"Hide" a particular section on a form


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Oct 28, 2009
After trying dozens of things and research all over the internet and asking on other forums I am having absolutely zero luck and am pulling my hair out with this problem. My DB has the following tables: Registrant info, Sessions, Periods, Classes. There are three sessions total, four periods in each section, and multiple classes in all. A registrant can sign up for a session and must have at least one class per period for whatever session they sign up for.

Here is what I need to do. After entering Registrant info into the form I want to select a session for that registrant (Session 1, Session 2, or Session 3). After selecting the correct session, I want a new area on the form to open in which I can select (probably with check boxes?) which period/classes within that session that Registrant is enrolled in.

I have unsuccessfully tried again and again to figure this out, but now I need help. Any ideas?

Here is my DB. As you can see, I have tried to use a command button to do the trick, but I'm having no luck.

View attachment 37339
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Not sure exactly what you want to do. I downloaded your db and added
a simple radio control that will allow you to show and hide two subforms.


What I need is, for example, when Session 1 is selected, only classes in that session will appear. There is over 100 classes and they are divided between the three sessions.
What I need is, for example, when Session 1 is selected, only classes in that session will appear. There is over 100 classes and they are divided between the three sessions.

If that's the case then modify your query used to show the classes to filter on the session.
Select * from Classes where Session = YourParam.
What do you mean, query used to show the classes? I don't have any queries yet...
Okay, here is what I have...

View attachment 37341

I would like to make it so that when I select a session from the drop down box (on Form1) and click on the "open query" button, it will open the query based on what session I selected. For instance, if I choose "Session 2" from the drop-down box, I want the button to open the query with classes from session 2 in it.

I suppose that means somehow making the drop-down selection changing the criteria of the query. How do I do this?
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Perfect!!! Thank-you so much.

Is there a way now that I can filter out the sessions by period?
I've created the same unbound box for the Periods now, but I'm not sure how to connect it to the query.

Here's what I have: View attachment 37396

Again, thank-you SO much for your help. My boss has been breathing down my neck to get this project finished ASAP.
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I've created the same unbound box for the Periods now, but I'm not sure how to connect it to the query.

Here's what I have: View attachment 37394

Again, thank-you SO much for your help. My boss has been breathing down my neck to get this project finished ASAP.

I think I have created what you want. try it out. did you also want to create a report.. I can help you with that. you can also have a save/exit button, a switch board.... let me know if I can help.


I've created the same unbound box for the Periods now, but I'm not sure how to connect it to the query.

Here's what I have: View attachment 37396

Again, thank-you SO much for your help. My boss has been breathing down my neck to get this project finished ASAP.

I was disconnected over the holiday.... I guess, since there was nothing more after MBB's post that you are now all squared away...?
I think I have created what you want. try it out. did you also want to create a report.. I can help you with that. you can also have a save/exit button, a switch board.... let me know if I can help.

This looks like just what I need. Thank you! And yes, I will need to create reports from this.

But first, why do the classes appear multiple times? Example: When I select "Session 1" and "Period 2", there are around 130 entries for "Lego Jr Continued (K-2)" when there's only supposed to be one. What's going on?
My mistake. After reviewing my needs for this DB, I realize now that I actually do need to view all four periods at a time within a session. So what I had before works just right.

So, this is what I'm working with: View attachment 37450

Now here is my problem. When I enter a new Student's record with name, address, etc. then choose which session they are enrolled in and open the query, I then select which classes in each period they are in with the Yes/No column.

I am able to save that student's record with that class information, but if I want to enter another student enrolled in the same session, it brings up the same recorded classes from the previous student enrolled in that session.

Basically, I can't record more than one student in each session. How can I fix this?
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Also, disregard the issue I was having with the classes showing up multiple times...
Dear lacey,

if you take care your query i think you may able to find that your Combo is just working nothing but a filter of Table:Class, your Yes/No option is part of Class table not Student.

More: when you are running query it is not recording, it just showing your status of classes table.
You have to create field(s) for the students, which will relate to your classes. where you will mention where this student is belong to.
what i get with this short time.. you need to redesign your database .
sorry if i'm wrong some where....
Okay... so if I were to make the "Yes/No" box part of my Students table instead of Classes, would that take care of it...?

I can't redesign my DB at this point. I am running out of time.
I'm still completely lost as to how that would help. I'm just about ready to give up on this project.
I would like to say... you are not lost, but just need to be more logical.
need your logic just for example:

Be Curious, Be Scientific (2nd-7th) ...
1.where is 1 session 1 period?
2. what do you mean by Class ID?
3. If you want to put a student to any specific Class, put him to specific Class ID. (in your situation)
let me try for you... with your DB

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