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Today, 15:13
May 22, 2010
I was kicking around this idea for a while, creating a thread dedicated to random thoughts. Off topic if you will. I am not sure if this has been done before, if so my apologies.
Does anyone find it strange that Notre Dame fire occurred during renovations? And possibly nobody was on site.

Yes if you want to express a thought and some member changes the direction, don't whine redirect the conversation. If you can.
Why is it that when catching a train home to then catch a bus only to have to wait for it because it's running late. And yet if the train arrives 5 mins late I can see the bus leaving on time therefore having to still wait for the next bus. Just saying.
Everything that ever was, still is. We cannot destroy anything, we can only change it's composition.
Did you ever notice how at parties, people show just how pushy they can be with conversations that start with "I know this is really none of my business but..."?
Just a question, since I have never been there. Does the rain fall mainly in the plain in Spain?
Colin, if that was a dig at the 9/11 attack, you just stepped over a line. There is NO TIME when an explicit act of global terrorism is anything but a heinous act. Nobody died in the Notre Dame fire but the 9/11 attack took over 3000 lives. If you were attempting to be funny, that one didn't merely fall flat. It dug its own hole and buried itself.
Colin, if that was a dig at the 9/11 attack, you just stepped over a line. There is NO TIME when an explicit act of global terrorism is anything but a heinous act. Nobody died in the Notre Dame fire but the 9/11 attack took over 3000 lives. If you were attempting to be funny, that one didn't merely fall flat. It dug its own hole and buried itself.

Read into it what you want, it's your interpretation. I was referring to the twin towers of Notre Dame being substantially built in the 13th century. Other towers like Windsor, Yorkminster did not.

Nowhere did I knock or "have a dig" at the 11/9 attack.

I should have also have helpfully pointed out to Americans here, that Notre Dame is a cathedral in Paris, France. France is a country in Europe. Actually outside the USA borders.

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...snip... I always number that field in some multiples fashion e.g. 1,5,10, that I can insert one or more items without having to shift everything.

Ok, off-topic, well, completely off-topic so I decided to post here.

I have explained many times to my colleagues (non-database people) when at the final end of a process when files have to be merged (numerous pdfs into one pdf) to prefix the file names with a 3 or 4 digit number but spaced in 10's, just in case, as there always is, a late addition or two. Why they don't get it is beyond me, real head-banging stuff. :banghead:
If I was really paying attention, I would have written 5, 10, 15... not start with 1 because then you can't put something in front of 1 without having to shift items. Some people put their mouth into gear before they start their brain. With me, the fingers are oft typing before I start my brain.:(
Colin, you so typically take a knock at the USA that your choice of phrase suffered from your own past reputation. If you are going to post in a way to give evasive answers when called down, expect us to now and then call you down on what you posted just to call your bluff.

You know that I usually give you respectful answers and actually pay attention to what you post. So if you happened to notice that I reacted strongly, you might infer that this time you might have chosen less wisely in your comments.
You need to understand that one of the great British pastimes is having a moan about anything. Especially politics, the weather, neighbours, friends, shops, shopping - practically anything really - and we love doing it, everybody does it. If there's nothing to moan about, we moan on about ourselves saying how miserable or not feeling well etc.

For instance, you can introduce a friend to someone by saying something like "this is my mate Dave - he's a knobhead " and no offence is taken.
Why do you think Aussies call us "whinging Poms"? Because we are always whinging (moaning on), we don't mind, it's just accepted because it's basically true.

But - one of the best moans and jokes is the USA and Americans, it's on TV programmes, comedians do it a lot, people generally view the USA and Americans as a joke, especially now you have a clown in the White House. Any chance we get to moan on about the USA and Americans then we do it.
Any subject will do - we know Americans are racist, we know American police will gun you down for a traffic violation, we know Americans drive massive 5 litre cars that drink petrol like coke , we know American hospitals won't treat you if you're not insured etc etc etc. The topics are endless.

I know Americans will deny what I have written, that may be true, but that is the impression the USA and Americans give to the outside world, the thing is, when people like Aussies say we moan a lot, we think it's a compliment and have a laugh about it. Americans are offended by it and don't accept it even if it is true, that makes it more fun "winding up" Americans. I know if I did it in the USA, someone would pull a gun and kill me.

Thanks God the Mueller report included pictures, after 2 years and millions spent at least we have pictures of Trump doing unsavory things with Russian escorts.


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Colin, my response was narrow and specific.

As for the clown in the White House, I see him differently - but not necessarily am I defending him. I do not see him as a clown in the White House. I see him as more like a bull in a china shop, complete with the occasional pile of bilious bison butt blowout. (Always did like alliteration.)

There are toes that are out there waiting for someone in natural-turf football cleats to tromp on them and the USA's foibles are OFTEN worthy of some toe-tromping. However, the towers that fell on 9/11 are a point of sensitivity for some of us. Just sayin'.

Back off the topic...

I find it interesting that the reason there were no obstruction charges was because DJT couldn't even do THAT right.

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