Captions on form


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Today, 21:57
Jul 19, 2014
Hi! I have a table composed of more than 20 fields. Each field I put captions. When I run the table, the captions work well and appear as I like. For example, the field name is LastName and the caption is Last Name. The problem is, when I make a form and set it to datasheet view, the caption does not appear. The weird thing is, some of the captions work fine, and some don't. I don't know what's wrong. What am I doing wrong here? Can anyone please help?
The captions property of the table fields is best avoided. It will lead to confusion when you come to write queries as SQL because queries must use the real field name.

Similarly table level lookups. The disguise the real data.

Tables are for storing data. They should not be displayed in the user interface and anything done to mess with them will cause grief later.
The captions property of the table fields is best avoided. It will lead to confusion when you come to write queries as SQL because queries must use the real field name.

Similarly table level lookups. The disguise the real data.

Tables are for storing data. They should not be displayed in the user interface and anything done to mess with them will cause grief later.

Hi! Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I understood what you mean. So what should I do if I want to change the field names in my datasheet form? I cannot find a way to change the name.
So what should I do if I want to change the field names in my datasheet form?

Simulate the datasheet with a Continuous Form.

Cut the labels from the Details section, paste them into the Header section and arrange them into a row.

Rearrange the remaining controls into a single row and move the bottom of the Details section up to the bottom of this row.
Simulate the datasheet with a Continuous Form.

Cut the labels from the Details section, paste them into the Header section and arrange them into a row.

Rearrange the remaining controls into a single row and move the bottom of the Details section up to the bottom of this row.

Hmm. Yeah I guess it's the only way. Thank you!
Hi! I tried what you said and it could work well. However, I am limited with the width of the form. I can only add fields that can fit in 22" width. Is there any other way to change the field names on the interface? :(
Never mind. I was able to make the captions work. Instead of clicking the Form button, I used the Form Wizard and just chose Datasheet! :)
I concur with Galaxiom. I dislike captions with a passion. Occasional I rename/alias fields within a query, when I am controlling what I want to do, but I would never ever use a caption.

I have seen systems where the caption for a given field is similar to the name of a different field in the same table. Why anyone would do that defeats me

Occasionally I might want to locate (all the) queries that use a given field, which is easily done by a instr test on the queries' sql. If the "real" name of the field is stored in the query, then this works. If instead the query shows the caption then this is much harder.

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