American Football in London

boston? hmm they wont the world series this year.... nad i know its not technically the "world" series, so we dont have to go into this converstaion again.

boston? hmm they wont the world series this year.... nad i know its not technically the "world" series, so we dont have to go into this converstaion again.
So why not change the name? It is effectively a lie. Like the WMD that never were. Still if Bush can lie then I guess it's accepted as normal in the USA.

The US economy is in meltdown but they (Americans) say on the news there's no problem. Have a look in Detroit at the unemployment and misery there - can the rest of the USA be the same?

It should have been a Canadian city;):cool:

With a few exceptions, the Canadian economy is booming right now.

One exception is Windsor Ontario which is right across the river from Detroit and also is a major auto manufacturing centre.
The US car companies closed down the Canadian plants first, before the American ones.
With a few exceptions, the Canadian economy is booming right now.

One exception is Windsor Ontario which is right across the river from Detroit and also is a major auto manufacturing centre.
The US car companies closed down the Canadian plants first, before the American ones.

Well that's just part of my point, you wouldn't have had countless thousand whites fleeing the city in the 60's to start with;)
Is Detroit predominately black? The BBC interviewed some people but no whites.

If it is predominately black, that may explain the government dis-interest in helping, like in Louisiana.

Why doesn't the US start playing real sports then like Rugby etc.?:confused:

Because they like schoolgirly games like rounders, and driving cars in circles because left and right turns are too complex for them.
Even if they do have 'contact' sports (like their "football") they have to be done up like michelin man to avoid breaking a nail or damaging their hairstyles.

Wow, Col seems personally offended by the US not playing
Actually, the US does play rugby. Their team is called the "Eagles" (oddly enough).
You have to remember that rugby is very much a second-tier sport in North America. The game is played but mostly by amateurs. There's no Rugby League to siphon off the best players and give them lots of money to stay in condition for World Cups and the like.
Actually, the US does play rugby. Their team is called the "Eagles" (oddly enough).
You have to remember that rugby is very much a second-tier sport in North America. The game is played but mostly by amateurs. There's no Rugby League to siphon off the best players and give them lots of money to stay in condition for World Cups and the like.

Why does everything have to revolve around money over there?:rolleyes:
Hey you guys, quit pickin' on us Americans!

I was thinking as a gift towards better relations with the UK I am going to give you the NFL. That's right it's yours, have fun with it, but please be careful as some of our Football players are prone to being a bit naughty at times. I would go so far as to say they are "thugs", but once you get to know them you'll like them even less. Also, please make sure that they check in with their probation officers on a regular basis.

Oh, while I'm in such a giving mood I am going to give you our NBL too. It should be noted that the same care is required as above. I hope you enjoy my gift to you and please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

We don't want any more gifts from abroad thanks, they always come with a price tag, and we now want to keep our money!
Anyway we prefer real games, hell next you'll be sending us nascar:mad::p
You ruined the surprise :(

If I had feelings, you could have hurt them.:D
We don't want any more gifts from abroad thanks, they always come with a price tag, and we now want to keep our money!
Anyway we prefer real games, hell next you'll be sending us nascar:mad::p

Nah, Nascar is too good for you. How about this instead? :D
Yeah, so there!
And you know what? I DON'T LIKE PEAS!!!

Sorry, I guess I do have feelings after all. :p
We don't want any more gifts from abroad thanks, they always come with a price tag, and we now want to keep our money!

I don't know how to break it to you...nobody (but Brits) wants the pound. :rolleyes:

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