Great interface design sells applications.


George Hepworth
Local time
Yesterday, 22:38
Nov 25, 2004
Greg Regan shares lessons he learned from a decades long career in Access development.

Unfortunately, many functional MS Access solutions look terrible, and that can mean potential clients are reluctant to invest in an Access solution.

  • The previous 10 or 15 years of great web design and phone apps have raised expectations for all applications.
  • We do “judge books by their covers”. We need to invest in great interface design for Access.

Greg is on a mission to convince Access developers of the importance of good interface design.

Please join us next Thursday, July 6, 2023 at 6:30PM Pacific (UTC-8)
Access needs a revamp to support animations and expose more ways to customize controls to have up-to-date functionality. Either that, or let the web browser control take over and let us manipulate its events in a more flexible way. Hope he's well received for those statements. I've said the same and got negativity back.
Please join us if you can. I realize the time makes it easier for people in the Western half of the USA and Australia, New Zealand and other Pacific locales.
I'll actually be in your time-zone then, see you there.
I'd love to be there ... but I think it will be 03:30 in the UK (UTC+1)
I'll definitely watch the video
Not just another pretty (inter)face. Greg Regan presents his methods for creating great Access interfaces, covering everything from fonts and colors for accessibility to creating custom controls to improve user experience.

AUG Pacific Tonight, July 6th at 6:30pm Pacific: Great Interface Design Sells Applications -
Even though I'm a night owl, 3.30 am is too late/early the next day for me to see this!
I will definitely catch up with the video though.
It is well worth watching and I will watch again where I will have the ability to pause so I can read the screen and understand what is going on. Lots of very good ideas and Greg is a good presenter:)
I agree, Pat. Thanks for participating in the "after discussion" as well.

I'm editing now. I should have it done by the end of the weekend. (Other tasks require attention.) And I can only concentrate on editing in shorter spans before I drift away and lose track of where I am.
It was a great presentation. Lots of facts and suggestions based on Greg's experience. The video will be helpful to many and an "eye-opener" for some.
I agree that Greg is a good presenter.
I managed to make it but had to give the Q&A a miss- Greg’s presentation was 1 1/2 hrs and I needed my sleep 😀

great presentation and lots of ideas, will be worth anyone interested in creating professional looking apps to watch the video
Patiently standing on my head waiting for the video. 🙃
It'll be available tomorrow morning. The transcripts and translations should be generated by then, or shortly after it goes live. If you don't mind, I am trying something new.

YouTube supposedly translates--using machine translation. So I asked for four languages. If you can, please take a look and provide comments on how good a job it did. I know, I know, you didn't sign up for home-work....

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