Is Mr Trump crazy?

The real issue with the whole vote was that a majority of people who voted to leave, actually had no idea what they were really voting for.
Absolutely right Minty. They should never have let the politicians run the campaigns - there were lies on both sides so no-one knew who to believe. For example, the leavers saying that £350 million per week saving would go to the NHS and the remainers saying each family would be £4,300 worse off if we left. Most people realised these were lies, but where to go for the truth? In fact, no-one knows with certainty what will happen. It's a choice between going our own way in an uncertain world, or clinging with more certainty to a life at the behest of Brussels.
Politicians are certainly politicians, no matter the country they run. Most of them have no interest in what's good for the people compared to what's good for themselves.
Hence Mark Twain's comment - "Nobody's life, liberty, or property are safe when Congress is in session."
There's a big difference between the US and UK in the way politicians campaign:

1. In the US, to campaign for president costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

2. In the UK, the Conservative Party got into scandals and legal trouble involving 12 police forces because they had overspent on an MPs' election campaigns.

Channel 4 News says it has uncovered £56,866.75 of undeclared hotel bills in Rochester, which would have taken the party £53,659.83 over the £100,000 limit.
It found bills totalling £26,786.14 in Clacton, which would have taken the party £10,835.36 over the limit, and receipts totalling £10,459.30 in Newark, which would mean an overspend of £6,650.28.

The hotel bills, by the way, included these 'shocking' statistics:
In rural Cornwall, activists were put up for one night at a youth hostel at the Eden Project at a cost of £1,083.

In Taunton, 29 rooms were taken over 5 nights at a cost of £7,359.

In Glastonbury, 29 rooms were taken at the Travelodge over 5 nights at a cost £6,615.

In Tamworth, 35 rooms were taken at the Travelodge over 10 nights at a cost of £13,653.

In the North, 38 rooms were paid for at Holiday Inn at Bolton over 5 nights at a cost of £9,350.
For non-UK readers, Travelodge is the cheapest hotel chain in Britain. If you do the maths on those figures we are looking at less than £50 per room. This was big news in the UK!
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"Fire and Fury" on North Korea, does that mean they are going to stream Game Of Thrones there to entertain the suppressed masses and take their minds of making Nukes.. :p
I swear it's like two attention-seeking toddlers arguing over media platforms.
So, simple question.

Is Mr Trump racist?

Yes/no answer please, not some long winded confusing answer.

No more than the previous idiot(s) that preceded him... I guess that is a yes in a way, but I do not presume to know him.
Never thought id say this but....kind of missing the old days. Back when Colin, Rich and Brian were relentless in their attacks. Now its just sad! The old dogs have lost their teeth.

Not true I still have a full set, well almost, but my eyesight is even worse than it was and so I don't do much any more, the only reason I;m on today was to see if there was a solution to a mail merge filter problem. I'm glad to see that many of the old guys are still around and contributing and wish you all well.

Ah, I understand better now, Minty. It follows an old saying in the USA - when the voting public votes without thinking, they get the result they deserve for doing that.

A bit unfair that Doc, it was a case of not knowing rather than not thinking, unfortunately the debate was just a collection of sound bites and Cameron's lies about a reformed EU were more obvious than the leavers' .

To clarify - to me he comes across as insincere. Who knows what he really thinks or believes? All mouth and no trousers (as we say over here). But with launch codes ...
Obama and May are proper politicians. I think they believe in what they do, even if they stretch the truth sometimes. They also do it diplomatically.

Trump has the diplomatic skills of a pit bull. His politics seems to be run off the back of a fag packet (sorry fag is British for cigarette - no offence meant).

Kennedy, before his speech about the Cuban Missile Crisis, ran it past several people, even Eisenhower, before giving it. By contrast, Trump's "fire and fury" outburst came apparently from nowhere during a press conference, and his own team, clearly surprised, had to play it down.
Trump appears to have no filter on his mouth (or when he uses twitter). I do not even know if he consults anybody before he opens his mouth.
Brian, no offense was intended. However, can we be honest? How many people do you think just voted "on a gut feeling" rather than actually pondering over the alternatives?

In the U.S.A. we have another saying that is so true that it makes me very sad. According to P.T. Barnum (he of circus fame), "Nobody ever went broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American public." (Or words very close to that.)

People are their own worst enemies most of the time. It is the "herd mentality" that leads people to vote following party lines regardless of the merit of individual proposals. I would like to think that people logical enough to understand the vagaries of MS Access understand that even small actions can have large consequences, but there are those folks who vote some way simply because some other person they admire said to vote that way.

It also reminds me of the movie "Idiocracy" where the world has been "dumbed down" so much that anyone who CAN think immediately becomes wealthy or powerful or both. I actually have trouble watching that movie because I recognize the reality in too many of the scenes and it becomes a very depressing story. It is supposed to be a comedy but it hurts too much for me to laugh.

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