Shooting of little Rhys Jones!!

1. yes guns are not what society wants - but there are here - The Society in the UK -needs to be more proactive against them ..

as to the death penealty not working in the US, possible - but at least it thins the herd a bit .. in the Us it is seem as a punishiment - i am not for that i am one to remove the guilty from the breeding group via hanging/lethal injection - not for punishiment
Society here did decide that handguns were not acceptable in our society to try and protect our children, unlike the US who would rather protect a scrap of old paper than their children. Ooops silly me that will be branded as US bashing:rolleyes:

Well it doesn't add anything to the discussion on what we should do about guns in the UK, so I guess that's the only purpose of it.

Like Gary i think that there are some people that are too stupid or too evil for any deterrent to work, so lets take them out of society for good. But I certainly would not make the death penalty mandatory as that might influence jurors.

Society here did decide that handguns were not acceptable in our society to try and protect our children, unlike the US who would rather protect a scrap of old paper than their children. Ooops silly me that will be branded as US bashing:rolleyes:

Well it doesn't add anything to the discussion on what we should do about guns in the UK, so I guess that's the only purpose of it.


And your response did?:confused:
Since we're defending old scraps of paper, how do you feel about the Magna Carta?

When discussing handguns, we have two divergent paths to consider.

In an ideal world, criminals would be captured quickly and forced to make reparation for their crimes. I.e. crime would not pay. They would be non-violent because they would greatly fear the consequences. Therefore, arming one's self to defend one's own home would be totally pointless - as no home violence would ever occur.

Then there's the real world where criminals get away with murder (sometimes literally) and never face payback except from street justice. They are violent, arrogant, and have no regard for the rights, values, or lives of others. Police are overworked in places that didn't have disasters - and let's not talk about police response after disasters. You are faced with a non-trivial chance of having to fight for your life. In which case I want to strap on a small cannon for a sidearm. A .375 Mag or a .44 Mag will do fine, thanks.

Oh, WOULD that we could reach the ideal. I would give up that pistol in a heartbeat if I thought it would never again be needed to protect my family. I don't think that we have reached that lofty plane, so the gun stays.

I don't like the US bashing that sometimes occurs here, but heck, I consider the source and forget about it most of the time. Sometimes, though, something is worthy of at least a brief response. The question is - do we get rid of handguns and therefore get rid of violence? Or do we get rid of violence first and watch the handguns get rusty on their shelves from which they would never again be taken down? Which is the cart and which is the horse? (We can already identify the horse's arse... but I'm not going to name names.)
as to the death penealty not working in the US, possible - but at least it thins the herd a bit .. in the Us it is seem as a punishiment - i am not for that i am one to remove the guilty from the breeding group via hanging/lethal injection - not for punishiment

I don't personaly feel that the death penalty is the answer, I think it is too lenient for these people.

I feel that sentences should be tougher, without interferance from do-gooders, or Brussells, I feel that prisons should be tougher, basic rations hard labour, the time you are sentenced to is the time you serve, no chance of parole.

In some cases in this country prisoners have a better deal than many of their victims, and in some cases better than the general populace.

I have the stress of having to work 40 - 50 hours a week, to pay a large mortgage, that gets bigger all the time, to stress about have I earned enough to put food on the table for my wife and two children. Where the money is going to come from to pay for the next huge gas bill! :mad:

In many cases all a prisoner has to stress about is where he is g:mad:oing to get his next fag from, or what will be served up for their dinner, Christ these days they are even paid a wage whilst they are inside, yet they do not have the stress of having to pay any pay any bills :mad:

We as a nation are too soft on criminals, we should be tougher, I am not saying kill them all, that is too easy and does not make them suffer enough.

No, basic rations, hard labour, that way they will think twice before commiting another crime that would if caught put them straight back in that hell hole ...!

Just my opinion for what it is worth.
I am pretty sure that if the killer of little Rhys is found and tried, he will be back out on the street within 10 years, probably given a new identity, job, money in his pocket, roof over his head.

Meanwhile, the Jones family will only ever have the memory of their darling little boy, and what he could have become, they say time is a healer, but when the death of a child is concerned, I don't think any time will take away the pain, of knowing what your little darling may have become.

Where is the justice in that !!!!
I don't personaly feel that the death penalty is the answer, I think it is too lenient for these people.

I feel that sentences should be tougher, without interferance from do-gooders, or Brussells, I feel that prisons should be tougher, basic rations hard labour, the time you are sentenced to is the time you serve, no chance of parole.

In some cases in this country prisoners have a better deal than many of their victims, and in some cases better than the general populace.

I have the stress of having to work 40 - 50 hours a week, to pay a large mortgage, that gets bigger all the time, to stress about have I earned enough to put food on the table for my wife and two children. Where the money is going to come from to pay for the next huge gas bill! :mad:

In many cases all a prisoner has to stress about is where he is g:mad:oing to get his next fag from, or what will be served up for their dinner, Christ these days they are even paid a wage whilst they are inside, yet they do not have the stress of having to pay any pay any bills :mad:

We as a nation are too soft on criminals, we should be tougher, I am not saying kill them all, that is too easy and does not make them suffer enough.

No, basic rations, hard labour, that way they will think twice before commiting another crime that would if caught put them straight back in that hell hole ...!

Just my opinion for what it is worth.

You got my Vote..

as to the death penalty - I might of really want to rename this . .. removeal of bad breeding stock ....

might not get away with this cos of the tree lovung soft hippies , so how about sterlisation , any viloent crime and snip - (applies to male and female)
and still do your sentance ..
You got my Vote..

as to the death penalty - I might of really want to rename this . .. removeal of bad breeding stock ....

might not get away with this cos of the tree lovung soft hippies , so how about sterlisation , any viloent crime and snip - (applies to male and female)
and still do your sentance ..

Glad to see we are on the same wavelength here Gary, shame we are in the minority, there are far to many of these do-gooders, soft hippies as you call them, this will only get worse, when Mr. Brown signs us up to the Europe treaty.

Correct me if I am wrong but are there any political parties that share our view?

As in each election I simply cannot be arsed to vote as all the parties are the same as each other
Didn't Hitler have something similar in mind?:confused:

For all the wrongs that Hitler commited, his idealism about the structure of his country could not be faulted.

Had he gone about his ideals in a more peaceful manner, less holocaustistic, he may very well have been agreat peace time leader.

Now, I am not subcribing myself up here to the Nazi party, or anything like that. But he did have some good ideas.
less holocaustistic

I didn't know it was scalable!

1 million Jews instead of 6 million would have made all the differnance and the autobahn would have stood out as the legacy of hitlers regime!

For all the wrongs that Hitler commited, his idealism about the structure of his country could not be faulted.

Had he gone about his ideals in a more peaceful manner, less holocaustistic, he may very well have been agreat peace time leader.

Now, I am not subcribing myself up here to the Nazi party, or anything like that. But he did have some good ideas.

The only good idea he had, if any, was to restore the German economy, and that was mostly gained by re-armament.
Don't forget he wanted to create the "perfect race" too
The only good idea he had, if any, was to restore the German economy, and that was mostly gained by re-armament.
Don't forget he wanted to create the "perfect race" too

oops, silly me, I haven't contributed to the thread:rolleyes:
Scot - i get the idea..
but bad example to use
one that the Germans are still paying for ..
Yes if you dilutte some of the ideas then they may make some sense

however extermination of the handicapped, (?) the Gypies..
as to the Jews population beyond belief - whether it 6 - 7 million who really knows the number is too large to comprehend , i am sure you did not mean it to sound , as some have taken it to mean ...

Viloent criinals should have their bits removed as should proven sex offenders .

Hard labour - total agree with ..
but we might want to soften the blow slightly

First offence - lets try rehabiliation, education etc
second offence hard labour and your 3 piece suit removed to a sofa only..
third offence - hanging

reasoning behind this - sometimes people are put into a situtation where no matter what they do , they will break some law - and that it is beyond there control
Its kinda of differnet now , cos most of us what the perfect Society

so we could almost use the same langauge race/society ??
by my own idea of perfect society. i think I could be going down a dangerous road ...
That the state will pay for a 16 yearold, white lighning drinking, frozen pizza eating, tricia watching, no qualifcations school leaver - to have as many childen by as many fathers as she wants can only help dumb down the population!

All benefits should be given as part of getting off your arse for 35 hours a week - the same as everyone else has too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oops, silly me, I haven't contributed to the thread:rolleyes:

Wrong, you have pointed out the dangers of going down the path of state selective sterilization which was being mooted in the thread. It worries me that you cannot see the difference between that post and American bashing as I may disagree with you on issues but still thought of you as an intelligent person who just liked to wind the Yanks up.


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