How is this ISIS charade going to play out?


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 20:09
Aug 12, 2014
We see so many stories in the papers and the media - but so little in regards to strategic plans on how to halt them. In your mind what do you think the best way to end them would be ?

I'll start it off - i would say that we are being very passive in the ways of the front lines - dropping bombs here and there killing a few, when more and more join their ranks each day.

Very little attention has been given to the places that are already within ISIS control (for instance now the media is focusing on the turkey borders) - maybe start from behind them and work inwards ?

Sort of like a Pincer formation - Kurds can hold ISIS off for a while (Hell they have been for a while prior to the reports) while our forces try and shut them in from both sides. This cannot be ended with petty airstrikes, Ground forces must be deployed.

That is my opinion please feel free to counter my "Battle Plans" it will only further improve my knowledge :D and my thinking! :p
I wish it was a charade but these guys talk the talk and walk the walk to an extent that we have not seen before.

Bombing Iraq fed the problem. I don't see more violence achieving anything.

BTW. Your signature misquotes Einstein.
" The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. "

You will find a great many supposed Einstein quotes on the Internet that are simply made up, usually by people who seek to discredit rational thinking.
Thank you for your input Galaxiom - also thank you for clearing that up - i shall change it to something he did say about the same subject.

Also indeed they are a much more organised group than we have encountered in a very long time and we can not afford to tiptoe around the fact they are coming. Did they not launch something of an attack in Australia i believe, But they "all" got found before any harm was caused did they not?
We killed Bin Laden and that just made room for another. This is not going to be solved by killing.

These are people who have nothing to lose and they see death as glorious so they don't have any fear of violence. They have religion so they can be wound up and pointed.

Economic progress is the ultimate solution so destroying the place is entirely the wrong direction.

Education is an important step towards progress which is why they kill anyone who promotes real education, especially educating women.
Actually i do much rather the new quote.

And i have always said this! I'm glad someone is on the same wavelength as me - There shall never be an "End" to war - but only a pause .

There shall always be another person to target for "Reasons".

And yet i fail to see why women go to that place only to be treated as bad as the ground they walk upon? The only answer i can see is religion .....
I view the current "islamic wars" (note the quotes and note that is to those particular areas and not against all islamic people, before I am made to be a random Racist) the same as "we" christians (note we quoted again, I am not christian, nor were it only christians doing it) did back in the middle / dark ages with the crusades to bring the "true" religion to people.

Back then "we" killed a lot of people over religion, using horseback, swords and bows and arrows.
Our Islamic brothers are not doing anything we were not doing a couple of hundred years ago, difference being
back then no tv to broadcast it globaly, reaching both believers - among which surely supporters and opposers - and disbelievers
- scalability
horses and supplies only get you so far, cars, trains and plains go much further much faster
- killability
An army on horseback can only kill so many people a day, one man utilizing a machinegun (and enough ammo) can do more damage. Forget about poison gass, bombs (nuclear or otherwize).

If only all religions would hold true to their core, which all have something along the lines of
Do onto others as you would have them do to you
Love thy neighbour
You shall not kill
I view the current "islamic wars" (note the quotes and note that is to those particular areas and not against all islamic people, before I am made to be a random Racist) the same as "we" christians (note we quoted again, I am not christian, nor were it only christians doing it) did back in the middle / dark ages with the crusades to bring the "true" religion to people.

Back then "we" killed a lot of people over religion, using horseback, swords and bows and arrows.
Our Islamic brothers are not doing anything we were not doing a couple of hundred years ago, difference being
back then no tv to broadcast it globaly, reaching both believers - among which surely supporters and opposers - and disbelievers
- scalability
horses and supplies only get you so far, cars, trains and plains go much further much faster
- killability
An army on horseback can only kill so many people a day, one man utilizing a machinegun (and enough ammo) can do more damage. Forget about poison gass, bombs (nuclear or otherwize).

If only all religions would hold true to their core, which all have something along the lines of
Do onto others as you would have them do to you
Love thy neighbour
You shall not kill

Now i am not in any way religious but i do not see any problems in following the basic fundamentals such as Love thy neighbour and you shall not kill because that in fact is the morals of a good person.

We have already touched on the fact war is always going to be there no matter what happens or how many "pauses" we may have. There will always be a new "Terrorist" organisation to deal with so the general public can focus on them rather than routing out the true origins of why it happens.

Show something brutal they have done in the news (Beheadings) people generate a blind hatred towards them, which allows for governments to do which would be frowned upon if brought to the public eye. Main things they seem to go for is usually Oil (i know, i know, no surprise). I have seen this happen numerous times in the past - Oil is found in a place, suddenly a threat has appeared and ground troops must be deployed (Cough Cough KONY Cough Cough).

This however does not excuse the fact of the Crusades of Christianity and so forth. In my opinion religion has shed enough blood, how can people not see that if religion is kept in such high regard only more blood shed shall follow.

Religion should have an age rating - 18+ , if you weren't brought up with it believe me the outlook on it would be much different.

And again feel free to counter my opinions. It will only further improve my knowledge :D and my thinking! :p
That oddly enough is where you go wrong, much like non-smokers.... the worst non-smokers are ex-smokers....
The "mad-hatters" of religion are usually those that come to the faith later in life.
Im sorry namliam but would you be able to quote please where i am wrong? because generally speaking that does not apply to all of my post? in which part were you referring to?

Religion should have an age rating - 18+ , if you weren't brought up with it believe me the outlook on it would be much different.

Plus I am not sure about the Oil, on the other hand if Isis where in say Brazil, not sure either if the reaction would be as reactionary as it is currently in oil invested countries....

Governments should just place solar panels on every-everywhere (*, 1) and we wouldnt need no oil or coal anymore.

* Rooftops and all other applicable places

1 which obviously wouldnt be done because it would be allowed to happen by the Oil lobby or possibly the gun lobby if your oil hypotheses holds.

Plus I am not sure about the Oil, on the other hand if Isis where in say Brazil, not sure either if the reaction would be as reactionary as it is currently in oil invested countries....

Governments should just place solar panels on every-everywhere (*, 1) and we wouldnt need no oil or coal anymore.

* Rooftops and all other applicable places

1 which obviously wouldnt be done because it would be allowed to happen by the Oil lobby or possibly the gun lobby if your oil hypotheses holds.

Thanks Namliam - I'm not sure , although there are a lot of people who come to religion later on in life who turn out to be extremists, my overall point was when you are over 18 and religion played no part in your life until that point, most people would probably shrug off the subject. (religion would become counter productive) "i have lived without it for this long, why should i follow it now" would become a major line used :p - I show no fact in what i said there but it is what i would think to happen in those circumstances :D

And of course that wouldn't be done - if money is made from it Namliam then it shall not be stopped, which is the case with diabetes medication and so forth. (Diabetes makes a rough total of 250 billion per year to the government) money like that will and SHALL not be spent on a cure because that money would then be missed per year.(2012) That figure has sky rocketed from around 170 billion per year in 2007.

Oil has always been a big (all be it secret) cause for war over many years. the reason i included KONY last time was that years ago i read reports that KONY was raising a child army for years prior to the discovery of oil in Uganda, But as soon as some was found "This can not afford to go on ! Children should not be used in war!"
If only all religions would hold true to their core, which all have something along the lines of
Do onto others as you would have them do to you
Love thy neighbour
You shall not kill

Not read the books then, namliam?

Although these are the tenets that the believers would like to believe are the core of the Abrahamic religions, the fact is they are death cults firmly based in brutal, intolerant fascism.

This reality is no better stated than in their cherished Armageddon prophecy where everyone except the believers are destroyed leaving the planet exclusively as the domain of the faithful. They all have different ideas of who will be saved but all are certain it will be their faction.

It is this promise of domination that drives so much violence. The believers want nothing more than to bring on the "end of days" in their lifetime so they can be part of it.

Meeting them with violence plays straight into their game.
What utter rubbish.

take a good read Galaxiom - and tell me where is the last time you heard of someone looking for a cure?

The total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2012 is $245 billion, including $176 billion in direct medical costs and $69 billion in reduced productivity.

People with diagnosed diabetes incur average medical expenditures of about $13,700 per year, of which about $7,900 is attributed to diabetes. People with diagnosed diabetes, on average, have medical expenditures approximately 2.3 times higher than what expenditures would be in the absence of diabetes.

For the cost categories analyzed, care for people with diagnosed diabetes accounts for more than 1 in 5 health care dollars in the U.S., and more than half of that expenditure is directly attributable to diabetes.

Need i say more? and that is from the American Diabetes Association...
Not read the books then, namliam?

Although these are the tenets that the believers would like to believe are the core of the Abrahamic religions, the fact is they are death cults firmly based in brutal, intolerant fascism.

This reality is no better stated than in their cherished Armageddon prophecy where everyone except the believers are destroyed leaving the planet exclusively as the domain of the faithful. They all have different ideas of who will be saved but all are certain it will be their faction.

It is this promise of domination that drives so much violence. The believers want nothing more than to bring on the "end of days" in their lifetime so they can be part of it.

Meeting them with violence plays straight into their game.

You see, I am lead to agree with Galaxiom's opinion here - They must believe that if they bring on the "end of days" they will be a part of it. But then what happens if an almighty deity ISN'T real. then congratulations - extinction of humanity ! woohoo you did it!

Lets just hope the next species to inhabit this world doesn't pick up such things as religion and WMDs. I shall refer to what i have said in other posts ... Why oh Why did humans create things that would end humans? Surely no good could come of it? (Yes i know, war and so forth) but when the opposite side get WMDs too, then everyone is dead.

As intelligent as modern man has become. We are so stupid.....
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The total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2012 is $245 billion, including $176 billion in direct medical costs and $69 billion in reduced productivity.

I must be missing something. :rolleyes: How does this equate to the government making money from it?

Diabetes makes a rough total of 250 billion per year to the government)

May I suggest you study economics. $69 Billion in lost productivity is a lot of income tax foregone.

where is the last time you heard of someone looking for a cure?

Plenty of research is going into curing diabetes. The focus is on gene therapies.

Here is just one of thousands of hits if you care to Google.

Still I expect you won't let facts stand in the way of your prejudices.
I must be missing something. :rolleyes: How does this equate to the government making money from it?

Because you must be as naive as anyone if you don't think they wont take a hefty cut from this?

I bet you are one of those people that if you are lucky enough to win the lottery , you will get all of it... Bad news bud. The Government make money from next to everything.

May I suggest you study economics. $69 Billion in lost productivity is a lot of income tax foregone.

I'm just going to supply you with a link:

here's your reason

Plenty of research is going into curing diabetes. The focus is on gene therapies.

Here is just one of thousands of hits if you care to Google.

Big problem here is that they are aiming to only target insulin levels.
Try targeting high blood pressure as well then we will maybe get somewhere soon, yet again this is maintaining diabetes not curing it. - then yet again after reading this article it doesn't say anywhere it is a cure for diabetes - only to stop injections. in fact it says there is no cure for T1DM and refers to treatment A LOT.

these injections only normalized blood sugar levels in rats for 6 weeks... unless humans are being tested on yet, nothing can be proven. there's a big difference between us and rats.

"Even we were surprised that a single injection could provide perfect glycemic control for up to six weeks"

Try a better article next time...

Still I expect you won't let facts stand in the way of your prejudices.

Not if you quote things that in no way support your point it wont... :rolleyes:
Because you must be as naive as anyone if you don't think they wont take a hefty cut from this?

Your comeback is supposition, a very different thing from evidence.

That article talks about productivity but has absolutely nothing to do with loss of productivity from disability and illness. You need more than a random article that uses the word to make a case.

And you tell me to find a better article.

Big problem here is that they are aiming to only target insulin levels.
Try targeting high blood pressure as well then we will maybe get somewhere soon, yet again this is maintaining diabetes not curing it. - then yet again after reading this article it doesn't say anywhere it is a cure for diabetes - only to stop injections. in fact it says there is no cure for T1DM and refers to treatment A LOT.

You set a high bar for you concept of cure. Apparently in your strange world, nothing is worth doing if it isn't a complete cure.

It is a complex disease. What do you propose can be done for these people who have faults in the biochemistry and organ function they are born with?

There is no complete cure because nobody has found one yet. Different teams work on different parts of the problem. You denigrate the lifelong work of these researchers and pretend they don't want to find a cure because it suits your jaded view of the world.

these injections only normalized blood sugar levels in rats for 6 weeks...
That is a big step forward from testing and treating insulin multiple times a day.

unless humans are being tested on yet, nothing can be proven. there's a big difference between us and rats.
Well there isn't much difference in our metabolic processes actually. Rats are a very good model.

Do you propose we start testing on humans right from concept phase of a new treatment?

You have provided nothing to back your case and your smug arrogance makes you look a fool.
Your comeback is supposition, a very different thing from evidence.

There wouldn't be any real evidence behind it because for that to happen someone would need to release figures and no-one would have that figure other than the government. why would they give that figure away?

That article talks about productivity but has absolutely nothing to do with loss of productivity from disability and illness. You need more than a random article that uses the word to make a case.

And you tell me to find a better article.

This accounts for people working on a "cure" not the people themselves... it shows you how loss of productivity can ensure the loss of mass amounts of money through ineffective procedures which waste money rather than ensure it is put to good use.

So yes my article is relevant - in the fact in showing you how money is wasted in companies ($69 billion).

so yes find a better article

You set a high bar for you concept of cure. Apparently in your strange world, nothing is worth doing if it isn't a complete cure.

Because the meaning for a cure is actually curing something rather than maintaining it - is that not your concept of the word cure? :rolleyes:

It is a complex disease. What do you propose can be done for these people who have faults in the biochemistry and organ function they are born with?

It is indeed a complex disease which needs looking into a cure rather than looking for treatment. That is what needs to be done.

There is no complete cure because nobody has found one yet. Different teams work on different parts of the problem. You denigrate the lifelong work of these researchers and pretend they don't want to find a cure because it suits your jaded view of the world.

on the contrary my friend if you care to use google ;) many people have found natural remedies for diabetes and many illnesses and they are as cheap as a tin of beans. Trouble is you have way to much faith in government procedures hoping they will do it for you. It is called realism friend, living in a fairy tale world where people look after you and all of your whims.

there is one story - please use Google more, I'm sure what you will find is astonishing (Before you say the phrase don't believe everything you read on the internet - try digging deeper into Royal Raymond Rife and be amazed at what you find). They don't want a cure, they want expensive treatments and always have. Sometimes it's better to be a realist.

And one more nagging question on my mind - why are all research companies for diseases and so forth, all charities and not government funded if it is for the people?

That is a big step forward from testing and treating insulin multiple times a day.

Think of it like a ladder bud, no-one cares about the steps on the way up, its the top we care about. Indeed it is a step , but i can bet you it will cost a damn sight more than normal procedures today which then again sky rockets prices of "Treatment".

Well there isn't much difference in our metabolic processes actually. Rats are a very good model.

Rats are a very vague source of information for human tests since their metabolisms work in a different way to ours.

Chimps may be a better solution - but even then i do not agree with it, want to test something don't use defenseless creatures. Use humans that are willing to give themselves to science.

Do you propose we start testing on humans right from concept phase of a new treatment?

Above ^

You have provided nothing to back your case and your smug arrogance makes you look a fool.

I have actually i have linked many articles and poked quite substantial holes in your articles, also your arrogance makes you look like a fool by nit picking the bad parts of my comments . try answering the whole comment such as i do. :rolleyes:

If you have forgotten what i said earlier in my post so you don't forget to quote it. did you look into Royal Raymond Rife?
Keep it going Galaxiom!

I am enjoying this debate with you.

I'm starting to like this Forum page. :D

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