What do nuns do?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 08:57
Feb 22, 2002
Do nuns serve a useful purpose? Or are they scrounging layabouts who sponge free board and lodging off the church like the pope does.

Do nuns serve a useful purpose? Or are they scrounging layabouts who sponge free board and lodging off the church like the pope does.


Noone knows - they do thinks anunymously?

Is this a joke? Whats a hindu? - Lays eggs - that kind of thing?
The only nun I knew did counseling. She was placed at our college. The only reason I knew about her is because I hung out with the catholic crowd for a while. It was annoying for me since she was young and attractive, but unavailable for dating (not that she would ever dated me).
They pray for the poor souls who are trying to learn Access.
They pray for the poor souls who are trying to learn Access.

I was laughing so hard after reading this that I nearly shot Dr. Pepper out my nose! Not a pleasant experience. :( (I know, I know - TMI :p)

So do all poor Access souls get equal "prayer time", or do Catholics get special, ah, consideration? :confused:
I was laughing so hard after reading this that I nearly shot Dr. Pepper out my nose! Not a pleasant experience. :( (I know, I know - TMI :p)

So do all poor Access souls get equal "prayer time", or do Catholics get special, ah, consideration? :confused:

Yes, they pray for catholic access programmers on a loop.
I would doubt they are online trolling forums like other people who have nothing better to do with their lives. Pretty good chance the nuns are doing what they believe is the work of God.
I would doubt they are online trolling forums like other people who have nothing better to do with their lives. Pretty good chance the nuns are doing what they believe is the work of God.

Didn't mean to offend anyone- just trying to make light of this potentially tricky topic.
Growing up in Maine along the Coast, I always thought that Nuns guided ships in and out of the harbor. For all you inlanders, here is a nautical description.

Cans and Nuns
Can buoys are green and shaped like a can on the top. Can buoys mark the right side of a channel leaving a harbor. Nun buoys are red and the top is shaped similar to a nun's hat. Nun buoys are set out to mark the left side of the channel leaving a harbor. Boats can be safely navigated out of a harbor without running aground or into rocks by following the channel marked by can and nun buoys.

Read more: Types of Buoys | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6321342_types-buoys.html#ixzz2E1IQ73NE
Growing up in Maine along the Coast, I always thought that Nuns guided ships in and out of the harbor. For all you inlanders, here is a nautical description.

Cans and Nuns
Can buoys are green and shaped like a can on the top. Can buoys mark the right side of a channel leaving a harbor. Nun buoys are red and the top is shaped similar to a nun's hat. Nun buoys are set out to mark the left side of the channel leaving a harbor. Boats can be safely navigated out of a harbor without running aground or into rocks by following the channel marked by can and nun buoys.

Read more: Types of Buoys | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6321342_types-buoys.html#ixzz2E1IQ73NE

Huh, just learned something new.
Thanks to all who contributed to this old thread which I just came across.
Best laugh I've had for some time...

Nothing witty to add at this time.
Just posting to bring the thread back 'to the top' so others will see it :cool:
I had missed this one somehow, but I actually found an oddball isolated case to answer this one:

On the old TV show "What's My Line?" one of the guests was a nun who, it turned out, worked at a children's clinic as a dentist. She had a legit degree, went through dental school, apparently was "the real deal" as far as dentists go.

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