Solved Rec.MoveNext not working?


Local time
Today, 02:45
Mar 25, 2021
Hi All.

I have the below code to look at a query and create an automatic email containing data from the query. There are currently only two records in the query.

When I click on the command button, my message box works OK and tells me that it has found two records, from the Rec.RecordCount.

It then runs through the rest of the code and creates two emails, however the data in the two emails is from the first record, and it does not pick any data from the second record in the query.

I can't seem to figure out where I'm going wrong. It seems that the Rec.MoveNext may be the issue, due to it not entering the data from the second record from the query. However as it creates two emails this may not be the case.

Can anybody help spot why this may be the case?

Thanks in advance.

    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim REC As Recordset
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim criteria As String
    Dim MSG As String
    Dim O As Outlook.Application
    Dim M As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim FolderPath As String, fileName As String
    Dim TotalRecords As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    ' Count records in found set
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)
TotalRecords = REC.RecordCount

' Get out message
Message = "MediPool will Automatically send " & TotalRecords & _
            " overdue reminder emails" _
            & Chr(10) & "Do you wish to continue?"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOKCancel, Title)
If Response = vbCancel Then GoTo Exit_CommandOverdueEmails_Click

Set db = CurrentDb()
Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)

For n = 1 To TotalRecords

    MSG = "An Equipment Pool hire item that is assigned to " & Me.[Ward] & " - Bed Space " & Me.[BedSpaceNumber] & " - is due for returning." & "<p>" & "This hire is currently costing your Ward £" & Me.[CostPerDay] & " per day, and has costed £" & Me.[HireCostSoFar] & " in total so far." & "<p>" & "Hire Item Details:" & "<p>" & "Device Type - " & Me.[DeviceType] & "" & "<p>" & "Model - " & Me.[Model] & "" & "<p>" & "Supplier - " & Me.[HiredFrom] & "" & "<p>" & "Serial Number - " & Me.[SerialNumber] & "" & "<p>" & "If you have finished with this hire, please arrange with the Porters on Extension 1188 to return it to the Equipment Pool." & "<p>" & "Thanks" & "<p>" & "Equipment Pool"
'Remember to add REFERENCE to Microsoft Outlook Object Library

    Set O = New Outlook.Application
    Set M = O.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With M
        .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
        .HTMLBody = MSG
        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .Subject = "Hire Equipment Overdue For Returning"
    End With

Next n

    'Completed Message
Message = TotalRecords & " emails have automatically been sent by MediPool"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOK, Title)
    Exit Sub
Where are you using the recordset?
I would expect to see Rec!Somefield somewhere.
Where are you using the recordset?
I would expect to see Rec!Somefield somewhere.


It's so simple now you say it ha.

I have replaced all instances in MSG of Me.[field] with REC("FIELD") and it works perfect.
Code is a little redundant. The normally way to loop a RS is to go until EOF. No reason to set the DB twice, the RS twice, and create an outlook application for each record. Also this code fails if no records returned by the RS.
Maybe something like:
Public Sub test()
   Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim REC As Recordset
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim criteria As String
    Dim MSG As String
    Dim O As Outlook.Application
    Dim M As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim FolderPath As String, fileName As String
    Dim TotalRecords As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    ' Count records in found set
  Set db = CurrentDb()
  Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)

  'Ensure not EOF or you will throw an error
  If Not REC.EOF Then
    TotalRecords = REC.RecordCount
    Set O = New Outlook.Application
    Msgbox "No overdue records",vbinformation
    exit sub
  end if
' Get out message
    Message = "MediPool will Automatically send " & TotalRecords & _
                " overdue reminder emails" _
                & Chr(10) & "Do you wish to continue?"
    Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
    Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOKCancel, Title)
    If Response = vbCancel Then GoTo Exit_CommandOverdueEmails_Click

  Do While Not REC.EOF

    MSG = "An Equipment Pool hire item that is assigned to " & Me.[Ward] & " - Bed Space " & Me.[BedSpaceNumber] & " - is due for returning." & "<p>" & "This hire is currently costing your Ward £" & Me.[CostPerDay] & " per day, and has costed £" & Me.[HireCostSoFar] & " in total so far." & "<p>" & "Hire Item Details:" & "<p>" & "Device Type - " & REC.[DeviceType] & "" & "<p>" & "Model - " & REC.[Model] & "" & "<p>" & "Supplier - " & REC.[HiredFrom] & "" & "<p>" & "Serial Number - " & REC.[SerialNumber] & "" & "<p>" & "If you have finished with this hire, please arrange with the Porters on Extension 1188 to return it to the Equipment Pool." & "<p>" & "Thanks" & "<p>" & "Equipment Pool"
    Set M = O.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With M
        .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
        .HTMLBody = MSG
        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .Subject = "Hire Equipment Overdue For Returning"
    End With
    'Completed Message
Message = TotalRecords & " emails have automatically been sent by MediPool"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOK, Title)
    Exit Sub
End Sub
Code is a little redundant. The normally way to loop a RS is to go until EOF. No reason to set the DB twice, the RS twice, and create an outlook application for each record. Also this code fails if no records returned by the RS.
Maybe something like:
Public Sub test()
   Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim REC As Recordset
    Dim reportName As String
    Dim criteria As String
    Dim MSG As String
    Dim O As Outlook.Application
    Dim M As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim FolderPath As String, fileName As String
    Dim TotalRecords As Integer
    Dim n As Integer
    ' Count records in found set
  Set db = CurrentDb()
  Set REC = db.OpenRecordset("QueryHiresOverdue", dbOpenDynaset)

  'Ensure not EOF or you will throw an error
  If Not REC.EOF Then
    TotalRecords = REC.RecordCount
    Set O = New Outlook.Application
    Msgbox "No overdue records",vbinformation
    exit sub
  end if
' Get out message
    Message = "MediPool will Automatically send " & TotalRecords & _
                " overdue reminder emails" _
                & Chr(10) & "Do you wish to continue?"
    Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
    Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOKCancel, Title)
    If Response = vbCancel Then GoTo Exit_CommandOverdueEmails_Click

  Do While Not REC.EOF

    MSG = "An Equipment Pool hire item that is assigned to " & Me.[Ward] & " - Bed Space " & Me.[BedSpaceNumber] & " - is due for returning." & "<p>" & "This hire is currently costing your Ward £" & Me.[CostPerDay] & " per day, and has costed £" & Me.[HireCostSoFar] & " in total so far." & "<p>" & "Hire Item Details:" & "<p>" & "Device Type - " & REC.[DeviceType] & "" & "<p>" & "Model - " & REC.[Model] & "" & "<p>" & "Supplier - " & REC.[HiredFrom] & "" & "<p>" & "Serial Number - " & REC.[SerialNumber] & "" & "<p>" & "If you have finished with this hire, please arrange with the Porters on Extension 1188 to return it to the Equipment Pool." & "<p>" & "Thanks" & "<p>" & "Equipment Pool"
    Set M = O.CreateItem(olMailItem)
    With M
        .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML
        .HTMLBody = MSG
        .To = DLookup("[HousekeeperName]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .CC = DLookup("[DeptHead]", "LookupDepartment", "Depart=Ward")
        .Subject = "Hire Equipment Overdue For Returning"
    End With
    'Completed Message
Message = TotalRecords & " emails have automatically been sent by MediPool"
Title = "MediPool Auto Emails"
Response = MsgBox(Message, vbOK, Title)
    Exit Sub
End Sub

Thanks for your help I will give this a go.

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