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A prosecutors only job is to prosecute and bring charges based on the evidence, OR not prosecute based on the evidence. Mueller did neither, he instead made a political move.

And now the left will spend the next year dwelling on Trump, instead of finding common ground.
And now the left will spend the next year dwelling on Trump, instead of finding common ground.
The left is consumed by a form of hyperbolic mass hysteria otherwise known as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS). The left would rather see the country go down-in-flames instead of seeking "common ground".
Colin, my response was narrow and specific.

As for the clown in the White House, I see him differently - but not necessarily am I defending him. I do not see him as a clown in the White House. I see him as more like a bull in a china shop, complete with the occasional pile of bilious bison butt blowout. (Always did like alliteration.)

There are toes that are out there waiting for someone in natural-turf football cleats to tromp on them and the USA's foibles are OFTEN worthy of some toe-tromping. However, the towers that fell on 9/11 are a point of sensitivity for some of us. Just sayin'.

Back off the topic...

I find it interesting that the reason there were no obstruction charges was because DJT couldn't even do THAT right.

Can I just point out that it is you not me that keeps mentioning the events of 11/9.

This, Mueller bloke obviously got well paid in Trump dollars to arrive at a conclusion that was a dead cert from the start.

Except that he is paid by U.S. dollars, not Trump dollars. His staff members are all either Democrats or non-aligned. I don't know his alignment, but the people he keeps around him show that either he is a Democrat OR that he is incredibly liberal in his hiring practices.

And Colin, can I point out to YOU that you are often one to try to sneak in a sly aside with double meaning for which you afterwards have plausible deniability?

But that is hijacking this thread. I'm going to try to stop that.

I would want a copy of the Mueller Report for my bathroom but they probably would not print it on the right kind of absorbent paper.
The left is consumed by a form of hyperbolic mass hysteria otherwise known as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS). The left would rather see the country go down-in-flames instead of seeking "common ground".
BTW President Obama is not off the hook either, people forget Russian meddling in our elections was first noted in 2014.

As early as 2014, the administration received a report that quoted a well-connected Russian source as saying that the Kremlin was building a disinformation arm that could be used to interfere in Western democracies. The report, according to an official familiar with it, included a quote from the Russian source telling U.S. officials in Moscow, "You have no idea how extensive these networks are in Europe ... and in the U.S., Russia has penetrated media organizations, lobbying firms, political parties, governments and militaries in all of these places."

If your looking for Presidential collusion don't forget what president Obama said to Dmitry Medvedev over a hot mic.

SEOUL — In their joint statement to reporters here, President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev spoke carefully about continuing discussions on the sensitive issues of European missile defense.

But in an unscripted moment picked up by camera crews, the American president was more blunt: Let me get reelected first, he said; then I’ll have a better chance of making something happen.
I suppose the following could be filed under, "what peeves me off".

You spend some time writing a reply, checking some code, making sure it works, edit your reply, re-check code, make sure it works, preview your reply, correct spelling etc and then hit the 'submit' button only to find that AWF is down. Was up when I started.
I suppose the following could be filed under, "what peeves me off".

You spend some time writing a reply, checking some code, making sure it works, edit your reply, re-check code, make sure it works, preview your reply, correct spelling etc and then hit the 'submit' button only to find that AWF is down. Was up when I started.

Yes, and on the non tech side. I can't tell you how many times I have sat down to write a long diatribe only to have it go up in smoke. And the remake usually sucks.


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To all the UK members here: guess who's coming for dinner?
And in case you're not old enough to know, that question was also the title of a controversial movie in its day (IIRC).
As if things aren't bad enough in the UK with stupid Brexit- now we have that clown in the White House coming here in June for a state visit! Accompanied by his gold digging foreign wife.

The Queen has said that despite having hundreds of rooms, she is not having the racist clown staying at Buckingham Palace. Plus as its an official state visit, the joker is eligible to speak in the UK parliament, but the speaker (boss man) said he doesn't want him in the Houses of Parliament.

Plus there will be massive demonstrations against him and the USA for being racist and the USA policy on ignoring climate change agreements so he can continue to line his pockets just like any American.

Speaking of racist, isn't the UK shipping the Duchess of Sussex back to Africa? Or is it just more British colonialism.
As if things aren't bad enough in the UK with stupid Brexit- now we have that clown in the White House coming here in June for a state visit! Accompanied by his gold digging foreign wife.

The Queen has said that despite having hundreds of rooms, she is not having the racist clown staying at Buckingham Palace. Plus as its an official state visit, the joker is eligible to speak in the UK parliament, but the speaker (boss man) said he doesn't want him in the Houses of Parliament.

Plus there will be massive demonstrations against him and the USA for being racist and the USA policy on ignoring climate change agreements so he can continue to line his pockets just like any American.


He'll blend in well with the other Muppets we call Politicians that chant and geer at each other... waste of space the lot of um...
Speaking of racist, isn't the UK shipping the Duchess of Sussex back to Africa? Or is it just more British colonialism.

It will be very funny, if the baby is a throw back to her roots, imagine that with Ginger hair on top... :eek:
Speaking of racist, isn't the UK shipping the Duchess of Sussex back to Africa? Or is it just more British colonialism.

The gold digging American half caste called Rachel?

She'll go back where she comes from on her own when she gets the divorce settlement.

It will be very funny, if the baby is a throw back to her roots, imagine that with Ginger hair on top... :eek:

Speaking of Harry, he doesn't quite fit the princess Di and Charles bloodline does he? he is a dead ringer for a family friend correct?
Colin, you are being a bit more abrasive than normal, even for you.

Calling someone "half-caste" tells me you haven't left the 19th century yet. I don't care WHO she is or WHOM she married. She had NO CHOICE in parents. I'm saddened by your racist attitude. Not surprised, but saddened. What's the matter with you? Are you jealous because you just found that your heritage was that two buzzards bumped butts and you fell out?

As for Trump's gold-digging foreign-born wife, it would seem that you are upset because she succeeded in marrying into wealth, just like other women have done. Seems to me a USA woman married a guy named George some years ago. Someone named Camilla managed to pull a fellow named Charles away from a seemingly nice blonde lady. Now some brunette actress has married a ginger-haired fellow. There's apparently a lot of that martial mix-up going around. Often enough to not be worth getting riled up about it. So... what's your beef there?
I sometimes wonder what actually is racism?

For example which of these terms would you call racist?

"Paki" - someone from Pakistan.
"Chinky" - someone from China.
"Yank" - someone from America.
"Aussie" - someone from Australia.
"Pom or Limey" - someone from the UK.
"Ruskie" - someone from Russia.

We in the UK call a chinese meal a "chinky", racist?
In India they have "caste" system and "half caste" quite normal - racist is it?

Does the racist card get played too easily these days? I agree words like "******" are not so popular nowadays like they were when I was growing up, yet I hear black people use it regularly on TV, if a white person says it then it's almost a hanging offence.
I think the boundaries have been smeared somewhat so it's now difficult - what upsets one may not upset another.

There are also some people who like to show mock shock and disgust when someone is not "PC", they do it to give the impression they have a superior attitude and are greater or better than someone else.

Who knows?

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Speaking of Harry, he doesn't quite fit the princess Di and Charles bloodline does he? he is a dead ringer for a family friend correct?

Google an image of James Hewitt, and then look at Prince Harry....Nuff Said...
ColinEssex said:
There are also some people who like to show mock shock and disgust when someone is not "PC"

In your case we have to make some serious exceptions regarding your disregard for political correctness. I will be clear about this... if I showed anything, it was not shock regarding your words..

To answer your question about ethnic designations, I'll offer my opinion. Russki and Aussie aren't so bad, and neither is Paki. All are national abbreviations. Yank is a non-starter because we were called Yankees a long time ago and in fact, it is preserved in some of our songs. Limey is one that depends on how British folks see it. I know that Limey started because British sailors during the windjammer days had rations of limes in order to prevent the disease/metabolic condition called scurvy. I find Chinky a little bit over the line. As for the "N" word, I don't use it and I wish the angry "gangsta rap" crowd would either stop using it or agree that their use legitimizes white use of it.

However, in ANY system that is supposed to be based on the inherent rights of Man, calling someone "half-caste" is pretty much always bad in casual conversation.
I am perfectly aware of what the terms I suggested mean, I'm not a total idiot.

That isn't what I meant, I wasn't looking for a description.

Just forget it. I'm sick of the whole bloody lot of it.


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