NASA Study Indicates Antarctica is Gaining More Ice Than It's Losing - (1 Viewer)

If you pick and choose a climate model, you can scare the bejesus out of the less well informed.

Your comment is completely misreading the article.
The article you quoted is someone supposedly writing from the 2050s and looking back on the 30 years since the 2020s. It offers one of two contrasting visions of the future - the best case scenario.
The worst case scenario, written by the same author, is in this link
Worldwide, the air today is certainly not cleaner than in pre-industrial times. Ask the residents of Beijing, Delhi, Djakarta and countless other cities
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But your own comment misleadingly referred to 'now cleaner' which is completely untrue.
Let me ask you a totally different question. How do you get a link to 'unfurl' as you did in post #642?
It seems I'm missing something obvious with that url unfurl feature. Lots of people I using it but I'm unclear how....
It seems I'm missing something obvious

I don't think you are, I just looked at the post and it's just a normal URL link surrounded in URL tags. So it appears to be a new feature of the forum software.

Just a thought, It might be because I just paste the link in. I do not add the the URL tags manually I let the forum software do it. Possibly it makes a decision on how to display it behind the scenes.
Test link....

Doh! I'd tried everything except the obvious. I'd been using the url link in the toolbar.
Anyway. Success! Thanks
Here's something you can do right now to tackle global warming:-

I think the government should get out of the subsidy business, PERIOD! That also means solar. The government is picking winners and losers and the only winners are the members of Congress who cash in because they know where the government money is going.

The state congresses are in the tank for the electric companies and they are making laws that favor the electric producers over homeowners which makes solar much less attractive than it was a few years ago. So, now homeowners have to pay a monthly fee just to connect to the grid whether they ever take power or not. They also get reimbursed less for their excess power than do the other providers. Storage batteries are not good enough to make most homes self-sufficient so to offset the cost of the solar installation, they need to sell their excess back to the grid.
The socialist wing of the Democratic party just said they will need at least 30-60 trillion new dollars to start to fix all the problems in the US of A. Which does include climate change monies, rest assured it's being handled.
I think the government should get out of the subsidy business, PERIOD! That also means solar. The government is picking winners and losers and the only winners are the members of Congress who cash in because they know where the government money is going.
To a large degree, through various government subsidized programs, the US is already a socialist country. Government subsidies obscure the fact that many businesses, while they may be privately owned and appear to be subject to economic constraints, are actually beholden to the government.
It should be obvious. Global warming occurs because of politicians and all the hot air they blow out of their mouths.
{best Jimmy Durante imitation}Thank you, thank you. I got a MILLION of 'em.{/imitation}

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