Form don't load on laptop


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Today, 15:37
Apr 11, 2022
I have very strange situation with my program.
I have the same program loccaly with backend and fronted in 4 computers.
In all situation databases are in the same computer.

1. Normal computer Windows 10 64 bit, Ryzen 5800X, 16GB RAM, Microsoft® Access® 2019 MSO (wersja 2408 kompilacji 16.0.17928.20114) 64-bitowa
2. Normal computer Windows 11 64 bit, Ryzen 7800x3D, 16GB RAM, Microsoft® Access® 2021 MSO (wersja 2409 kompilacji 16.0.18025.20030) 64-bitowa
3. Laptop Ryzen 5500U, 16GB RAM, Microsoft® Access® 2019 MSO (wersja 2408 kompilacji 16.0.17928.20114) 64-bitowa
4. Laptop, i7-12700H, 16GB RAM, Microsoft® Access® 2021 MSO (wersja 2409 kompilacji 16.0.18025.20030) 64-bitowa

Form with a lot of data didn't load in Laptops but works on normal computers. It's strange because compuer 1 are similar with specification as latop 4.
It's also strange because it works about 1 year ago and stops. I don't remember when it stops working. I think it was because more data on database, but I bought new laptop (4) and it also didn't load.
I know that there are a lot of data but in normal computer it loads data after 1s. In laptop all computer works very slow after that and ms access are not responding.

I try setting cpu affinity to 1 but it didn't help.
I try also to search forum and internet to find solution without success.

Do you have any ideo how to fix it?
I would be comparing version numbers, not computer specs?
1 & 3 are the same as are 2 & 4.

However, no idea as to what might cause it. :(
I would however have a look at Disks in Perfomance tab of Task manager as mine run at 100% active time for quite a while, before settling down.
This happens on this laptop with SSD as main disk, but also on my works computer with Hard disk. I am on Win11.

And bad
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I think about that but in my opinion it can't be that. Of course normal computers has better disk experience but not bad. I add cristaldiskmark information.

Program is connected with 6 databases
database1 = 100MB
database2 = 32MB
database3 = 68MB
database4 = 24MB
database5 = 204MB
database6 = 116MB

I think that it could be Windows 11 problem at laptops. I have Windows 11 in another production and it works good but in laptops maybe I must change something. In laptop 5500U it works normal about year ago. I thing that maybe in that time I upgraded Windows 10 to 11.

Also I check at 5500U disk usability and when I click to open form it uses disk and stops using it. I add graph.


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This laptop is a Win11 23H2 with 16GB and i7 chip.
I am now using Office 2019 and do not have any problems unless that active time is at 100% and then I get Not Responding now and again.
Microsoft - Office version 16.0.17928.20114

Ok. I find where is problem.
In this 2 forms that I can't open. There are also subforms.
I think that it's because Windows 11 and maybe a something else because with Windows 10 I think it works on laptops.

In form 1 I have one subform with connected data. when I delete this subform it starts working (I can open form in 1s).

In form 2 (customers) I have 3 subform showing data and when I delete only one subform it also works great. I don't know why this subforms create problems.
Well done. (y)
However I would say I do not have any issues with any subforms, but then my dataset is quite small, just for personal use.
As subforms open before mainforms, I would look to see what the subform is doing, perhaps wait until the main form loads then requery/set the source of the subform?
It's strange because I created all forms about 8 years ago and in production with shared folder it work ok.
Only in this 2 laptops I have problems.

I will check it but it only show data connected by vat_number from another table.

It's very strange but I think I fix it a little.
I open form in designer. Delete and add the same subform and it starts working. It's not as fast as in normal computer but after 1 minute it opens form. Before after 30 minutes nothing happen.
OK, let's start with some basics.

All four machines have 16 GB RAM, so that is more or less even. Ryzen CPUs and Intel CPUs run mostly the same instruction set. Some of the few architectural differences are in speed optimizations and internal caching as well as internal bus speed. None of those directly impact whether a program will or won't run on a given box because of the HAL.

The reason that the difference in on-board CPU usually makes no difference is due to the design of Windows boot-up for the first time on a new system. A first-time installation of Windows determines which specific hardware it has and loads one of several possible Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) files so that any instructions not physically implemented on your CPU are software-EMULATED by the HAL code. Therefore, anything that runs on an Intel i7 will run on the other systems - and vice-versa. It doesn't matter that they are four different CPUs. Once the HAL is in play, those are all relatively small speed-bumps, not traffic barriers.

I personally would undo any Affinity settings you might have because that actually hinders some internal Windows process scheduler actions in the name of guaranteeing that a particular CPU will be used for a particular task. That option makes sense on a machine running some sort of virtual machine host like VMWare so that you can dedicate a CPU core to a VM thread. You actually DON'T want that option for Access because it is already constrained by being single-threaded anyway when it is running any of your code. Since Access is not open-sourced, we don't know whether it is internally multi-threaded, but nothing YOU do will exercise any threading options.

So... what is left? The reason you have this observed problem is more likely a system setting that differs from laptops to desktop units. Each of the machines will have different registry settings that WON'T follow your app from machine to machine. Things like the size of the virtual memory file can throttle your app. You could also have an issue with security settings.

You didn't tell us what the errors were so we're kind of in the dark here. There are too many options. So the most important consideration is what (if anything) it tells you when you try to launch the app and it dies on you. Do you get an error message at all?

Do you have any ideo how to fix it?

Not until we figure out what broke it. However, this next comment makes this a LOT more difficult.

it works about 1 year ago and stops. I don't remember when it stops working.

That means that if you got caught by a Windows patch, it is FAR too late to uninstall that patch. Which means you need to be prepared to tell us things like error messages. Or if there ARE no messages then we might have to guide you through looking at your System Event Log. We are totally in the dark here.
Thanks for all information.

I didn't get any errors. The only probles was that when I try to open form all computer was very slow. You can see it when you move mouse coursor. As I remember after 1 hour it will open form.

It was very strange for me because another form with subform works. I only deleted the subform and add it again. It fix the problem so after 1 minute it loads. It not as fast as in normal computer (less than 1s) but it usable now.
I have this problems only at two forms.

I don't have any idea where I can search problems. I will try use System Event Log and write information.
If it runs after an agonizing delay, there will be no event logs. This sounds more and more like a form of corruption in the sub-forms. To delete and re-make them might be a good idea, but there are a couple of warnings/suggestions.

If you suspect corruption (which I do), always perform a backup of the closed application. THEN on a copy, perform the Compact & Repair. THEN and ONLY THEN, try to rebuild the sub-forms that seem to cause the problem. Perform EVERY BIG STEP as though you suspected it would fail and you would have to start that step over from a backup copy.

When making a copy of an Access app, it is true that from the Access FILE-tab menu you can create a backup copy. However, stepping outside of Access and the app so that the app is now "just an ordinary closed file" is far better. You can make a Windows File Explorer copy of the file without involving ANY of the internal locks that Access imposes.

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