Trump claims that our blood is being poisoned by immigrants.
Do you really think that he was talking about LEGAL immigrants. Lefties conveniently omit the "illegal" part of this equation.
The man married TWO immigrants and so four of his five children are "half-breeds" .
Think for a minute about how your hatred for Trump colors everything he says
Yes, they are entering from the south but they are most certainly not Mexicans. They are coming by the droves from Africa and Asia and from Haiti and from Venezuela and every other country in the world where socialism has failed. Probably 90% of the world's countries are represented in any given month. The countries that don't send the illegals are the countries that are stable and functioning which is most of Europe. You can look at this as a race problem but only if you are one of the people who look at others and see RACE written on the foreheads of strangers.
I agree that there should be meaningful legislation regarding immigration
Is there some reason that we can't enforce what we have? When Biden took the oath of office, he swore to uphold the Constitution of the United States. His job as the head of the Executive Branch of the government is to ENFORCE the laws that Congress makes. Biden is ignoring existing laws and giving border agents directives in direct contradiction to existing law. That alone is an impeachable offence. If you don't like the law, CHANGE IT. You can't just ignore it. A country whose justice department picks and chooses which laws to enforce depending on who they like and who they don't like is a Banana Republic. It is not what our Constitution gave us.
So, you are suggesting that a large portion of new immigrants are criminals, and have records of their crimes?
No. 100% of the illegal immigrants are criminals and by calling them "new immigrants" you are conveniently ignoring the fact that their FIRST ACT on American soil is to break our immigration laws. They are "aliens" because that is the common term for non-citizen, it is not a pejorative and they are here ILLEGALLY. Once you are a criminal, you are inclined to commit other criminal acts. The most common is identity theft. My brother is dealing with that now. We don't seem to prosecute illegal aliens for identity theft. Why? Well obviously they need to steal someone else's identity in order to work. Duh! They're just good people trying to get by. Of course that means we could give a flying f*** about the Americana citizen who has to spend money on lawyers and deal with the IRS because they are persecuting MY BROTHER because some criminal stole his identity because they can get to my brother but they can't get to the illegal. What is wrong with this picture????
I KNOW for a fact that the Social Security Administration has computers. Everyone who works in the US MUST have a SS Number. Since the illegal alien can't get one without a birth certificate or green card or naturalization or adoption papers, he has to steal one. Do you think that the SSA could identify SSN's being reported on by multiple employers? Do you think they could dig a little deeper and figure out that if you have income in South Carolina as well as income in New York, maybe, just maybe, there is fraud afoot and investigate. Maybe take some of the 87,000 new IRS agents to investigate this particular fraud. Nope. Not happening, the feds don't want to know. This is not a Democrat problem it is a Uni-party problem. The feckless pieces of dog poo who call themselves Republicans are just as much to blame.
Biden is importing voters.
In fact, in New York, the Democrats were at the hotels where the illegal aliens were staying at MY EXPENSE trying to sign them up to vote. NY conveniently allows "non-citizens" to vote in city elections. But once the illegal alien has a voter registration card, he can vote in any election and that is the point. He needs these people to vote in 2024.
How about Sweden. if they immigrated here would they bring the poison with them?
I'm guessing that if you asked the average Swede on the street, "was it a good idea to allow entry to these unvetted, military age, Muslim men?" The answer would be a resounding NO. Sweden is now the ra** capital of Europe. Women are no longer safe on the streets of their larger cities. Why? Islam condones the ra** of infidels. That's the "poisoning of the blood" that happens when cultures clash.