Liar Liar Pants On Fire (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:11
Mar 30, 2012
Seems to me, that if you were to use a witness against a sitting President, that you would have the dude completely vetted before you use his testimony. Otherwise it could get embarrassing, when it turns out to be a lie.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 16:11
Feb 19, 2002
Do you want to let us in on the joke? Who's lying now?


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:11
Feb 28, 2001
Do you doubt for even the briefest moment that this is character assassination of the witness in an attempt to cover for the Bidens? If you ARE that gullible, I would love to play poker against you.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:11
Sep 28, 1999
I would like to know what they have got on this guy. If they are saying he is lying, what is their evidence?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:11
Feb 19, 2002
I remind all the doubters yet again of Biden on video, in person at a fundraiser, bragging about how he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold US aid. You know, the prosecutor who was investigating his son's employer? You know the employer that was paying Hunter a million dollars a year just because his name was Biden (that's on video also in Hunter's own words)? What, exactly do you think that Birisma thought they were buying?


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:11
Mar 30, 2012
Do you doubt for even the briefest moment that this is character assassination of the witness in an attempt to cover for the Bidens? If you ARE that gullible, I would love to play poker against you.
This is only one of the reports I have read.


Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:11
Jul 5, 2006
Seems to me, that if you were to use a witness against a sitting President, that you would have the dude completely vetted before you use his testimony. Otherwise it could get embarrassing, when it turns out to be a lie.
Seems that you don't really see what is happening. You get all excited because you think it is "big" news that one person has lied, yet you miss the greater story that the Democratic controlled government has been lying and using the power-of-state for at least eight years to neuter the opposition.
Then of course Biden lied when debating Trump during the 2020 campaign. That is very serious election interference, besides the fact that the press failed to report on those lies.
The there is the Hunter Biden laptop with all the associated lies and censorship of the story. Again the press suppressed reporting on those lies.

So isn't interesting that the press can somehow write a story on your "dude" but yet can't seem to report on the lies of Democrats and Biden?:unsure::unsure::unsure:

PS: Biden, just now, lied about Trump's NATO comments. Now Biden's handlers are trying to "force" home off the stage.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:11
Mar 30, 2012
Thanks Moke. Looks like they first wnated to get the Bidens, then this dude came along and they jumped all over it, without checking to see if he was a credible source. If all these media sources are lying, why are they not being suede
If all these media sources are all lying, why are they not in court? Why are they not being sued?


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:11
Mar 30, 2012
Seems that you don't really see what is happening. You get all excited because you think it is "big" news that one person has lied, yet you miss the greater story that the Democratic controlled government has been lying and using the power-of-state for at least eight years to neuter the opposition.
Then of course Biden lied when debating Trump during the 2020 campaign. That is very serious election interference, besides the fact that the press failed to report on those lies.
The there is the Hunter Biden laptop with all the associated lies and censorship of the story. Again the press suppressed reporting on those lies.

So isn't interesting that the press can somehow write a story on your "dude" but yet can't seem to report on the lies of Democrats and Biden?:unsure::unsure::unsure:

PS: Biden, just now, lied about Trump's NATO comments. Now Biden's handlers are trying to "force" home off the stage.
The reason they can't do anything to Joe is that he is immune from everything, he is a sitting President. Thus, he is immune forever, just like DJT.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:11
May 22, 2010
I even know where it is, right next to Hunters laptop in a a safe in Areas 51. I have seen catoons proving it.
Exactly, it's all fake Hillary opposition research that never existed. It was part of the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:11
Mar 30, 2012
I remind all the doubters yet again of Biden on video, in person at a fundraiser, bragging about how he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold US aid. You know, the prosecutor who was investigating his son's employer? You know the employer that was paying Hunter a million dollars a year just because his name was Biden (that's on video also in Hunter's own words)? What, exactly do you think that Birisma thought they were buying?
Turns out that might not be true. The part about the millions. Seems the source might be impeachable.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:11
Jul 5, 2006
The reason they can't do anything to Joe is that he is immune from everything, he is a sitting President. Thus, he is immune forever, just like DJT.
I hope that you realize that the Democrats have filed a bogus lawsuit to strip a President of immunity as a frenzied attempt to get Trump. Should the Democrats succeed with that absurd claim, Biden will be open to prosecution in the future. Democrats don't seem to comprehend that their malicious attempts to get someone today, may mean that they will be charged with the precedent they established in the future. That is an amazing display of arrogance.

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