Riots in the USA - just an excuse to let off energy? (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:41
Feb 19, 2002
The "Great Society" was a disaster. It is probably the single most contributory factor to the dissolution of the inner city black family due to the way it changed welfare. African Americans were rising out of poverty at the time and these programs stifled the growth and kept them back down and dependent where the Democrats want them.

Every bill that tries to solve a "problem" should be REQUIRED to have measurements to determine results. Did the money/program/law have the desired effect? That's what businesses do and that is the kind of discipline I had hoped Trump would introduce. Sadly 3.5 years in, although he has accomplished a lot, DJT is still fighting with his own party. Paul Ryan is gone but Mitch McConnell is still there obstructing or merely slow walking everything DJT wants to do. Hopefully, he'll be primaried and we'll have him gone in 2020.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 14:41
Mar 14, 2017
As it turns out, one of the officers "involved"
1) had only been on the job FOUR DAYS
2) verbally suggested several times that Chauvin not do what he was doing to Floyd
3) was repeatedly overruled by Chauvin.

I am not sure anymore that it is at all fair for this guy to do 40 years. He was being trained and protested what was being done 2-3 times:
Punishment should be meted out fairly, and thoughtfully.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 22:41
Feb 22, 2002
Apologies if the answer to this has been posted already, but I have looked and not found it.

Why did the police apprehend this George person in the first place? I would imagine even the USA police have to have a reason.
Also, we hear that Orangeman has ordered the military to assist the police to regain control. I thought that the National Guard - who were utilised ages ago by some states was the military. How many armies does the USA have?


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 14:41
Mar 14, 2017
They handcuffed him for questioning originally, with respect to a reported counterfeit $20 bill being used at a store. They then were proceeding to actually arrest him due to (allegedly) resisting, or something like that.

the National Guard is more state-based, and is usually thought of as their primary purpose to help with internal disasters, etc. It would not be considered typical to deploy them outside the USA (unless absolutely needed), and conversely, it would not be considered typical to deploy the national military inside the country (unless absolutely necessary).

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:41
Jul 5, 2006
As it turns out, one of the officers "involved"
1) had only been on the job FOUR DAYS
2) verbally suggested several times that Chauvin not do what he was doing to Floyd
3) was repeatedly overruled by Chauvin.

I am not sure anymore that it is at all fair for this guy to do 40 years. He was being trained and protested what was being done 2-3 times:
Punishment should be meted out fairly, and thoughtfully.
Sometimes, "justice" is unattainable. True "fairness" also is unattainable, too many subjective aspects. Consider that we are now experiencing a tidal wave of mass hysteria akin to the French Revolution. "Justice" and "fairness" are immaterial to the wave. Those caught on the "wrong" side of that tidal wave will simply be swept away.
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Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:41
Feb 28, 2001
Col, our military is structured in levels. The National Guard is like a reserve unit that CAN be mobilized, but the Army Reserve (which IS different) would be mobilized first - for overseas action.

However, the National Guard, being under the control of the state governor, can be mobilized for internal disasters and riots and pandemics. I don't know if it was ever repealed, but there used to be a USA law that stated it would be illegal to use the regular US Army (and other military) against US citizens.

You got the answer for why Mr. Floyd was being detained - suspicion of fraud via counterfeit money.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 22:41
Feb 22, 2002
So he basically resisted arrest, probably a strong man that was suspected of passing fake money. So it's no wonder he had to be restrained. If you resist arrest in the UK, you usually get handcuffed, and if you continue to resist you get leg cuffed.
So what do the national guard do when all is normal, just sit about waiting for a disaster or riot?


Local time
Today, 17:41
Oct 20, 2018
So what do the national guard do when all is normal, just sit about waiting for a disaster or riot?
AFAIK, a lot of them have regular jobs in addition to their defence duties because it is a part time thing. Methinks there are 54 NG units, to answer your other question. Not sure if TDM meant that only the governor controls the NG, which I believe to not be the case.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:41
Feb 19, 2002
Also, we hear that Orangeman has ordered the military to assist the police to regain control
Colin, please don't disrespect our president. We don't call your Queen or PM names when we don't like what they do.

Every state has a National Guard and it is controlled by the Governor. The members are obligated to work one weekend a month and two weeks per year and they get paid to do that. They do training when they are on the clock or projects that the state needs. They don't sit around waiting for something to happen. They have regular jobs the rest of the year. The law prevents their employers from firing them due to NG duties. Mostly they get called up to help with natural disasters but they also get called up to help with riots when they occur. They also get called up for regular army duty and many have served in the Middle East.

Although the armed forces typically are not allowed to operate inside US borders against US citizens, there are exceptions and many presidents have used them for natural disasters and riot control. In fact, Johnson used federal forces to integrate the schools in Selma Alabama specifically against the wishes of the governor. Trump was offering the federal forces to go in with the National Guard to control the mobs or go in instead of them. But the states most in need turned down his offer. They'd rather let business districts be ransacked because the locations with the worst rioting are run by very liberal governors and mayors. The Governor of NY, Andrew Cuomo was very critical of the Mayor of NYC because Cuomo wanted to send in the Guard and the Mayor refused because he thought it was better to let Macy's be ransacked as well as a bunch of other high-end stores in Harold Square. Maybe he's getting a cut of the money made when the loot is sold.

What would happen in London if a mob threatened Harrods? Would the police just stand back and let it happen?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:41
Jul 5, 2006
The insanity continues to metastasis. Just a couple of weeks ago people were being put in jail for "violating" social distancing rules and opening their business under the guise of protection the public health. Now, it's OK to get out an protest (with the full endorsement of local officials) if it is for the purpose of protesting. Apparently the "woke" crowd fail to see any irony in that. CNN health article: Over 1,000 health professionals sign a letter saying, Don't shut down protests using coronavirus concerns as an excuse.


PS: Remember that study that claimed that hydroxychloroquine did not work. It was withdrawn as "fake" news.
Two Huge Covid-19 Studies Are Retracted After Scientists Sound Alarms.
One undercut President Trump’s claim that certain antimalarial drugs cure Covid-19, the illness caused by the virus, concluding that the medications in fact were dangerous to patients. The other found that some blood pressure drugs did not increase the risk of Covid-19 and might even be protective.
Of course this news (above) comes out too late, in the sense that it has already been heavily used to damage the Trump administration..


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:41
Feb 28, 2001
Regarding the COVID-19 studies that got retracted:

Actually, I talked with a medical professional about blood pressure drugs. Turns out that the corona virus infiltration method involves the angiotensin conversion enzyme biochemical cycle that is also responsible for a specific type of high blood pressure. The A.C.E. narrows blood vessels in order to raise blood pressure as part of the "fight or flight" mechanism.

There is a class of blood pressure drugs that interferes with A.C.E. - in fact, two classes. There are ACE inhibitors such as lisinopril, benazepril, enalapril, and a few others. AND there are other classes called ARBs - angiotension receptor blockers - mostly in the "sartan" family, such as irbesartan, valsartan, losartan, and a few others. The drugs of interest are the ARBs because if they block the receptor, they would also block the COVID-19 pathway that infiltrates the body. But there needs to be a very serious study. An ACE inhibitor essentially would compete with COVID-19 for the receptor cites but the ARB would block them. The side effect of either would be lowered blood pressure. If you have normal blood pressure that might not be good, but if you have hypertension, either before the disease or because of it, then pressure meds wouldn't be the worst thing you could take, particularly short-term.

At the moment it is far too soon to know the truth about either of these drugs and I'm not claiming special knowledge. But I am claiming special interest in the studies since one of my many meds happens to be a sartan-family member.


Local time
Today, 17:41
Oct 20, 2018
Pat, this is the water cooler. If anyone wants to dis-respect your president here, he is fair game and Lord knows, he presents plenty of reason to do so.
Your admonition is especially misplaced given that he's (Colin) not even the one who coined the term here. If you want to call the Queen a name in this particular forum, go ahead, but don't wag your finger at anyone for expressing their opinion or disdain for anything or anyone. If that sort of thing bugs you, do what I do - stay out of it.


Local time
Today, 22:41
Feb 2, 2019
Colin, please don't disrespect our president. We don't call your Queen or PM names when we don't like what they do.

Although I think one should respect others at any time or situation but I also can understand when somebody calls your president names. I also believe respect is something to be gained, and for sure the way president Trump behaves is far from gaining that respect. The way he looks down at others, his childish and wrong remarks, his racist look to other countries and races, and the way he calls others names, makes others to call him names too.
The Queen never talks to others the way your president do, Her Majesty doesn't call other countries ShitHoleCountry, She doesn't send out tweets one after another humiliating others.

What would happen in London if a mob threatened Harrods? Would the police just stand back and let it happen?

I can't answer for London, but in our case, never, never, not even one person has been ever died while being in police custody, nor while being arrested. Nor you will ever see something like this in our cities.
Three officers standing and they simply shot a man on the ground. Who will ever believe it?

OR this:
Screaming I’m not resisting and I can’t breath and this is what three officers do....
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Old registered user
Local time
Today, 22:41
Feb 22, 2002
Pat, in the UK, respect has to be earned, it doesn't automatically go with a job title. Your clown in the White House is an idiot with his stupid comments and stupid tweets and his ridiculous orange colour. When he has earned respect I will be respectful, although I may be waiting a long time.
As for the Queen, she is often known as Liz in satire shows. The PM, Boris, is often satirised on TV for his bumbling style, he is often referred to in the press as Bojo.
Attack and loot Harrods? No, that would be like sacrilege- even if it is owned by a foreigner.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:41
Feb 28, 2001
Pat, the beauty of the USA is that we CAN be disrespectful of presidents even when they ARE doing a good job on some fronts. Sometimes it is directly disrespectful, sometimes implied. Consider the things said about Obama, who as presidents go wasn't ABYSMAL. I didn't like his politics and he certainly caused a lot of divisiveness among us. (Remember the "birther" groups?) There was "Tricky Dick" Nixon, who on many fronts was OK but he had a streak of conspiracy in him.

My feathers aren't ruffled if someone says that the guy in the White House is a schmuck. The question is whether he is doing the job for which he was elected. Trump said he was going to try to drain the swamp, and he has excavated it enough to prove that there IS a swamp. He ran on promises to try to gain some control over immigration, and even PLEADED with Congress to change extant law so that he COULD do something else - but they did nothing. He said he was going to unravel some of the incredibly anti-business regulations that have been holding back the U.S. economy - and he has been doing that. He said he was going to get the U.S. out of some unfavorable trade deals - and he has done that.

The fact that HE is good at ruffling other feathers means he WILL be a target. So I can't get worked up about it. I see past the media circus and see through the liberal media bias. And I figure that he's as politically CLUMSY an S.O.B. as ever held the office - but before corona virus events derailed everyone, he was making the USA work well. So I have learned to take the good with the bad. Particularly since there's not a damned thing I can do about it until the next election anyway.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:41
May 22, 2010
Biden officially became the Democratic nominee last night, what happen to his accuser? Same with Prince Andrew nothing but crickets. 🦗🦗🦗

The left runs the narrative CNN and ABC will not cover the royals in a negative light because they fear losing future interviews and access to the royals..

Just shut up and obey is the new mantra.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 14:41
Mar 14, 2017
I can't answer for London, but in our case, never, never, not even one person has been ever died while being in police custody, nor while being arrested
With all due respect, and in fact I suppose you could take this as a compliment Tera, let's be honest this has everything to do with the behavior of your people being arrested and not only the police. How often when a person in Japan is arrested are they behaving like a maniac, how often do they have a semi-automatic weapon on the car seat next to them, or are they high on hard street drugs? Are methamphetamine and heroin and semi-automatic weapons very commonly used in Japan??

and before anyone jumps on me for this obviously I'm not referring just to George Floyd but I'm referring to people being arrested in general.

for example, the gentleman in Tacoma Washington who died while in police custody was also high on meth and had an enlarged heart. Anyone who knows something about this drug knows that while you are high on it, you are at extreme risk of heart failure, nervous system collapse, seizures, and death. Add in a little bit of high-octane stress to make your heart beat twice as fast and you're a goner.

It's not all ONLY about the police. if you gave Japanese police a 100 heroin and meth addicts to arrest tomorrow I bet you'd see a couple deaths. It's the whole situation that must be considered to be fair.


Local time
Today, 17:41
Oct 20, 2018
Biden officially became the Democratic nominee last night, what happen to his accuser?
Why does this matter? Last guy elected is a misogynist groper; might as well elect a different groper as much as the existing one. It seems to be the only type of candidate available. At least you wouldn't have been able to say that about Pete Buttigieg. Maybe the accuser would rather not do or say anything to help the current groper get re-elected.

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