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Lets face it none of the Beatles could convince Rich that they played rock and roll, when you know everything it must be a very frustrating life having to put up with us ignorant people.

I've never said they didn't play rock and roll, please don't misquote me:mad:
No it's definitely rock and roll :


Besides the fact that the Glimmer twins confirmed it :


Ron the Stones have always been the World's greatest rock and roll band however I'm somewhat confused as to what an album and tracks released from it in the mid seventies have to do with the Beatles in the sixties?
There you go again, red herrings all over the place, never a straight answer, always twisting wodrs and arguments this
where did I say they never played some old Perkins, Berry, etc. classics?

has never been debated, what is being discussed is this

Slight correction (again), The Beatles weren't a rock and roll band:rolleyes:

and despite all of the evidence against you , you will never , as in any discussion, admit that you may be wrong.

and despite all of the evidence against you , you will never , as in any discussion, admit that you may be wrong.

I grew up during the period that's how I know the Beatles were regarded as a pop group and not a ROCK and ROLL band, but nowhere did I say they never played any covers
I grew up during the period that's how I know the Beatles were regarded as a pop group and not a ROCK and ROLL band,

Let me see if I follow this , you are saying that because you grew up in that pweriod you are the expert, definitely more knowledgeable than somebody who grewup a couple of streets away from Ringo, and danced to their music in the Cavern and clubs of Liverpool.
Yep I can see that you hold all the aces.

Let me see if I follow this , you are saying that because you grew up in that pweriod you are the expert, definitely more knowledgeable than somebody who grewup a couple of streets away from Ringo, and danced to their music in the Cavern and clubs of Liverpool.
Yep I can see that you hold all the aces.

You're older than me Bri, I'm afraid it's a fact of life that only those in their early teens were qualified to decide
Which period? Your profile you claim to be 21 (August 3, 1988) which seems to be a little after when the band disbanded...
I grew up during the period that's how I know the Beatles were regarded as a pop group and not a ROCK and ROLL band, but nowhere did I say they never played any covers
Which period? Your profile you claim to be 21 (August 3, 1988) which seems to be a little after when the band disbanded...
That's something to do with American date formatting, the date looks just fine from here
O so what is the date from there because if I look from my side of the screen you are young and annoying and have a way to blame every wrong on the Americans or something which is American.
That's something to do with American date formatting, the date looks just fine from here
O so what is the date from there because if I look from my side of the screen you are young and annoying and have a way to blame every wrong on the Americans or something which is American.
Well gee, it's a known fact that outside of America Access doesn't handle dates very well unless the US date format is used, yet another annoying fact eh:rolleyes:
Well thanks for not answering my questions.
NOT. And I am not going to fall into one of your stupid games. I had enough of those with some other ignorant jerk last week.
I did answer your question
NOT. And I am not going to fall into one of your stupid games. I had enough of those with some other ignorant jerk last week.
The fact that you can't figure it out for yourself doesn't make me stupid:rolleyes:
True, you seem to be able to be that way without any help at all.
Yet another typical American response, rather like the American jibe of me being the boyfriend of an online colleague here, only an American would make such a statement 'cause in the real free world it wouldn't matter a flying fig:rolleyes:
NOT. And I am not going to fall into one of your stupid games. I had enough of those with some other ignorant jerk last week.

I see you have finally learned the rules about responding to Rich.

Rule 1: Rich is always right

Rule 2: regardless of the relevant facts, the sources you quote or anything you wish to say in response, you can't change Rule 1.

Rule 3: the correct place for Rich is on your ignore list.
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