Terrorist tries to blow up US Airliner

we have revenue canada, there not so agressive as the IRS so there is less fear of audits. we do not follow the same system of taxation as the USA, we do not round our income but report actual figures. still if your name gets pulled from the hat you need to come up with receipts and documentation to back you up.
still if your name gets pulled from the hat you need to come up with receipts and documentation to back you up.

they pull names from a hat? holy cow! what about someone that earned 15,000 dollars that year? are they still in the running for an audit? under OUR administration, they'd be first on the freakin' audit list! :rolleyes:
they pull names from a hat? holy cow! what about someone that earned 15,000 dollars that year? are they still in the running for an audit? under OUR administration, they'd be first on the freakin' audit list! :rolleyes:

The Canadian Revenue Agency does do random audits on people. I think the process is a little more sophisticated than pulling names from a hat as there are certain "red flags" that the computer pulls up.

Back in the 1980's I was audited twice. At the time my job called for me to pay my own expenses which I deducted (as allowed). On both occasions I went into the tax office at 9 AM and I was out by 9:30. I had the receipts and I also had a bookkeeper doing my expense reports (which is also deductable).

Tip on tax audits, always make it the examiner's first appointment of the day. They are always running late after about 11 AM.
Capital "S" at the start please, and an "s" after the word dollar, as it's plural.

Thank you.


Oh, and technically IRS should be I.R.S. as I'm guessing they're abbreviations for something.

While we're on the subject of headmasters...
I thought Colin made a resolution for New Years he wouldn't do this anymore :D
Capital "S" at the start please, and an "s" after the word dollar, as it's plural.

Thank you.


Oh, and technically IRS should be I.R.S. as I'm guessing they're abbreviations for something.

It'll be ok Col,
Poor Col; he’s reverting back to his childhood in the 1920s. I’m sorry I didn't see the pattern earlier.

Col, in the United States, we use abbreviations as proper names, I'm sure you just forgot, but proper names are subject to the spelling of the named.
The process is a bit more involved then pulling a name from a hat, however, it definitely needs a rethink as the current checks and balance system does not flush out some of the investment scams. The legacy of Charles Ponzi rears its ugly head countless times as not only are people drawn into such schemes but they are also taxed on profits from the scams. Sadly the long and often delayed process to reclaim the overpaid taxes further frustrates the victims. Amazingly, even after 90 years, people are still duped by a similar scheme which came to light in 1920.

The irony of Coline’s signature is that he makes promises he rarely keeps such as the one where he will be posting and signing in less.

While we're on the subject of headmasters...
I thought Colin made a resolution for New Years he wouldn't do this anymore :D
Thales750 said:
Col, in the United States, we use abbreviations as proper names, I'm sure you just forgot, but proper names are subject to the spelling of the named.

So is IRS (without full stops) a proper name?

Yes lazy Americans. We're known for that.

American people are not lazy, they just focus on the USA and have little or no knowlege of anything outside it's borders.

The galling bit is when these no-hopers try to advise on international matters.

I'm still trying to figure out what happened on the 9th of November:confused:
Col, in the United States, we use abbreviations as proper names, I'm sure you just forgot, but proper names are subject to the spelling of the named.

They do in the UK as well. Colin is just talking out of his b.u.t.t
I don't know if it is true but I have read a few times that the large majority of suicide bombers do it because of what will be done to their families or what will be done to them in the way of extreme torture. As a reward they have dugs and women the night before.

Why would you say large majority?
I realized shortly after 9/11 that the extra security is useless. It is only there to make us feel safer. The Northwest terrorist proves that it's very easy to beat. If his organization knew how to make a bomb properly, there would be one hundred or so dead people.

All the security has done is inconvenience the hell out of people and enpower a bunch of Hitlers-in-training wearing security uniforms.

I don't fly. Thats it. I just don't fly. All the hassle is just not worth it. If I can't get there by train or by car, I don't need to go. I used to go to the Carribbean for a week each winter. I now go to Florida for two weeks and take the train. With all the hustle and bustle in the modern world, I had forgotten how relaxing a train trip can be.

Do you have evidence to support that airport security is "useless"? For example can you quote statistics on how many potential threats have been thwarted in the last few years?
Do you have evidence to support that airport security is "useless"? For example can you quote statistics on how many potential threats have been thwarted in the last few years?

I refer you to post #1 in this thread.

Do I have any proof. Of course not. These numbers are not released. It's just one man's opinion based on observations at the airports (which I don't visit anymore) and based on the failures that come to light.
American people are not lazy, they just focus on the USA and have little or no knowlege of anything outside it's borders.

The galling bit is when these no-hopers try to advise on international matters.


I'm certain you meant to say U. S. A. :D

Without getting into personalities, one of the great mysteries of the Afghan and Iraq wars is why didn't the U.S. and U.K. do their homework before invading.

Without making any ethnic slurs (because this is the way things are done in this part of the world) why didn't the Western governments create a pool of about $10 Billion and simply bribe Sadam and the Taliban?

It would go somthing like this:
If you leave the country and don't come back for 10 years and don't reside in a country that borders Afghanistan or Iraq, we'll pay you a salary of $1Million a year for the next 10 years.

I'm certain most of the Taliban and Sadam's government would have jumped at it.
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I believe UK and US were doing their homework while they were training the taliban in counteroffensive strategy when Russia invaded their country. Once the taliban became too strong their attempts to suppress then with a western backed and chosen government became the catalyst to the subsequent hostilities against the countries who trained their freedom fighters. And suddenly the western world were informed to view these people as terrorists.
Best cure for Afghanistan would be to load up sole CL415s with glyphosate, dump it on the opium poppy fields and give the farmers some Roundup-ready crops. The incapability to generate revenue will stem the funds to back their weaponry.

Punctuation within initialisms fell from common use a long time ago. Pretty pointless to continue to appease those who are resisting progress and development. Let the hasbeens whine if they refuse to admit that the year is 2010.

I'm certain you meant to say U. S. A. :D

Without getting into personalities, one of the great mysteries of the Afghan and Iraq wars is why didn't the U.S. and U.K. do their homework before invading.

Without making any ethnic slurs (because this is the way things are done in this part of the world) why didn't the Western governments create a pool of about $10 Billion and simply bribe Sadam and the Taliban?

It would go somthing like this:
If you leave the country and don't come back for 10 years and don't reside in a country that borders Afghanistan or Iraq, we'll pay you a salary of $1Million a year for the next 10 years.

I'm certain most of the Taliban and Sadam's government would have jumped at it.

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