'Resolved' thread question


Registered User.
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Today, 20:39
Apr 2, 2004
Is there a way to show that a question you have posted in a forum has been fixed or resolved?

I don't think there is any logic build in to the forum engine as such. However it would be nice if we could get people to put a 'thumbs up' icon on their thread when their issue has been resolved. I doubt it'd work long though as it'd be hard to inforce.
it would be nice if we could get people to put a 'thumbs up' icon on their thread when their issue has been resolved. I doubt it'd work long though as it'd be hard to inforce.

I guess you are right. It would be difficult to enforce. Maybe if it was included in the forum rules as 'Good Practice' along with a few gentle reminders, some people would start doing it and then others may eventually pick it up? Or do I live in a dream world!? :D
It would be good if we could have an email sent to the person who opens the thread, say if it remains dormant for x amount of time, to ask if the issue was resolved, and to ask them to put a thumbs up if it has been. I'm sure a lot of us just forget.

The same email could possibly remind people to add to the reputation of anyone who helped them to resolve the issue. Another thing people (I) tend to forget.
Maybe the best thing to do is to sumbit these suggestions to the vBulletin people - ?
Maybe the best thing to do is to sumbit these suggestions to the vBulletin people - ?

OK, do you think this will suffice?

Dear Sirs

During an online discussion it has come to our notice that it may be useful to have the option for our forum to send an email to users who have initiated a thread if their thread has been inactive for x amount of time. The email would as the user if the issue had been resolved, and remind them to add to the reputation of those who have helped

It would be useful if the selection of "yes" to the question of whether the thread was resolved would then cancel any further emails.

The main constraint in this request would be that such follow up would exclude the "non-access-issues" area of the forum.

I look forward to your resonse in this matter.

Kind regards
Works for me. I wonder if they would consider having someone like SJ or Bob on their advisory board - ?
Works for me. I wonder if they would consider having someone like SJ or Bob on their advisory board - ?

I would be happy to ask, if you can get permission from one of them?
SJ runs a couple of his own forums, Bob may on his site but I'm not sure. I'll pm SJ...
OK, in the mean time the suggestion has been sent. I shall contact them again once we get a volunteer.
But how would say, a newbie, know that the problem has been solved correctly?:confused:
yahoo answers has that rating system where people put a vote on an answer that is the most correct.....

dont think vb has options like that though.
Not being negative but the basic problem with this sort of thing (and similar with search parameters being provided) is only a percentage of posters will participate and so the results don't mean much.

In fact of the different types of forums I am on I would think based on this site and dbForums that DB sites would be the worse for this type of thing because there is only an extremely small percentage of members that get past 10 posts or so.

As a side note, if any of you have checked Who Is On Line and looked at the threads they are viewing it is amazing how many of the threads are quite old. I don't know if they are searching the site or coming in via Google etc. For example, I picked up a solution to a problem a week ago that was from a thread on this site about 2 years old but it was a Google search.
But how would say, a newbie, know that the problem has been solved correctly?:confused:
Surely even a newbie would know if a solution fixed his problem. Either it works or it doesn't
OK, I've just had a message from the administrators to say that it is only the site owners who can submit such a request. Sorry guys...
Surely even a newbie would know if a solution fixed his problem. Either it works or it doesn't

Perhaps I phrased it wrongly, because it "works" doesn't mean it's the best way, 2,000 Macros appeared to work for Mike, it's now plainly obvious that it's become a dogs dinner;)
Perhaps I phrased it wrongly, because it "works" doesn't mean it's the best way, 2,000 Macros appeared to work for Mike, it's now plainly obvious that it's become a dogs dinner;)
Agreed. Of course a newbie won't always recognise if it is a good solution or not but hopefully some of the experts here will spot a bodge and post a better solution
Trouble is it's often ignored whilst the newbie moves on to the next problem;)
I personally prefer the "give up" problems..

"ah you mean i have to try to make this work??"
I second this motion! I think it is a good idea. Ive seen it a time or two on other forums.

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