Hunter Biden Pardoned!!!!

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:46
Jul 5, 2006
The pardon of Hunter Biden opens up a whole can of worms. All bad for the Democrats. Biden has demonstrated that Democrats have no morals or ethics. They will blatantly lie as the opportunity arises.

As some quickie observations. J. Biden said that he would not interfere in the prosecution of H. Biden. Through that pardon, J. Biden clearly interfered in the judicial process. That makes many of his prior assertions, such as "no one is above the law", a dishonest meme. This has also been abundantly demonstrated over the past 5 years through the never-ending attempt to "get Trump" through lawfare and weaponizing the government (FBI, CIA, etc.) as an enforcement arm of the Democratic party. A very Stalinist form of government. Lavrentiy Beria: "Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime."

By extension; the perpetual lies of Biden and the Democratic party add credence to the concept that the 2020 election was "stolen" by the Democrats. Trump will also have enhanced justification to pardon all those unlawfully charged for activities on Jan. 6, 2020.
I saw a great comment on another site, and it clearly explains what happened with this pardon.

"It isn't WHO you know... it is WHAT you know about who you know."

Papa Joe had a moment of clarity (or his handlers did) about closing off coerced testimony from Hunter about a dozen shady deals that could have led right to Joe's doorstep. A "blanket pardon" with future immunity is a lifetime "Get Out Of Jail Free" card.

My question is, can Congress revoke a presidential pardon? I'm thinking either categorically NO or it's a question for SCOTUS.
Trump can now pardon some J6ers without drama. Dims always open the door and then cry foul, watch for that.
Although this on e stinks...this is hardly original sin. Both parties' exiting presidents do this incredible abuse of power.
Dims always open the door and then cry foul, watch for that.
Speaking of surprises, I never imagined that the Democrats would open the presidential immunity question by claiming that Trump had no immunity. Democrats don't seem to comprehend, or at least they believe that they are immune, that the door they open can be used against them. (As an aside; Republicans have been cowards when it comes to making Democrats accountable. Unlike Republicans Democrats go for the kill.) Biden is now a potential target for actions he has taken that can be considered "personal" versus "official". Biden's corrupt actions are "personal".
The dims are seeking preemptive pardons for jack Smith, Merrick, and the big guy himself. The next couple of months are going to be a real circus 🎪 get the popcorn ready 🍿
My question is, can Congress revoke a presidential pardon? I'm thinking either categorically NO or it's a question for SCOTUS.
Not the way I read the authority. Of course Joe couldn't do this before the election but we ALWAYS knew he would do it eventually. Hunter isn't the kind who would go to jail for the Biden crime family. If his case had gotten that far, he was turning states evidence and bringing the whole shebang down on Joe's head.
J. Biden is a known liar. Nevertheless, his campaign in 2020 was built on him being the morally superior person who would restore the soul of the US. He failed. The most egregious examples of that failure were the endless lawfare charges against Trump and the two unjustified impeachments. The pardon that J. Biden issued (after numerous denials) on behalf of H. Biden is in line with J. Biden record of lying. The "surprise" (if any) is that it has made a mockery of J. Biden's claim that he is a moral person. J. Biden is a corrupt disgusting person.

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Can he pardon himself for receiving the Burisma money though back-channels illegally peddling influence?
We should take bets on who Biden will pardon next. P. Diddy?
Below is a potential list. I don't know anything about P. Diddy, but Biden would only pardon those who would have the potential to "point-the-finger-of-blame" at him (Biden). Missing from the discussion pardon list is Kamala Harris. I wonder why?
Democrats and media elites list those deserving a preemptive pardon as Christopher Wray, Justice Department lawyers, Joe Biden (himself), the whole Biden family, Liz Cheney, Mark Milley, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Adam Kinzinger, among others.
Unmentioned, are those who purposely used their positions of authority to willfully break the law. This would include: Alejandro Mayorkas, Jake Sullivan, Andrew McCabe, James Comey, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and Antony Blinken.

Conceivably, Mayorkas would be at the top the of the list for a pending pardon as he has caused the most damage to this country by importing millions of illegal immigrants and protecting them from (justified) adverse legal actions.

The next round of pending pardon recipients would include all those who purposely undermined the Trump administration and obstructed Trumps ability to run the government, and eventually implemented lawfare to prevent him from running again. That would seem to cover Pelosi, Comey, Page, Strzok, Blinken, McCabe, Sullivan, and Page who would fall into this category.
The reason he may want to pardon P. Diddy is, P. Diddy was running a honeypot operation similar to Jeffery Epstein, some of Joe's friends could be implicated.

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