
Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:03
Jul 9, 2003
I've added a mentorship programme to Nifty Access Hints & Tips (A Group I manage on Facebook)...

Here's how the programme works:
You sign up, match yourself with a partner and get helpful conversation starters each week so that you get to know each other better. It's up to you how much time you want to spend together and what goals you want to work towards.

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Hi. The link didn’t work for me (I’m using my phone).
Excellent idea Tony, I received your invite on FB. Trying to figure out if I should mentor or be mentored!
Excellent idea Tony, I received your invite on FB. Trying to figure out if I should mentor or be mentored!

Yes John, it's an interesting idea proposed by Facebook. I'm not sure it's quite applicable to the MS Access situation, however I thought seeing as FB provide it for free, why not see where it goes!

As to whether to be a mentor, or a mentee, that's a good question! I think whichever way you do it, you will learn something. Mind you, my main mentor I reckon, is this website - Access World Forums, I know for a fact that the membership here have pushed me, pulled me and sometimes forced me to change some of my bad habits!
I think we all need both!

We are all adding a little knowledge every day. Some of us might not be looking for help as often as we used to, but we still have to look for it when we need it.
Agree wholeheartedly.

Certain things won't stick in the "little grey cells", and I often need to remind myself of a syntax or wierd function I only use once in a blue moon.
As of today my one mentoree is my wife and she thinks I’m a total ass. As her mentor, I think she is too willing to give up and let me do it for her...

Marriage...the number one cause of divorce!

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