Is Mr Trump crazy?


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 21:54
Feb 22, 2002
I'm afraid I'm at a loss to understand.

It's all over the TV news today, Mr Trump is shown beating up another man at some sporting event. Is that the way you expect a President to act?

He says he wants to make "America great again" but with his ridiculous tweets and his paranoia, he is making the USA an even greater laughing stock worldwide. Can't he see that? Now this fight business, it's just stupid.

Doesn't he have any advisors to show him what a total pillock he is and how he is destroying what little credibility the USA had?

In Presidential Mathematics... 44 > 45!
Well look who has surfaced! And I am at a loss myself. Seriously thinking of taking up permanent residence over here...
In Presidential Mathematics... 44 > 45!

Beleive it or not, it's actually 44 = 45. But then, and I am sure this will be contested, that equation applies for just about every president since 1972...
Very sad to think he might get re-elected in 4 years time.
That's assuming he hasn't nuked the world by then of course
Very sad to think he might get re-elected in 4 years time.
That's assuming he hasn't nuked the world by then of course
I remember when Reagan was supposed to nuke the world, then Bush senior and Bush junior and now its Trump.

The Democrats are the only ones who actually used a nuke, and interned Japaneses American citizens.
Actually, the conspiracy theorist is me tells me that this whole thing is smoke and mirrors. He will be impeached as planned and the Pence will acsend the "throne". He would have never been allowed in a conventional election.

Maybe I watch House of Cards too much...?
Beating up a man? At a WWE event as part of the script... :D

But yeah, we have a toddler for a President. His twitter Trumper tantrums are hilariously not part of a script.
But with tensions escalating between the Russia/Syria and North/South Korea and China fiasco, is it really far-fetched to believe he would use nukes?

I never bought into the idea that Bush Jr would, he wasn't much brighter than Trump. At least he seemed to have a little shred of care about innocent life.
Trump, being the businessman that he is, doesn't want to nuke ANYTHING. That is an expensive solution. He wants other folks to take the problems for their own so that he doesn't have to spend military budgets on actually fighting. He's just hoping that by escalating the war of words that perhaps China will go whip up on Kim Jung Il and Russia will whip up on Assad. And then, other than being an instigator, he solves the problem without firing a shot.

Which, to be honest, is what SHOULD have been happening all along. The USA has been the world's peacekeepers for too long with limited help. The UK has indeed been helping a lot and I do not for a moment wish to denigrate their estimable participation. But too many other countries have been ready to let the USA do their dirty work, take the benefit from it, and then insult us for playing rough. Now that they see that their solution isn't coming from us, maybe some of them will actually grow a pair and step up to the plate.

Damn, in my own way, I'm beginning to sound like Colin E, just a different hot-button...
Actually, the conspiracy theorist is me tells me that this whole thing is smoke and mirrors. He will be impeached as planned...
Bizarre, someone just told me the same thing a couple hours ago... like, word for word as your post.

Uh oh, you're behind it all then, aren't you??
I remember when Reagan was supposed to nuke the world, then Bush senior and Bush junior and now its Trump.

The Democrats are the only ones who actually used a nuke, and interned Japaneses American citizens.

Yes, Republicans would rather we had gone in and slaughtered tens of millions of Japanese citizens and gotten millions of American soldiers killed in the process (which was literally the only other option). They also overlook that during World War II, the intentional destruction of entire cities in air raids was performed by ALL sides. They even overlook that just as many people were killed in the massive air raid in Tokyo called Operation Meetinghouse, as well as the fact that at the time, no one had ANY clue about the long-term after-effects of high radiation doses. Nukes were thought to just basically be REALLY big bombs that wouldn't require massive air raids and the casualties that go with them.

And today, whenever I see someone calling for someone or someplace (say, Daesh or North Korea) to get 'bombed back into the Stone Age', 'nuked until they glow', or otherwise wiped out by WMD's, it's almost invariably a Republican making that call and Democrats trying to find any way to solve the problem that does NOT require the deaths of thousands or even millions. Because apparently unlike conservatives, liberals actually LEARN from America's mistakes.

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I remember when Reagan was supposed to nuke the world, then Bush senior and Bush junior and now its Trump.

Also, let's not forget that Clinton was supposed to have literally murdered everyone who ever inconvenienced him, and Obama was going to:
  • Take everyone's guns by force
  • Take everyone's ammo away, THEN take everyone's guns by force
  • Destroy the US government because he was secretly a foreign-born Muslim spy for the Muslim Brotherhood (later, that changed to ISIS)
  • Conquer Texas and place all white people in FEMA death camps cunningly disguised as Wal-Marts
  • Take everyone's guns, destroy America, execute all non-Muslims and all whites, and hand the flaming wreckage over to ISIS to become the heart of the new Caliphate
  • Give Mexican cartels heavy weapons so they could kill all the cops
  • Stage 'false flag' terror attacks such as Sandy Hook so that he could declare martial law, rescind the Second Amendment, and take everyone's guns
  • Kill every Christian because he can
  • Destroy America so LGBTQ people can kill everyone else
Funny how you forget to mention all that in your haste to paint Democrats as the source of all idiocy in the world.

OH! And let's not forget Hillary Clinton supposedly running a child sex ring out of the basement of a pizza shop with no basement.

And while I'm thinking about it, let's not forget the EIGHT separate GOP investigations into Benghazi, every single one of which found every GOP allegation to be completely unfounded. Seeing as I was FRIENDS with one of the people killed there, that ongoing idiocy always pissed me off especially badly.
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Don't go forgetting that Hitler is alive and well living with Elvis in a WW2 bomber on the Moon.
Message exclusively for Colin.

I see you have made another shall we say, "Post" - no need to describe it... I wanted to bring to your attention a book called "The Power of Now" - by Eckhart Tolle... Tolle also provides many YouTube videos which are excellent.

Once upon a time we didn't talk. There is a major part of the mind that runs perfectly well without the use of speech, without thought, it has to because once we never had thought, in the sense of words. Words are a technology, an invention of humans. Therefore it is logical to assume we never had the constant bickering at ourselves, the constant anger, the constant negativeness within us. It cannot exist if there are no words.

At some stage the mind effectively divided itself into the real you and the "little you". There is the true you, the real you, this is always a nice pleasant being that is the essence of us all, even Donald Trump!

Once you are aware of this, use that awareness to watch the thoughts generated by the "little mind", the automatic negative thoughts "ANTS" coursing through your brain. Once you are aware, once you master this step, once you can take that step, then there is light at the end of the tunnel.

It is possible to free yourself from your "little mind" as Eckhart Tolle a would term it.. This automatic "little mind" can take you over, and can actually lead you to suicide. In one of his videos Tolle very cleverly turns this around and suggests that you swap the suicide, and instead of killing yourself, cause the actual destruction of the "little mind" the mind that provides the aggravated irritated aggressive negativeness.

In essence you can actually destroy the "little mind" not with any power, not with will power, not with magic, but just by watching what it does, not judging it, that's the most important thing. The not judging extends to when you find yourself angry, frustrated, aggressive, negative... what ever emotion.

Your "little mind" will turn to you and say you failed your quest, if the "little mind" does that, it is just taking you over again! So that's the trick, when the negative "the little mind" surfaces to take control, do not beat yourself up, smile and accept it.

You will get better and better at the noticing and the strength of the negativeness will gradually reduce...
Trump, being the businessman that he is, doesn't want to nuke ANYTHING. That is an expensive solution. He wants other folks to take the problems for their own so that he doesn't have to spend military budgets on actually fighting. He's just hoping that by escalating the war of words that perhaps China will go whip up on Kim Jung Il and Russia will whip up on Assad. And then, other than being an instigator, he solves the problem without firing a shot.

Which, to be honest, is what SHOULD have been happening all along. The USA has been the world's peacekeepers for too long with limited help. The UK has indeed been helping a lot and I do not for a moment wish to denigrate their estimable participation. But too many other countries have been ready to let the USA do their dirty work, take the benefit from it, and then insult us for playing rough. Now that they see that their solution isn't coming from us, maybe some of them will actually grow a pair and step up to the plate.

Damn, in my own way, I'm beginning to sound like Colin E, just a different hot-button...

Should have been doing all along? This IS what we have been doing all along, and it hasn't worked. We've been begging China to toughen sanctions for YEARS. It hasn't really gotten us anywhere. As much as China "condemns" N. Korea for their actions, they haven't come through much for us so far and they continue to show more and more advanced technology.

I don't think Trump wants to nuke anyone, but I wouldn't put it past his supporters in office to persuade him.
Conquer Texas and place all white people in FEMA death camps cunningly disguised as Wal-Marts

Damn, Frothy, I missed that one...

But then again, there WAS that headline from a couple of weeks ago about a woman found dead in a WalMart restroom, and she had been there three days. Says a lot when taken in context with your post! ;)

Vassago, I agree with you that so far it is not working. However, with Mr. Trump's recent events such as riling up NATO and pulling out of several multi-national agreements, it might be his way of saying, "OK, you're on your own. Wake up and smell the garbage heap."

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