Company wont hire programmers with tatoo (policy)

I am not as bad as I write.

When it all boils down you with your Tatts and ear rings are the person with the problem.

If you have a good job now, imagine where you could be in a few years without you accessories.

I would perfer a nice Job, a House and maybe a Boat, to making a statement.

What makes you think I don't have all of the above already? It's again that judgemental attitude that I'm trying to change. You assume that I don't because I have piercings and tattoos and that I would do better without them. My point is I'm trying to change that attitude.

Why am I the problem in that scenario? I'm not judging anyone.
Both of you have valid points, but again the bottom line is $$$$$$$$$$$.
If a business could make more money with employes having ear rings etc all their employes would have to wear earrings. Until then if you want a job go with the flow.

Why would a company make more money with people without earrings? If you can make a valid point that doesn't include opinions, then I'll concede.
Why would a company make more money with people without earrings? If you can make a valid point that doesn't include opinions, then I'll concede.

You have made that point yourself. Some people are prejudice. Example: Suppose a restaurant's waitress had a lot of stuff stuck in their face. Lots of people would not go to that restaurant. (lost $$$) Even as right wing as I am that would not bother me, but I know some that would. Granted men with earnings are not as radical as studs all over their face the principle is the same. Perception as been mention before is the key. At one time, one little Perl was bad news, now it is not even noticed.
Sometimes people impose rules on others just because they can.
And I want to change that perception. That's what I'm saying. If the perception changes, then it won't mean lower money. It SHOULDN'T mean lower money.
This is really interesting for all views.
Thought I would search the internet for Apple's Programmers Interview Tips.
Overall, they claim to have talented men show up in dresses (AND some in kilts). They are OK with that they claim.
Searched Oracle: Suggest this is a "must read" just for the photos.
and this ... made me laugh and cry at the same time
Please NOTE - this is not the Oracle DB company

But, the comments on each of the above sites ... make our group look as if we are playing golf at the Country Club LOL

This is a lengthy article from a Lawyer type advising about the issue. It brings up much of what was discussed on this forum. It was interesting to me because I would never want to offend anyone or get into trouble for something like asking someone about their ink.

Anyway, it probably offers some good legal guidelines and discussion.
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Aren't kilts supposed to be professional attire? Maybe I'll have to test that one of these days. LOL
The USMMA is the only Service Academy where the students are in the band (not hired to be in the band). So, on parent's day, they were proud to announce they had three bagpipe players. Given there are only 300 in a Freshman class, not bad. So, the NYC bagpipe troupe showed up - yes it is not only formal - it can be a uniform.

Indulge me to brag about my son - in this CNN video - tall 2nd row right before it cuts to the Commander In Cheif.
But, I bring this up because you will also see an interesting uniform on the drummer.
In the USMMA (and Navy) ink can be a tradition. So can many other things. The terms go back to Roman law and traditions.
My guess is that 80% of the Honor Guard shown here have ink (under the uniform).
What makes you think I don't have all of the above already? It's again that judgemental attitude that I'm trying to change. You assume that I don't because I have piercings and tattoos and that I would do better without them. My point is I'm trying to change that attitude.

Why am I the problem in that scenario? I'm not judging anyone.

I have said my thing and have failed to make a difference.

My opinion is based upon my years of experience. A lot more than yours. What I have found which is undisputable is that the absence of ear piercings and tattoos does not go against you.

Today tattoos are very popular and in fashion. Fashions come and go. I hope you and others here are sensible enough to locate their ink discretely.

You should also be honest to yourself in that you know very well that appearance makes a difference. Try not to do something you will regret in the years to come.
Aren't kilts supposed to be professional attire? Maybe I'll have to test that one of these days. LOL

professional, not so sure, evening dress maybe

I wear mine on holiday and such (and of course weddings), and if you're going to wear it, do it like a man, commando! (there's a good reason for that, a proper kilt is extremely warm) :cool:
professional, not so sure, evening dress maybe

I wear mine on holiday and such (and of course weddings), and if you're going to wear it, do it like a man, commando! (there's a good reason for that, a proper kilt is extremely warm) :cool:

Dash, Bother,

I missed Rabbie's birthday. No haggis this year.
Originally Posted by Vassago
I don't know how you came to THAT conclusion... I definitely don't agree with that and never once mentioned anything remotely like that. Maybe you are interpreting something to suit your own narrow views?

I based it on the fact that you said that the posts where they implied it, were useful. I assumedthat this meant that you agreed with them.

On what are you basing your opinion that my views are narrow ?


I am still waiting for an explanation for this insult, but I guess that I should not hold my breath.

You should also be honest to yourself in that you know very well that appearance makes a difference. Try not to do something you will regret in the years to come.

I'm not talking about swastikas on the forehead here! :rolleyes: Some people sadly do get tattoos due to fashion, but for others like myself, it's not about fashion. I won't regret what I have.

That's exactly what my point is. It's becoming more acceptable. Eventually, it will be completely acceptable. I urge others to embrace the acceptance or end up, as again, the old man screaming at the kids to stay off his lawn.
I am still waiting for an explanation for this insult, but I guess that I should not hold my breath.


I must have missed the question. Sorry if it was directed at me. I also apologize if I misunderstood your views.
I must have missed the question. Sorry if it was directed at me. I also apologize if I misunderstood your views.

Accepted, I think, looking back, that we were arguing from different perspectives . I was stating what I believe would disadvantage people in the job market, piercings, tattoos, coloured hair ( chance would be a fine thing :D ) , even my beard, not what I approve or diaapprove of, although taste will always be subjective, eg i have a beard but I hate those overgrown unkempt ones.


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