Are you an atheist? (5 Viewers)

Are you an atheist?

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Galaxiom - Actually, I fully expected Aziz would cherry-pick the one statement he could best 'refute' and use that to imply that the other 120 items listed were wrong. His claim that he would admit the Qu'ran was written by man if presented with an inconsistency was a transparent LIE, which I believe is a sin in Islam as well as in Christianity. He certainly fulfulled my every expectation.

I notice he avoided the difficult ones, such as different people all being referred to by name as the first Muslim. But you really can expect no better from someone who's only lying when he pretends to debate, and is here rather to preach. He is absolutely as fundamentally (pun not intended) dishonest as Bladerunner.
It is an illusion built on your faith.

You choose to interpret what you read as backing the scientific facts. You also ignore the parts that cannot be interpreted to suit your doctrine.

Do tell us how this one is backed by science. The Qur'an says there are seven heavens supported on invisible pillars and seven earths below.

First thank you for sticking up for Christianity. Hummmmmm

What about the parts that cannot not be interpreted to suit your doctrine that Man evolved from nothing.There is not god, it is just a random drawing -so-to-speak
I was taking a spare 10 minutes to catch up with this thread and found this line to be the most entertaining. :D

Indeed Brian does have his one liners - But once you read frothingsloth's replies to the religious fanatics I cannot help but laugh and agree with him :D

Frothingsloth has a lot of valid points in which the fanatics just seem to ignore and pick on the small things that may or may not be disproven even though ignoring the massive points given to them, just to try and gain a foothold in what seems a losing battle.

Well done Frothingsloth - Well done indeed! :D
Aziz. Would you please desist from attacking the participants and focus on the issues?

You have claimed that the divinity of the Quran is proven because it revealed facts that preceded later scientific understanding.

I have asked you to show me these passages in the Quran and explain how you come to this conclusion.
Indeed Brian does have his one liners - But once you read frothingsloth's replies to the religious fanatics I cannot help but laugh and agree with him :D

Frothingsloth has a lot of valid points in which the fanatics just seem to ignore and pick on the small things that may or may not be disproven even though ignoring the massive points given to them, just to try and gain a foothold in what seems a losing battle.
Apparently Bladerunner has resorted to the tried-and-true tactic of 'Na-na-nah I can't hear you!'. That's the only reason I can think of for completely ignoring my last post.

Well done Frothingsloth - Well done indeed! :D
Thanks, but I'm really not trying to just score points. If I can get ONE fanatic to simply think rather than simply regurgitate the Bible or Qu'ran, I will have succeeded at what I intended. Of course, that happens about once every five years or so, but them's the breaks. Closed minds are notoriously difficult to open.

Of course, what makes all this even funnier to me is that I'm NOT an atheist. :D
Of course, what makes all this even funnier to me is that I'm NOT an atheist.

There I was thinking that you were making well-reasoned, coherent points and it turns out that all the time you've been either a brainwashed fanatic or a fuzzy-minded flip-flopper?

Kindly either start spouting unsupported drivel or 'umm-ing' and 'ah-ing' a bit, so you're easier to pigeon-hole as religious or an agnostic.;)

Yeah, I could best be described as 'Christian agnostic'. I don't know if there's a God or not, and I don't honestly know if I want there to be. (I have REAL issues with the Problem of Evil.) I DO think that the teachings atributed to Jesus in the New Testament (turn the other cheek, love your neighbor, support those worse off than yourself, judge not, etc) are worth following, despite how utterly inaccurate and self-contradictory the Bible itself is. Of course, doing what Jesus is said to have said is rather out of vogue these days. ;)
Kind of odd for someone who has studied (among many other things) religious philosophy for 25 years now, isn't it?

So my apologies, I don't really fit into any specific pigeonhole. :D
Frothingslosh; "Are you aware that Jerry Coyne is an evolutionary biologist whose biggest selling book and blog are both called 'Why Evolution is True'?" "
"Wow, did you screw the pooch on this one."

Bladerunner: Yes, but the article was written by Jonathon Wells about Jerry Coyne and explains in detail why what Jerry puts forth is false... Bet you did not read it did you? Oh, how cocky are we?


Frothingslosh; "The oldest biblical-related documents in existence are the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are approximately 2200 years old. So you're saying that the people living 2200 years ago were drooling imbeciles, incapable of complex thought? Then how, pray tell, do you explain the following:"

Bladerunner: The Torah is 3,313 years old at least. Your wrong again! Contains the laws ,etc. written by GOD himself and given to Moses. Just in case your are interested, the Torah equates to the first five books of the bible. Please read the following, it might just open your closed eyes before it is too late.


Frothingslosh; It's what it's called. If you were to actually study the philosophies of Christianity, you'd find there are tons of differences between sects, and conventions have to be named to keep track. Young-Earth Creationism is the belief that the world was created by God 4,000-10,000 years ago. Old-Earth Creationism is the belief that the world was, indeed, created billions of years ago by God. It generally works as a theistic twist on the Big Bang Theory.

Bladerunner: Yes and there are Christians who believe the bible tells them to dance with snakes. God's word,the Bible, interpreted by man. The same man that interprets the science that says there is no God. The same man that twist and leaves out relevantt information on evolution.

The same man that scews the information of Global warming in order to herd a world of people into their way of thinking and oh make a bunch of money doing it. OH, Yes, there is proof... Ohh,,, by the way, it is hiding in the ocean these days don't tell no body.


Frothingslosh; Ugh, if you're going to argue against evolution, at least learn enough to be coherent. There is only one species that has ever been named Homo sapiens - modern humans. All other branches of the genus 'Homo' have different species names.

Bladerunner: I believe that the correct nomenclature is Homo Sapiens sapiens!

I see there is no sense in me continuing this debate with this person Frothingslosh since in his opinion I am dumb as a box of rocks and cannot carry on any type of reasonable debate.
I see there is no sense in me continuing this debate with this person Frothingslosh since in his opinion I am dumb as a box of rocks and cannot carry on any type of reasonable debate.
I never read that specific phrase being used, by Frothingslosh or anyone else, but he's not the only one who thinks the last part.
Frothingslosh; "Are you aware that Jerry Coyne is an evolutionary biologist whose biggest selling book and blog are both called 'Why Evolution is True'?" "
"Wow, did you screw the pooch on this one."

Bladerunner: Yes, but the article was written by Jonathon Wells about Jerry Coyne and explains in detail why what Jerry puts forth is false... Bet you did not read it did you? Oh, how cocky are we?

Ah, you're right on one part - I was in a hurry and operated under the assumption that you would at least quote the appropriate part of the article. You know, as opposed to 'my point is somewhere in these 20,000 words, but I can't be bothered to show you'. So I mistakenly assumed you were quoting the relevent point, which what any normal person would have done.

Going through the article, even I, a non-biologist see nothing but misrepresented facts, unsupportable leaps of 'logic', and straight-up lies.

For example, the idea that we have an extensive, continuous fossil chain going from the first life form to today is born out of pure fantasy. Fossilzation can only happen under EXTREMELY rare circumstances. We have so many fossils simply because in a place the size of Earth, over a period of billions of years, there are lots of places and times where creatures' corpses can settle into sufficient mud to get preserved from decay. You don't get fossils from critters that die and get eaten on the forest floor, or on the Serengheti. That means the fossil record is sporadic, and virtually non-existant in certain places and times. Also, note that virtually 100% of the time, only bones get preserved, and land plants and bony creatures didn't appear until after the Cambrian Explosion.

Your author then tries to provide the Cambrian Explosion as proof evolution doesn't happen. Rather than bore everyone to tears, I will simply provide a LINK to a web page which utterly destroys this ridiculous assertion.

Your author then tries to operate under the theory that for every species that arises, another must die, but that's just not how evolution works. Just because some members of a species change, it doesn't mean every member changes. Let's say one species of mammal likes to eat a certain other species. However, only larger members of the predator species are guaranteed to pull down the prey species reliably. That leaves the smaller members needing to either find something else or starve. Now, let's say these smaller members find a DIFFERENT source of prey, but it's challenging to get that prey unless without, say, digging it out of a hole. So those smaller members who are better able to dig, say by having bigger front paws, will do better hunting that second prey. They, in turn, pass on their tendency for bigger paws and the knowledge to hunt those burrowres. Perhaps, over the eons, the smaller versions of that predator species develop an even smaller stature, a more elongated body form, and a number of other changes to help them deal with their new prey, until they have become a new species. Meanwhile, the original, larger predators continue hunting their bigger prey unchanged - viola, evolution that left the predecessor alive.

I am not going to go through the remaining 15,000 words or so of that article here. It would turn this reply into an article large enough to require full-on publication, and no one wants that. Instead, I will simply way that from reading it, the author is disingeuous at best, and lying and deliberately misrepresenting facts in order to decieve people at worst.


Frothingslosh; "The oldest biblical-related documents in existence are the Dead Sea Scrolls, which are approximately 2200 years old. So you're saying that the people living 2200 years ago were drooling imbeciles, incapable of complex thought? Then how, pray tell, do you explain the following:"

Bladerunner: The Torah is 3,313 years old at least. Your wrong again! Contains the laws ,etc. written by GOD himself and given to Moses. Just in case your are interested, the Torah equates to the first five books of the bible. Please read the following, it might just open your closed eyes before it is too late.

Wrong again, as usual. The oldest copy of the Torah known to exist has been dated to between 1155 and 1225 AD. The books themselves are believed to have been written between 600BC and 400BC, but there are not even fragments that old to confirm this. It is only Jewish and Christian tradition that maintains that these books are older, not fact.

Your 'proof' link doesn't provide any facts. It presents oral tradition as fact, and then falls into the same old circular reasoning trap - that the book has to be old because it says it's old. Then it, at the end, says:
Our Tradition tells us that Hashem created the Torah, both the Written and the Oral, 2,000 years before He created the universe.
They even ADMIT it's tradition and thus not fact. (See what I did there? I quoted the relevent portion, not just a link to the introduction!)

Also, you never answered my question. How do you explain all those things I listed in my previous reply if ancient people were too stupid for complex thought?


Frothingslosh; It's what it's called. If you were to actually study the philosophies of Christianity, you'd find there are tons of differences between sects, and conventions have to be named to keep track. Young-Earth Creationism is the belief that the world was created by God 4,000-10,000 years ago. Old-Earth Creationism is the belief that the world was, indeed, created billions of years ago by God. It generally works as a theistic twist on the Big Bang Theory.

Bladerunner: Yes and there are Christians who believe the bible tells them to dance with snakes. God's word,the Bible, interpreted by man. The same man that interprets the science that says there is no God. The same man that twist and leaves out relevantt information on evolution.
That presupposes there is anything but lies and distortions in that link, which there is not.

The same man that scews the information of Global warming in order to herd a world of people into their way of thinking and oh make a bunch of money doing it. OH, Yes, there is proof... Ohh,,, by the way, it is hiding in the ocean these days don't tell no body.

Yeah, we'll just ignore all the data that indicates that is exactly what is happening, what with the oceans literally warming up, every single one of the hottest 25 years in recorded history being in the last 30 years, the wildly changing weather patterns, the weather growing more and more intense as more and more engery is dumped into it, carbon dioxide levels being higher than at any time in the planet's history, etc.


Frothingslosh; Ugh, if you're going to argue against evolution, at least learn enough to be coherent. There is only one species that has ever been named Homo sapiens - modern humans. All other branches of the genus 'Homo' have different species names.

Bladerunner: I believe that the correct nomenclature is Homo Sapiens sapiens!

Nice try. H. s. sapiens is the name for the subspecies, while H. sapiens is humanity. However, my point stands - you claim modern man only arose 10,000 years ago, and my point was that we have found fossils of modern humans - whether you want to refer to them as homo sapiens as is done >99% of the time, or h. s. sapiens, which is done less than < 1% of the time - dating back to around 190,000 years ago. Quibbling over whether it's more correct to refer to us as h. sapiens or h. s. sapiens doesn't change that fact.

I see there is no sense in me continuing this debate with this person Frothingslosh since in his opinion I am dumb as a box of rocks and cannot carry on any type of reasonable debate.
Actually, you've shown you cannot. You never present facts, rely on distortions and logical fallacies, and when presented points you cannot answer, you simply either pretend they were never made or try to twist the discussion away from them, such as with the species name quibble above.

So, if the shoe fits, wear it.
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Galaxiom - Actually, I fully expected Aziz would cherry-pick the one statement he could best 'refute' and use that to imply that the other 120 items listed were wrong. His claim that he would admit the Qu'ran was written by man if presented with an inconsistency was a transparent LIE, which I believe is a sin in Islam as well as in Christianity. He certainly fulfulled my every expectation.

I notice he avoided the difficult ones, such as different people all being referred to by name as the first Muslim. But you really can expect no better from someone who's only lying when he pretends to debate, and is here rather to preach. He is absolutely as fundamentally (pun not intended) dishonest as Bladerunner.

Frothingslosh, I did ask you to pick any of the 121 alleged contradictions, which you did not do. So obviously I had to pick one that I have investigated in the past. My offer is still open. Choose any of the remaining 120 and I am happy to look into it. You can’t expect me to give you a detailed reply to all the remaining 120. I have demonstrated to you that alleged contradiction no. 22 was not a contradiction, yet you did not come back to me to refute what I said. This shows that you are not prepared to have a proper debate on the challenge I gave you. If you were truly sincere, you would have either refuted my explanation of the alleged contradiction no. 22 or have the courtesy to at least admit you were wrong in your assumptions in that particular alleged contradiction. You instead chose to call me a liar which demonstrates to me that you do not accept that you were wrong but instead to stand behind this type of vitriol. In this life you can do that and get away with it but not on the Day of Judgement. We will see who was the liar then. I have always said that there are no contradictions in the Qur’an, it is for you and others to prove otherwise. I have demonstrated, as I have done so already, that bad English translations and/or using verses out of context in almost all cases is what leads to these apparent contradictions. Oh and BTW, lying whichever belief you have or non belief is wrong. You should reflect on that. It is a sign of disingenuous as much as anything else. I did not lie to you or anyone else. If you are not prepared to indulge in a proper debate that is your concern. Your behaviour

fulfulled my every expectation.

as someone who denies the truth when it is presented to them. The alleged contradiction I tackled was a difficult one as many Muslims find it difficult to square.

006.039 Those who deny Our revelations are deaf and dumb in darkness. Whom Allah will sendeth astray, and whom He will He placeth on a straight path.

002.039 But they who disbelieve, and deny Our revelations, such are rightful Peoples of the Fire. They will abide therein.

016.039 That He may explain unto them that wherein they differ, and that those who disbelieved may know that they were liars.

016.104 Lo! those who disbelieve the revelations of Allah, Allah guideth them not and theirs will be a painful doom.

016.105 Only they invent falsehood who believe not Allah's revelations, and (only) they are the liars.

016.106 Whoso disbelieveth in Allah after his belief - save him who is forced thereto and whose heart is still content with the Faith - but whoso findeth ease in disbelief: On them is wrath from Allah. Theirs will be an awful doom.

016.107 That is because they have chosen the life of the world rather than the Hereafter, and because Allah guideth not the disbelieving folk.

016.108 Such are they whose hearts and ears and eyes Allah hath sealed. And such are the heedless.

016.109 Assuredly in the Hereafter they are the losers.

. . . such as different people all being referred to by name as the first Muslim.

Here all the verses, using Mohammed Marmaduke Picktall’s translation: -

006.014 Say: Shall I choose for a protecting friend other than Allah, the Originator of the heavens and the earth, Who feedeth and is never fed? Say: I am ordered to be the first to surrender (unto Him). And be not thou (O Muhammad) of the idolaters.

006.163 He hath no partner. This am I commanded, and I am first of those who surrender (unto Him).

007.143 And when Moses came to Our appointed tryst and his Lord had spoken unto him, he said: My Lord! Show me (Thy Self), that I may gaze upon Thee. He said: Thou wilt not see Me, but gaze upon the mountain! If it stand still in its place, then thou wilt see Me. And when his Lord revealed (His) glory to the mountain He sent it crashing down. And Moses fell down senseless. And when he woke he said: Glory unto Thee! I turn unto Thee repentant, and I am the first of (true) believers.

026.051 Lo! we ardently hope that our Lord will forgive us our sins because we are the first of the believers.

002.127 And when Abraham and Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House, (Abraham prayed): Our Lord! Accept from us (this duty). Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Hearer, the Knower.

002.128 Our Lord! And make us submissive unto Thee and of our seed a nation submissive unto Thee, and show us our ways of worship, and relent toward us. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Relenting, the Merciful.

002.129 Our Lord! And raise up in their midst a messenger from among them who shall recite unto them Thy revelations, and shall instruct them in the Scripture and in wisdom and shall make them grow. Lo! Thou, only Thou, art the Mighty, Wise.

002.130 And who forsaketh the religion of Abraham save him who befooleth himself? Verily We chose him in the world, and lo! in the Hereafter he is among the righteous.

002.131 When his Lord said unto him: Surrender! he said: I have surrendered to the Lord of the Worlds.

002.132 The same did Abraham enjoin upon his sons, and also Jacob, (saying): O my sons! Lo! Allah hath chosen for you the (true) religion; therefore die not save as men who have surrendered (unto Him).

002.133 Or were ye present when death came to Jacob, when he said unto his sons: What will ye worship after me ? They said: We shall worship thy God, the God of thy fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac, One God, and unto Him we have surrendered.

003.067 Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah), and he was not of the idolaters.

002.037 Then Adam received from his Lord words (of revelation), and He relented toward him. Lo! He is the relenting, the Merciful.

The people referred by name, as you put it is misleading. The Prophets\Messengers concerned are simply stating that are prepared to surrender there will to God. If you see a contradiction in these verse, please share.

You see, I’m happy to tackle, within reason of course, any issues you have and debate them. You on the other hand are not.

. . . and is here rather to preach

007.164 And when a community among them said: Why preach ye to a folk whom Allah is about to destroy or punish with an awful doom, they said: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord, and that haply they may ward off (evil).

Aziz. Would you please desist from attacking the participants and focus on the issues?

You have claimed that the divinity of the Quran is proven because it revealed facts that preceded later scientific understanding.

I have asked you to show me these passages in the Quran and explain how you come to this conclusion.

Galaxiom, I only give what I get. If people attack me you have nothing to say. I wonder why that is? I am focusing on the issues. You are obviously not reading my posts clearly enough. This is proven by your last statement. You know full well I have given many Qur’anic passages. If you choose to ignore them, there is not much I can do about.
"if the day of judgement is real that is" - as for the rest of it - i'm sorry to say TL;DR
Aziz, what it boils down to is that you are every bit as much a fundamentalist fanatic as Bladerunner, and every bit as dishonest. You requested a single incident of the Qu'ran contradicting itself; I provided well over 100. You have since then done nothing but attempt to move the goalposts, and failing that, avoid discussion on your original topic ("NOTHING in the Qu'ran contradicts itself") by re-routing the discussion to certain individual items by producing dissertation-length arguments that basically boil down to 'the text doesn't REALLY say what it says'. Your offer was disingenuous at best and dishonest at worst, and you have shown not a single inclination toward actually participating in a discussion.

Instead, your purpose here is to convert us all to your branch of Islam, and I will grant that you at least go about it in a friendlier way than did Dick7Access and Bladerunner. However, your method is still basically the same - you throw quote after quote, twist logic into an unrecognizable pretzel in order 'prove' the Qu'ran says something it doesn't, and in the end, base your arguments on the Qu'ran claiming that it is, itself, infallible.

If you ever want to win converts, you don't do it by method that any more than Blade or Dick will win converts with their approach of 'if you don't follow my beliefs, you will be tortured forever', nor do you do it by distorting your holy book to force it to 'agree' with known scientific principles, and you ESPECIALLY don't do it by rhetorical tricks and logical fallacies. If you want to convince anyone, stop playing the martyr card, and prove that a) The Qu'ran is OBJECTIVELY rational (including laying off the Word of God nonsense - non-believers will NEVER accept that as an argument), and b) The rules and teachings therein best reflect the world we live in.

Stop insulting those you are trying to convert. Claiming we were born Muslim but led astray immediately sets up an 'us vs them' atmosphere by placing blame on one's parents and upbringing, which will put almost everyone off right from the start, and claiming that people disagree with you because they're deceitful or outright evil slams the door shut on ANY possibility of that person listening to your message. Until you learn to approach your audience with something more rational than "You're all actually apostate Muslims, now read the Qu'ran because it was written by Allah and every world is literal perfection", you will never change anyone's mind.

For the record, rejecting your blatantly illogical, patently ludicrous, and somewhat offensive claims is hardly rejecting truth; what it is is refusing to exchange truth, logic, and rationality for lies, fantasy, zeolatry, and a truly staggering level of sanctimoniousness. You're just less in-your-face about it than most fanatics.
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Of the asylum?

ps: Great avatar

Hah. Hah hah hah. :rolleyes:

And thanks - I like it. I initially planned on using one of Sinfet's Devil appearing and saying 'Nice place, I'll take it', but it was just way too busy when reduced to 50x50.

I like your posts but still they change nothing, You cannot counter faith by logic. "If one could argue with religious people there would be no religious people".

We can only hope for a live-and-let-live situation, although some religionists are getting pretty loud-mouthed and, sadly, beyond. If they want to live in peace they should leave us alone. If they want war, we should whack them once and for all.
Meh, like I said, about once every 5 years or so I can manage to get a fanatic to at least apply reason to their beliefs. To me, that in itself justifies all the tilting at windmills.

Believe me, I know full well that talking to closed-minded individuals is virtually always pointless.
Instead, your purpose here is to convert us all to your branch of Islam

There is only One TRUE God, and one Qur’an and therefore only One Islam. There are no branches of Islam as you put it? The different sects that exist are man-made.

I’m not here to ‘convert’ anyone. God will do that to those who deserve it i.e. those who seek Him.

It is for you to say how I am wrong. Just to say I am wrong is not a debate. I gave you answer to 2 contradictions, you have not said anything to show I am wrong; in fact you aren’t even facing them. If you do not debate in return, then the debate is very much one sided. I asked you to point out where the contradiction was in the contradiction you mentioned regarding Muslims, yet you gave no answer!!!!!!

It is not me who is saying that you will be ‘tortured’, I’m simply quoting what God is saying. You accept it or reject it as you wish. I will not be punished if you do the latter.

Stop insulting those you are trying to convert. Claiming we were born Muslim but led astray immediately sets up an 'us vs them' atmosphere by placing blame on one's parents and upbringing, which will put almost everyone off right from the start, and claiming that people disagree with you because they're deceitful or outright evil slams the door shut on ANY possibility of that person listening to your message. Until you learn to approach your audience with something more rational than "You're all actually apostate Muslims, now read the Qu'ran because it was written by Allah and every world is literal perfection", you will never change anyone's mind.

All humans were born as Muslims. If you don’t believe that, why should you feel insulted? That’s simply illogical. I didn’t blame your parents, you are assuming that. We will all be judged singly including our parents. One is not responsible for the other. Those who revert don’t get put off and accept Islam and their minds were changed. I have met many reverts during my life and I must they have all been very nice people. In fact they tend to be the better Muslims by far in most cases.

007.172 And (remember) when thy Lord brought forth from the Children of Adam, from their reins, their seed, and made them testify of themselves, (saying): Am I not your Lord? They said: Yea, verily. We testify. (That was) lest ye should say at the Day of Resurrection: Lo! of this we were unaware;

007.173 Or lest ye should say: (It is) only (that) our fathers ascribed partners to Allah of old and we were (their) seed after them. Wilt Thou destroy us on account of that which those who follow falsehood did?

As the Children of Adam (meaning all of us) testified to the One TRUE God before we were born when only our souls existed, we are in a state of Islam when are born.

Believe me, I know full well that talking to closed-minded individuals is virtually always pointless.

017.046 And We place upon their hearts veils lest they should understand it, and in their ears a deafness; and when thou makest mention of thy Lord alone in the Qur'an, they turn their backs in aversion.

018.057 And who doth greater wrong than he who hath been reminded of the revelations of his Lord, yet turneth away from them and forgetteth what his hands send forward (to the Judgment) ? Lo! on their hearts We have placed coverings so that they understand not, and in their ears a deafness. And though thou call them to the guidance, in that case they can never be led aright.

018.058 Thy Lord is the Forgiver, Full of Mercy. If He took them to task (now) for what they earn, He would hasten on the doom for them; but theirs is an appointed term from which they will find no escape.

043.040 Canst thou (Muhammad) make the deaf to hear, or canst thou guide the blind or him who is in error manifest?

041.026 Those who disbelieve say: Heed not this Qur'an, and drown the hearing of it; haply ye may conquer.

003.031 Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

003.032 Say: Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, lo! Allah loveth not the disbelievers (in His guidance).

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