Democrats Against Election Integrity

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:07
Jul 5, 2006
Democrats, who sanctimoniously contend that they are the protectors of democracy; once again demonstrate that they are actually the threat to the democratic process. Obviously, this opens the door to the potential that elections have been and continue to be "rigged".
PS: Democrats also obstruct every attempt when it comes to a requirement that a person disclose their citizenship status. Democrats are abolishing what it means to be a citizen.
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Yesterday, I drove by a school, and the marquee out front read (paraphrasing), 'ID required at all times while on campus.'

It’s no surprise that ID is required for almost everything—except voting, the one thing that threatens their power.
OK, any honest liberals out there? Why do YOU think you shouldn't have to prove citizenship to register to vote? Why do YOU think you shouldn't have to show a photo ID to prove your identity to actually vote? Why do YOU think we need election season rather than Election Day? Why do YOU think that we must expand the use of mail-in ballots? Why do YOU think that non-citizens should be registered to vote? Somehow, people have been making it to the polls on Election Day even if they had to walk since the founding of the Republic.

To the rest of us, ALL of those positions look like YOU intend to cheat. You are just making sure that you have excess voters registered and excess mail-in ballots available to use for voting so the count of ballots cast won't be questioned too closely. Why else would you insist on no controls unless you had every intention of cheating?
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One can only hope that the folks on this forum whom we once considered friends are still in there somewhere:(

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