selecting multiple line of data from listbox/subform to form


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:19
Aug 23, 2017
Hi all, how can i select multiple row of data from subfrom/listbox to my form?
I don't understand your question. A subform typically shows multiple records. A form shows one record at a time. Please tell us what your business issue is and we'll help with a technical solution. But you can't add multiple rows to one form which is what your question is.
I don't understand your question. A subform typically shows multiple records. A form shows one record at a time. Please tell us what your business issue is and we'll help with a technical solution. But you can't add multiple rows to one form which is what your question is.

Yes! I am unable to retrieve all the multiple rows of data that i have selected to my form.
Please try to explain the problem as though you are talking to someone who knows nothing about what you are trying to do. If English isn't your first language, try to write the problem statement in your native language and use a translator app. Sometimes the results are amusing when the topic is technical but I still have no idea what you are trying to do.
Please try to explain the problem as though you are talking to someone who knows nothing about what you are trying to do. If English isn't your first language, try to write the problem statement in your native language and use a translator app. Sometimes the results are amusing when the topic is technical but I still have no idea what you are trying to do.

Okay. Currently, i have a table which consists of all the purchase order data and one purchase order number might have up to 10 rows of data with different fabrication and colours. Hence, i have a form which allows me to select the 10 rows of data that belong to same purchase order form and i have also make use of this form into a subform and place it under my main form.
The issue i am facing now is that i am unable to retrieve the data from these 10 selected row to my main form.
I hope i did not confuse you.

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