) I have made the union query and get all the data but want to define which year it is cy CY09, etc. Again, thanks so much Bob, I am such a novice at this.
If you decide to stick with the IIF statement:

I noticed there was a missing comma; as below.

Change this:
CY: IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/25/2008#,"CY08",IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/24/2009#,"CY09",IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/23/2011#,"CY10"IIf([Pay Period End]<=#4/23/2011#,"CY11"))))
to this:
CY: IIf([Pay Period  End]<=#10/25/2008#,"CY08",IIf([Pay Period  End]<=#10/24/2009#,"CY09",IIf([Pay Period End]<=#10/23/2011#,"CY10",IIf([Pay Period End]<=#4/23/2011#,"CY11"))))

Hope this helps.

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