A Question about TIme and Criteria (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
Mar 30, 2012
SInce we, in America, have either just come here, or we are the progeny of former immigrants, how long, and under what conditions do you, or your family, have to be here before your blood can be poisened by new immagrants. A term that comes to mind, could be "Landed". Once you have meet the criteria of being Landed, then you are no longer a poisiner, but a poisonee. I cannot figure out the time it takes to become Landed, and thus vulnerable. Criteria is less complicated and finite. Could it be race? Could it be origin? I don't know. When the Irish came here in droves between 1851 and 1920 when did they loose their ability to poison the gentry? Same could be said of the Germans, the Italians, or any other group. I remain in search of an answer.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
May 22, 2010
That's a false equivalent, unchecked immigration is a threat to national security. Every country has the right to secure its border and regulate peaceful immigration.

What the democrats are doing is sowing the seeds of mistrust through the chaos at the border hoping to win an election advantage in 2024


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
Mar 30, 2012
Trump claims that our blood is being poisoned by immigrants. Simple statement by the ex President. So, by your statement, poisoning is generated by the volume of immigramts. And from the south? I agree that there should be meaningful legislation regarding immigration, I just want to know how and when the poisoning takes place. What if there was mass immigration from Denmark? Would they be poisonous as well?
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:21
Sep 28, 1999
I just want to know how and when the poisoning takes place.
Poison can kill, just like an illegal immigrant can kill. If that illegal immigrant ends up killing someone, preventing them from entering your country would have stopped them from being able to "poison" their victim.

I think the difference between illegal immigration and legal immigration is that with the latter you are better able to vet the immigrant.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
May 22, 2010

A thread started by @Steve R. highlights a Democrat mayor who excluded nonpeople of color from attending a Christmas dinner, care to comment?

I'll wait...


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
Mar 30, 2012
It could be criminal record, as previously stated.
So, you are suggesting that a large portion of new immigrants are criminals, and have records of their crimes? If so, what is the percentage, 80%, 50%, 10%? I am only curious about how the poisoning takes place. Is it airbourne? Sexually transmitted? Cross breeding? How exactly do we get poisoned, and what should I do to protect myself.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:21
Sep 28, 1999
A thread started by @Steve R. highlights a Democrat mayor who excluded nonpeople of color from attending a Christmas dinner, care to comment?
It's called apartheid. The Democrats wants to bring it back. They haven't changed the law, they just practice its principles.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 20:21
Jul 5, 2006
Trump claims that our blood is being poisoned by immigrants. Simple statement by the ex President. So, by your statement, poinoning is generated by the volume of immigramts. And from the south? I agree that there should be meaningful legislation regarding immigration, I just want to know how and when the poisoning takes place. What if there was mass immigration from Denmark? Would they be poisonous as well?
Biden is implementing "replacement theory", only it is not a theory but fact. Biden is purposely importing illegal immigrants for the purpose of bringing in people who have little if any affiliation with this country to create a new underclass of poor people dependent on federal government welfare. The US electorate, through voting, has the right as to who should be allowed to enter this country. People do not automatically have a right to be here. Biden's actions are racist.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:21
Sep 28, 1999
So, you are suggesting that a large portion of new immigrants are criminals, and have records of their crimes? If so, what is the percentage, 80%, 50%, 10%? I am only curious about how the poisoning takes place. Is it airbourne? Sexually transmitted? Cross breeding? How exactly do we get poisoned, and what should I do to protect myself.
You cannot transfer criminality via airborne means, but you can import it through your borders. I am assigning no percentage except perhaps 100% to the immigrants who chose to break the law by entering illegally. That act alone is criminal. But I know you are referring to those who have already committed crimes in their own country before committing their next crime by entering illegally. Their crime rate is likely to be a smallish minority, I would assume. Yet we already know some of these illegals go on to murder and ra**. Can you please confirm that if they did not cross the border that their victims would not have suffered from these illegals?


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:21
Sep 28, 1999
Biden is purposely importing illegal immigrants for the purpose of bringing in people who have little if any affiliation with this country to create a new underclass of poor people dependent on federal government welfare.
Biden is importing voters. Do you think he would have open borders if they were maga voting Republicans swarming across the border? He would have that Wall up in no time!
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:21
Sep 28, 1999
So, you are suggesting that a large portion of new immigrants are criminals, and have records of their crimes? If so, what is the percentage, 80%, 50%, 10%?
Respectfully, I think you keep setting up straw man arguments. Republicans don't believe much of what you are suggesting they believe. The brainwashing on the left has really got to stop! When a cancel culture dominates, you end up just listening to your own rhetoric unimpeded. You can convince yourself of anything that way.

If the universities started accepting right-wing speakers - without them being shouted down, or their talks invaded by radicals - then the students won't end up thinking uncritically.


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
Mar 30, 2012

A thread started by @Steve R. highlights a Democrat mayor who excluded nonpeople of color from attending a Christmas dinner, care to comment?

I'll wait...
I just want to know how this poisoning takes place, and you folks keep bringing up other issues. How about Sweden. if they immigrated here would they bring the poison with them? Trump said that "immigrants are poisoning our country's blood", I just want to know how that takes place and/or over whar period of time before you can't be poisoned. Trump made a simple statement, I want a simple answer. There is no false equivalence here. Maybe it has to do with climate, or the trade deficate. Anyone looked at area 51? I hear there are some aliens there. Are/were they poisonous as well? How about UFO's?


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
May 22, 2010
I just want to know how this poisoning takes place, and you folks keep bringing up other issues. How about Sweden. if they immigrated here would they bring the poison with them? Trump said that "immigrants are poisoning our country's blood", I just want to know how that takes place and/or over whar period of time before you can't be poisoned. Trump made a simple statement, I want a simple answer. There is no false equivalence here. Maybe it has to do with climate, or the trade deficate. Anyone looked at area 51? I hear there are some aliens there. Are/were they poisonous as well? How about UFO's?
One needs to understand their own bigotry before pointing the finger at others. Simple concepts.


Well-known member
Local time
Yesterday, 17:21
Mar 30, 2012
Respectfully, I think you keep setting up straw man arguments. Republicans don't believe much of what you are suggesting they believe. The brainwashing on the left has really got to stop! When a cancel culture dominates, you end up just listening to your own rhetoric unimpeded. You can convince yourself of anything that way.

If the universities started accepting right-wing speakers - without them being shouted down, or their talks invaded by radicals - then the students won't end up thinking uncritically.
No straw here. Just commenting on Trumps statement that our blood is being poisoned, and since he is a genious, and I am not, I just wanted to know how the poisoning works. Just curious. I wasn't talking about Republicans or what they believe. Only what Trump said.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 01:21
Sep 28, 1999
No straw here. Just commenting on Trumps statement that our blood is being poisoned, and since he is a genious, and I am not, I just wanted to know how the poisoning works. Just curious. I wasn't talking about Republicans or what they believe. Only what Trump said.
Plenty of explanations, but you can't hear them. And its all straw.

Maybe you would like to explain why the genius Biden accuses a black man of not being black? How does that work?

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