MouseWheel Hook DLL Question


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:34
Mar 10, 2008
I'm trying to implement the Mouse Wheel Hook application from and I'm having some difficulty. I says to copy the .DLL into the folder of the database and then to add a code to a button thats in the form.

This is what I have done.. I've copied the .DLL file into the folder and have added a button with the code:

Private Sub Command14_Click()
' Turn the MouseWheel Off
Dim blRet As Boolean
blRet = MouseWheelOFF
End Sub

However, it isn't working. Is there anything I'm missing here?
Have you set a reference to the DLL file? If not, Access has no idea what to do.
ive had no problems

as well as the dll,. you need to copy the code into a module

then to turn it off /on just

call mousewheeloff
call mousewheelon
{dont even need the expression 'call' - i just use them to make the code clear to me - dont need the variable asignment either}
Thanks for the response.. I've just put the module into the database and it still isn't working. So now I have the .DLL in the folder, have place the code with the button, and have added the module (by way of copy and paste).. is there still something wrong?
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thrre wasnt for me

in a form open event i just put

call mousewheeloff

and it did
thrre wasnt for me

in a form open event i just put

call mousewheeloff

and it did

You have to set a reference to the dll file - depending on your version of access, at least that is what the webpage states.

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