Recent content by DevTycoon

  1. D

    Check constraint where all records with the same effective date add up to one

    It is an app to help allocate costs for equipment that is shared between cost centers. I think I was hungry when I wrote the post. Food is magical when describing database design issues since we all can relate. I was working with another colleague and they said the same thing. You are on...
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    Check constraint where all records with the same effective date add up to one

    Hi Dev Masters, I had to call uncle on this one! I am trying to build a check constraint on a table that tracks shared resources using an EAV model. The shared resource percentage does not care how many components are included in the whole but does care that the components add up to 100...
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    Artomation with PowerPoint

    Yep, something like that. I am using custom layouts so the enumerated layout types don't work too well. I know you can make custom classes that can have user-defined enumerations. Any ideas for something like that?
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    Artomation with PowerPoint

    Hello, the artomator speaking here. I am looking to solve a well known problem of template placeholders not mapping to shapes using out of the box VBA. In general I would like a user to be able to "upload" their power point file containing formatted master slides only (basically a blank...
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    Writing to Power Point from Access

    Tis quite klunky. Would It be okay if I opened up a new thread on driving PowerPoint from access? If so what category does it belong in? VBA mabe?
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    Leo = Bad Man?

    By dimension do you mean forum? I am not aware of any database forums that we can refer him to solve these problems. He may need to go to a Patagonia sweat lodge or perhaps just look in the mirror after posting stuff from other dimensions. Please at least debug > compile so you don’t get...
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    Writing to Power Point from Access

    I would agree with the OP. When developing solutions you will want to check references when you start working with automation across vba hosts like access, ppt, word, excel, etc. you should check out the other libraries too there is a lot of nice functionality like common controls, activeX...
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    Leo = Bad Man?

    Use Option base 1 too because Leo, you are special problem = opportunity
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    Leo = Bad Man?

    Will AWF please start selling T-Shirts. “Leo = Bad Man”. I want one plz. problem = opportunity
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    Leo = Bad Man?

    You may also want to consider dimensioning all variables and using option explicit if you don’t want to have issues down the line. problem = opportunity
  11. D

    Is access reliable?

    Maybe your question is solved already. I wanted to test it so I made a test database with no macros. The database forms mimic your scenario I think. There is a client form that tracks power of attorney history, client activity history, and shows the most recent client activity detail. Some...
  12. D

    Is access reliable?

    Upload your files if you need more help problem = opportunity
  13. D

    Is access reliable?

    DSN less connections are a way to use native language to standardize you method of automatically establishing connections to databases like MySQL ,MySQL, spreadsheets,access databases,etc. Also if you are using test data share the files, it is easier to help that way. problem = opportunity
  14. D

    Is access reliable?

    I would wager that if you google this type of problem very low percentage of global access users have this problem so I am thinking you need to make new tables, extract the data from old tables and reload data. Then start working on trapping the error. You are going to run into...
  15. D

    Is access reliable?

    What does your table relink routine look like. Have you used dsn-less connections?
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