Genital mutilation....

Yet, if you wanted to assert that "to generalize across all parents who hit their children, there is more inappropriate violence than not", I would be receptive to that, although it stings, and although I hate to admit it.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child" is a familiar admonition. The problem there is that we don't come with a Parent's Manual either built-in or published somewhere. The Bible doesn't offer advice about how hard or how often to apply said anti-spoiling rod. Therefore, there is an inherently slippery slope regarding corporal punishment. How much will be ineffective? How much is enough? How much is too much? How do we tell from one child to another? I don't know but I pretty much guarantee that it's a moving target for which the best shot is no shot at all, and pick something other than a rod for discipline.

I feel comfortable saying that if you and I were able to randomly sample 500 self-identified gay men, they themselves would agree with my interpretation and observation and at least state that they 'believe' (how would we definitely measure? but at least they have the same impression)......that taken on average, as a whole, the gay population is more promiscuous than the straight one.

That has not been my observation, but I will also add that there is this little factor - that before the Obergefell vs. Hodges decision (Supreme Court of the US, 2015), gay marriage was not permitted and gays lived together facing all sorts of laws aimed against same-sex cohabitation with a non-blood-related person who wasn't also a tenant. Prior to Obergefell, gays couldn't even legally live together without the fear of prosecution and persecution. Which begs the question of whether your impression of promiscuity was a case of people taking that which was available to them at the time because the stability they wanted was denied them. I don't know, but it is a question that must be asked. And if you look, you see that the clubs where nubile young girls and virile young lechers congregate for straight interactions also seem quite numerous. You see promiscuity because you expect it. I won't say it doesn't happen, but your statements betray that expectation, and such expectations lead to confirmation bias.

However, straight people cannot engage in sex with major safety concerns - usually the female more concerned with exploitation, deception and assault than the male. However, gays can engage in this without that paradigm, as they are of the same gender and tend to start out from a slightly more equal footing.

I believe you are incorrect about this, and your negative attitude regarding women's intentions suggest you may have had a bad time of it as a younger man. I suspect your view is jaundiced by your prior interactions - for which I cannot chastise you too much if true, because in that case you came across those viewpoints through the school of hard knocks - the best and the worst teacher there is. However, my experience with women is different than yours. One of my jobs before I took on the Navy contracting job sat me in the same office with a gay guy who unfortunately DID sometimes come up against the guys who want rough sex. Your comment about "gays being on a more equal footing" is therefore somewhat inaccurate.

Straights and gays probably want about the same contents of life, on the whole.

Yes, absolutely true with every gay person I have ever met so far. But if you believe this, then your discussion regarding 500 self-identified gay men tends to fly in the face of this comment.
You had CNN running articles bemoaning the awful Racism, Sexism, Asian-ism, and any other 'ism they could think of, to think that a white man DARE make such a conclusion about this parlor that he, by all accounts, hadn't been to himself.

You ACTUALLY LISTEN to CNN? It is a known, "woke" rag of a news organization that thrives on sensationalist stories to get ratings.
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There are four essential elements that an effective paragraph should consistently contain: unity, coherence, a topic sentence, and sufficient development. In order for a paragraph to maintain a sense of unity, the paragraph must focus solely on a single idea, point, or argument that is being discussed.

Yet yours didn't
your negative attitude regarding women's intentions
What in the world are you talking about? I was referring to the common safety considerations of an entire gender.

You must live on a different planet where ladies do not consider even their basic safety when meeting up with someone?? How in the world can you even dispute that point?

Doc you've gone so far into unbelievable and I know you don't even believe this yourself territory, it would have been a lot easier to just say I see your point Isaac..
I sense that you've changed quite a bit over time from a previous point in history where you were able to concede some of the less disputable points from time to time. I would like to think there is some completely benign reason, and will continue to believe that there is until I no longer can.

It seems you have become more creative in trying to twist everything I say and I'm not really sure why. The way that you quote me versus the interpretation that you imply, they don't even make sense to me anymore, like I literally can't even understand what it is that you're implying I can just tell it's something totally unrelated to what I said.

Hope all is well. probably just a lot of misunderstanding, not terribly uncommon for two people who disagree.
Regarding my comment about your negative attitude regarding women's intentions:
What in the world are you talking about? I was referring to the common safety considerations of an entire gender.

You must live on a different planet where ladies do not consider even their basic safety when meeting up with someone?? How in the world can you even dispute that point?

Doc you've gone so far into unbelievable and I know you don't even believe this yourself territory, it would have been a lot easier to just say I see your point Isaac..

Do you remember posting this?

However, straight people cannot engage in sex with major safety concerns - usually the female more concerned with exploitation, deception and assault than the male.

The way you wrote that, it could be read that you suggest women to be exploitative, deceptive, and violent. If you meant that another way, say it another way. The argument can be made that women will try to exploit horny men who aren't thinking above the neck at the moment. It can also be argued that women will deceive a man to get what she wants. I don't disagree that it has happened in some cases. The incidence level, however, can be another story.
Like this is the more extreme stuff, that I'd say there ought to even be legal repurcussions for. First a Republican president who makes sure notice is served to anyone who claims to be crazy enough to actually think it's OK, and later, criminal consequences for those who keep trying to sexually molest the thinking of children

The way you wrote that, it could be read that you suggest women to be exploitative, deceptive, and violent.
No, Doc, there is no possible way a rational person could have interpreted it that way.

It obviously means that the female is more concerned to protect herself from exploitation, deception, and violence.

Do you really live on a planet where when men and women engage in starting-up relationships, the female isn't a bit more concerned with her safety than the man is with his ????? C'mon. Your repeated attempts to quote what I've said and then cast it in the most either embarassing or ludicrious light possible is starting to get to me, patient as I try to be
Do you really live on a planet where when men and women engage in starting-up relationships, the female isn't a bit more concerned with her safety than the man is with his ?????

Actually, yes - for different reasons. Or lets at least say "equally concerned but over different possibilities." Particularly since the MeToo movement, men worry about a woman getting second thoughts and playing the "sexual assault" card. You'll dismiss this, perhaps, but you should not. How many times has Maury or Jerry Springer had a woman claiming "He's my baby's daddy" only to find out it wasn't so? OK, maybe that is the ugly underbelly of society - but it happens. I believe in BOTH parties being responsible for what they do. But there are times when the level of honesty is asymmetric. There is also the issue of being a disease carrier, which knows no gender or gender preference.

Your repeated attempts to quote what I've said and then cast it in the most either embarassing or ludicrious light possible is starting to get to me, patient as I try to be

When I see an ambiguity, I work on it. But there actually is a common undercurrent. Look up the method of argument called "reductio ad absurdam" to understand my preferred style. I have been trying to show you that your religious background makes you predisposed to look at gays as though they are unequivocally diseased or immoral or criminal (depending on exactly which direction we were going at the time.) But they are not. They are PEOPLE almost exactly like you and me. They cry, they bleed, they struggle with life and its inherent negative fairness (i.e. bad stuff happens to folks ecumenically, randomly, without favorites.) You do not appear to be willing to at least recognize the beam in your eye while you excoriate someone for the mote in their eye. (See also Matt. 7:3)

We are all imperfect. Those imperfections go all over the place. It is incredibly important to acknowledge that. You are a religious man so you will know this to be true. Even a former Protestant like me remembers some things. What was one of the important lessons that Jesus pushed? Forgiveness. Check Matt 6:5-13 to see that forgiveness is worthy of being included in the Lord's Prayer, but also consider Matt 6:14-15, which is not in the prayer but gives the reason for Matt 6:12 (the forgiveness part) to be included in the prayer.

If you can't forgive people for being so utterly unkind as to be gay through no fault of their own, what does that say about you?
Actually, yes - for different reasons. Or lets at least say "equally concerned but over different possibilities." Particularly since the MeToo movement, men worry about a woman getting second thoughts and playing the "sexual assault" card. You'll dismiss this, perhaps, but you should not. How many times has Maury or Jerry Springer had a woman claiming "He's my baby's daddy" only to find out it wasn't so? OK, maybe that is the ugly underbelly of society - but it happens. I believe in BOTH parties being responsible for what they do. But there are times when the level of honesty is asymmetric. There is also the issue of being a disease carrier, which knows no gender or gender preference.

When I see an ambiguity, I work on it. But there actually is a common undercurrent. Look up the method of argument called "reductio ad absurdam" to understand my preferred style. I have been trying to show you that your religious background makes you predisposed to look at gays as though they are unequivocally diseased or immoral or criminal (depending on exactly which direction we were going at the time.) But they are not. They are PEOPLE almost exactly like you and me. They cry, they bleed, they struggle with life and its inherent negative fairness (i.e. bad stuff happens to folks ecumenically, randomly, without favorites.) You do not appear to be willing to at least recognize the beam in your eye while you excoriate someone for the mote in their eye. (See also Matt. 7:3)

We are all imperfect. Those imperfections go all over the place. It is incredibly important to acknowledge that. You are a religious man so you will know this to be true. Even a former Protestant like me remembers some things. What was one of the important lessons that Jesus pushed? Forgiveness. Check Matt 6:5-13 to see that forgiveness is worthy of being included in the Lord's Prayer, but also consider Matt 6:14-15, which is not in the prayer but gives the reason for Matt 6:12 (the forgiveness part) to be included in the prayer.

If you can't forgive people for being so utterly unkind as to be gay through no fault of their own, what does that say about you?

I think you're over-thinking what I originally said.

All I am saying is that males and females have different levels of concern about their own personal safety when forming new, romantic type relationships.

Are you saying you DISAGREE with that?

Apparently, however I said it was either confusing or an opportunity to be twisted into something very strange, like I was saying females are violent or something? Which I was not?
And then following that point, I was merely pointing out what I believe is the most fundamental, universal type of reason that can't-be-avoided, of WHY - the "WHY" - behind why it seems that gays can more easily and safely engage in sex-only trysts.

I'll be curious for your answer, if you are actually saying that where you live, straight females are equally open to engaging in sex-only trysts with strangers as males would be - If you say that I'll know you are not being honest, because I can't see anyone who has been in this world any length of time would say that.

Maybe we live on different planets. In my lifetime I have seen next-to-zero evidence of a place where females regularly engage in sex with males on a last-minute, stranger-to-stranger basis without the usual "dating" type atmosphere that precedes it - but maybe New Orleans is indeed a different planet, with females the likes of which I've never encountered before! :)

If you have actually witnessed that on a regular basis, I'm pretty sure I speak for all of male-kind when I say: Please share the name of the app. LOL...kidding, of course
I'll make an admission here. When I was in college, the women were hornier than a Texas horned toad. After I graduated and entered my first real job, the women were frequently already married and only a few of them were aggressive. At the time, I couldn't do anything because I was distracted with my mother's declining health. After she passed, I rejoined the dating scene and based on what I saw at various events, there were still a lot of women hot to trot. However, by that time, (forgive me for how cruel this might sound) the buffet table had been thoroughly picked over. I met my wife (now of nearly 29 years) at a church-sponsored dance but she was the exception, the jewel, the prize. I'll admit it freely, I got lucky and after all this time we are still together. So my experience with the overly eager women was a few years back. Isaac, I can only tell you what I saw when I saw it. If things have changed since then, OK. But I emphatically suggest that attributing promiscuity as a gay thing is wrong. Straight folks are just as horny. They HAVE to be, because it is the same reproductive drives for both. The sex drive doesn't change, only the focus of interest changes. Therefore, you might wish to consider that some of what you are hearing is exaggeration brought on by folks who are trying to focus excessive attention. Just like Hitler focused undue attention on Jews, 7th Day Adventists, gypsies, and a few other ethnic or social groups. They were people - but they were turned into scapegoats.
Therefore, you might wish to consider that some of what you are hearing is exaggeration brought on by folks who are trying to focus excessive attention

Nope - it's just plainly observing the existence of Craigslist and Backpage sections, apps, and my personal experience with the gay community (for reasons other than sexuality), wherein I realized there were large and well connected groups involving high volumes of people who got together regularly with strangers for no purpose other than sex, with little to no safety type verifications of any kind. Never quite seen anything like that in the straight world! But OK.
There is again a flaw in that logic. Drawing conclusions from Craigslist and Backpage and other apps is actually putting the cart before the horse, so to speak. Your conclusions regarding ads are on shaky ground.

When Willie Sutton, a notorious bank robber, was interviewed a long time ago, the interviewer asked him, "Why did you rob so many banks?" His answer? "That's where they keep the money."

It is like asking "Why are there so many fish in the ocean?" "Because that is the only place they can live."

If you see a plethora of ads in certain places and try to draw some conclusions about why there are so many, the answer MIGHT be so simple as "because that is a place that will run the ads." If there are places that will not run such ads (and you KNOW that MANY sites will not), then you would expect to see a disproportionate number of ads in places that WILL accept them.
I dunno, man - ask someone who pawed around the web extensively between 1998 and 2015, I think they will give you the same answer.....the gay sex scene is quite a bit different, in both willingness and volume, than the straight one. Everyone is probably having a lot of sex, but of course what I am pointing out is the preludes, the precautions, the protocol, etc. etc.

I'm 43, I've never come across a female who offers herself for sex to random strangers without money being involved, but maybe I just haven't been to the places you have ;)
I'm 75, and the generation when I grew up was the start of the "free love" ("hippie") generation. That may explain some of it.
You've got to see this blog composed of tweets from Matt Walsh. ..

Basically some counsellors, I'm not sure if they are even doctors, are pushing through the paperwork to allow people to get gender reassigning surgery on a whim. Exactly what Jordan Peterson has been saying for what, 2 or 3 years or more probably.

Follow.The.Money. !!!

Who in their right mind cannot understand that the USA healthcare industry is WOEFULLY driven by profit - Ergo, the almost child-like drooling eagerness of the major medical associations to rapidly approve and recommend one of the most serious things a person could POSSIBLY do....Everyone in the industry stands to make billions, and already is.

Who in their right mind cannot infer something from the fact that we take years to approve new drugs, despite the biased and secretive research data of the drug companies, who refuse to release the majority of their study data to doctors and the community - and yet, they have almost IMMEDIATELY approved something 100 times more consequential - such as manipulating body parts to more fully indulge a cross dressing fetish, or the standard and nearly-worldwise-universal typical confusion that a young adolescent feels about what is happening with their body, their desires, and other people.

Add in the influence of tik tok and social media, wherein the coolest thing you can possibly do is announce you are something-other-than-conventional, and you have a situation that is so obviously wrong it continues to shock me how gullible people are.

But even greater than that shock, such that I can't find any words for it, is to realize that some people are not just "ok" with it ... they're aggressively pushing it, such that their state government will literally pay people to come from other states just to get it done - such that California and Minnesote are passing laws so if a child is travelling with their parents INTO ca or mn temporarily on vacation, the CA or MN Child Protective Services departments can take temporary custody of the child, against the parent's wishes, for the sole reason that the child expresses a wish to have a gender surgery but the parent will not allow it

We used to furrow our brows at Disney movies which began to go to great lengths to display 2 men kissing or a lesbian relationship.
That's small potatoes now people, we've Slipped down that Slope so far that now........

Imagine you live in Missouri. Take your family to Disneyland in CA. Go on vacation with a son and a daughter, come back with two sons instead.
All while the State took your daughter away from you in CA to make SURE she gets that surgery!

I will hold back the rest of what I want to say, as I know from God's word that some people have been deceived.
Deception is powerful. A 3rd party observer sees utter insanity, but he who is inside his own deception "sees" a bed of roses.

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