Louisiana Americans burning British flags

Really, the whole world should be involved with this one. The planet belongs to everyone and it will impact far more than just the US and UK in the long haul. International waters are international waters and I don't think the oil feels like it needs a green card to impact ocean lifeforms further than the Gulf.

Are you raving?
As in the UK and the US are alone or nearly so in many ventures around the world.

Its called the special relationship over here - does the US have that term?

We do what you want - in return for a lucrative lecture tour for our PM - when we decide he's a good for nothing lapdog.

That still doesn't clear up the "Are you raving?" comment...

Meaning it's not a global problem. Oh others may pay a price, but Americans will be the ones to deal with it. Both in terms of the cleanup and the possible loss of offshore drilling which will cost us 500,000 jobs.
Meaning it's not a global problem. Oh others may pay a price, but Americans will be the ones to deal with it. Both in terms of the cleanup and the possible loss of offshore drilling which will cost us 500,000 jobs.

I'm not talking about economics here. I'm talking about the planet.
I'm not talking about economics here. I'm talking about the planet.

The Planet will survive this spill. That's what I meant by raving.

Nothing will change, there is only one hope for Gaia, extenction of 85% of the humans infesting the planet.

So if you want to hope for something, that would be a great start.
The Planet will survive this spill. That's what I meant by raving.

Nothing will change, there is only one hope for Gaia, extenction of 85% of the humans infesting the planet.

So if you want to hope for something, that would be a great start.

Of course the planet will survive the spill, but it'll still have an impact for a long period of time, especially on the wildlife in the Gulf. Scientists are also stating that the oil could impact our tropical season this year. They have no idea how the inclusion of oil into a tropical system will turn out. It's going to be an interesting hurricane season. :mad:
No... We are superior in every way... we get to stay. :p:eek:;):D

I know plenty of Americans we should include in the 85% that are extinguished. :D

But Canada, we don't need them. Take them all! :p
I know plenty of Americans we should include in the 85% that are extinguished. :D

But Canada, we don't need them. Take them all! :p

You ruined my joke! Some British person was supposed to respond with the usual "Americans are so egocentric" remark. :p
You ruined my joke! Some British person was supposed to respond with the usual "Americans are so egocentric" remark. :p

Yeah, but I turned it into my own! :cool:

Isn't that a typical American trait?
Meaning it's not a global problem. Oh others may pay a price, but Americans will be the ones to deal with it. Both in terms of the cleanup and the possible loss of offshore drilling which will cost us 500,000 jobs.

Why will Americans have to suffer the loss of 500,000 jobs. For what reason?

I watched 30 minutes of the Congression Panel yesterday - what a waste of everyones time - and I missed 6 hours plus of it!

Hayward had to say what he did, and then on the other side a lot of electioneering and witchhunting and new found expertise in oil drilling. Conveniently ignoring lots of it was approved by the US authorities.

The republicans not liking the 20bn fund was interesting.

Yes congressman - it is Thursday! Shhsh.
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