How many genders are there? How many should there be?

If you kill a pregnant woman you will be charged with a double homicide in most states regardless of gestation.
And that touches on the heart of the issue. This could be easily solved if a consensus could be reached exactly WHEN life begins. If it gets determined that life LEGALLY begins at some time before birth, and whole new set of issues will have to be dealt with: If a pregnant woman smokes, could an argument be made that she has endangered the child?

Too much stuff to deal with so we will be cussing and discussing this for a long time.
A fully grown baby at 9 months old, 1 second from birth is also called a fetus. If you kill that fetus, you can argue all you want that it isn't killing a baby. But I would call that murder. To my mind, the abortion case is altogether different from the man/woman argument because for me, sex is binary because it is about chromosomes. Contrastingly, a fetus/baby distinction is physically on a continuum, even if semantically it is not.

Personally, I agree with you. But globally recognized religions exist that draw a hard line either at "severing the umbilicus" or "drawing first breath" as the transition point. You know I will take the "Devil's Advocate" position sometimes - particularly when there is a large group who believes in a way that differs strongly from the beliefs of others. My position then must be recognized along the lines of this question: "Do we have the right to tell people their religious dogma is wrong?" question. AND the follow-up, "Do we have any rational reason to believe they will listen?"

You DO realize that my two questions are the same question implied in even having a thread such as "Are you an atheist?"
Fetus one minute from birth: "What's for dinner? Mothers milk?"

Radical left doctor: "Rat poison."
If two of the objectives of a man transitioning into a woman are to win a female sporting event and
to bully their way into Ladies toilets, or changing rooms. Often ignoring the requests to desist.
How soon after the transition do they stop growing a beard and when do their periods start?
If two of the objectives of a man transitioning into a woman are to win a female sporting event and
to bully their way into Ladies toilets, or changing rooms.
The oldest trade in the world ensures that you can not only look but also touch.
Both sides do that. For instance, calling a fetus a baby so that an abortion can be characterized as killing a baby
If you talk with a pregnant woman, I'm pretty sure she will refer to the "growth" as a baby, not a fetus. Only a woman who does not want to be pregnant would ever think of the baby growing in their womb as a "growth" to be discarded like garbage. Thinking of the baby as a "growth" is what the left has introduced. That is the change, not calling the thing a baby. The left's intention is to desensitize abortion to make it nothing. To make it normal when the reality is that a pregnancy is something. It is new life forming. It is how we procreate. Society has slowly changed how young women think about procreation and marriage and the effects of that are disastrous for a society as we can see by a declining birth rate.

The pendulum has swung too far. Yes, women can be successful in business but no one else can carry the next generation and that is a pretty important task which we as a society have dismissed. Just as we dismissed the jobs that make our lives work like our plumber and we have pushed young people into college as the ONLY path to success when that isn't true at all.

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