How does Access create a continuous form?

@adhoustonj, sorry for my slightly harsh reply and thank you for clarifying. I acknowledge, there was ideed a case for bringing up the ChatGPT output here.

I'd appreciate the value of you explaining why you think it is gibberish then?
A quick elaboration of my main points:

> The prose text contradicts itself.

"Unfortunately, Microsoft Access does not have a code-based method for creating continuous forms." followed by "... if you need to programmatically create a continuous form in Microsoft Access, you can use VBA..."

> it invented non-existing methods from thin air.

Central part of the intended functionality are the methods Form.AddNewField and Form.AddNewControl. - Neither of these exists.

> It uses methods not available in the context it claims the code is for.

In the VB.Net version of the code, the methods CreateForm and CurrentDb can only be used after adding a reference to the Microsoft Access object library, which was not mentioned. You also need to import the Access namespace, which would be a line of code and is not there. Still you need to reference the Application object to invoke the methods, which the code fails to do.

> Some comments describe something entirely different than the code does.

There is a comment "'Add a form footer" above the code which creates an (incomplete, non-compiling) VBA procedure in the form's module.
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@apr pillai
I haven't had time to study either of your articles as yet but for info, the download links no longer work in either article
Both show 404 errors
I am really curious how Access assemblies a continuous form. I tried googling it , and found out that it’s quite a special feature.
That is the original question. I don't believe it is asking how to create a continuous form with Access. It is asking how does ACCESS take the one row definition of a continuous form and make it function as a continuous form which is a different question.

The AI code, as I already mentioned, essentially replicates what the wizard does which uses the Class module written by the original MS Access team. The wizard builds the "single" record form and the form's class module enstanciates it as a continuous form. I believe the question is how does THAT work?

Clearly, I am on one page with this question and all the rest of you (except maybe George) are on a different page. Maybe it's because you've never worked with a language that could actually build a continuous form out of whole cloth rather than by using a template which is how the Access form class module works. Only the OP knows what his actual question was and he's not talking:(
That is the original question. I don't believe it is asking how to create a continuous form with Access. It is asking how does ACCESS take the one row definition of a continuous form and make it function as a continuous form which is a different question.

The AI code, as I already mentioned, essentially replicates what the wizard does which uses the Class module written by the original MS Access team. The wizard builds the "single" record form and the form's class module enstanciates it as a continuous form. I believe the question is how does THAT work?

Clearly, I am on one page with this question and all the rest of you (except maybe George) are on a different page. Maybe it's because you've never worked with a language that could actually build a continuous form out of whole cloth rather than by using a template which is how the Access form class module works. Only the OP knows what his actual question was and he's not talking:(
I wanted to know how Access creates a continuous form. I understand the confusion with the answer from chatgpt, how to make a continuous form with vba, but that’s not the answer i was looking for…
In that case, my answer of comparing it to the detail section of a report is relevant. I think the answer is simply that it is done the same way that Access creates a non-continuous form or report. It takes the template and applies the old "lather, rinse, repeat" algorithm. The only difference is how often it repeats before it stops filling in the available display-frame space. The issue about how changing something about the template changes every issue of using that template? No matter how you slice it, there is only one formatting/display template and the issues are of degree, not kind.
AND, as I pointed out. Only ONE record is ever Current on the form no matter how many you can see and that is the record your code affects which is probably the critical point.

Similarly, a report only has ONE current record at a time. The difference is that a form becomes visible as soon as it has enough records to display and the last event of the rendering is the current event for the FIRST visible row. A report does not become visible until ALL records of its RecordSource have gone through the Current event once as well as all the formatting events of all the sections. A report is "complete" once it is displayed.

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