Another mass shooting

Do you know who started all this' trying to destroy the President so you don't have to run against him thing? it was your buddies in the Republican party where they spent tens of millions to get Bill out of office. He has sex with a 25 year old woman and OMG the good Christians in congress couldn't have that.
So, this is payback? The Republicans were dumb to impeach Clinton over screwing with the help. But let us not forget that Bubba was charged with ra** by Juanita Broderick and did end up paying a hefty settlement. Then he lost his law license for lying to Congress. So, there was some "there" there. Can we play some clips of Hillary from the era? A long distance from "believe all the women":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: as she called Bill's accusers every vile name in the book. But then hyporacy has always been the calling card of the Dems.
Conservative anti-clean-air-folks
Now, that's downright ignorant and deliberately and unnecessarily provocative.
Student Loans. Well that's really not a math thing, or a deception thing, everyone knows the where the money comes from.
The students apparently don't and you don't seem to either. But here we are deflecting again.
What kind of math is that?
Actually Mike, it is political math. They just wave their arms in the air and say something unintelligible and since our general population is so math deficient, way too many members of Congress nod their heads sagely. They can't possibly challenge the math when a politician says he "cut" spending because he didn't raise it as much as he wanted to or, even worse, the "cut" is a result of raising the budget less than they did last year. This is like the storey of the Emperor's New Clothes. People are afraid to disagree publiclically lest they be the ones to look dumb.
Pat, you are proving, once again, there is no issue, no point, and no perspective ,where you're precious Trump and his Worshipers are both the only righteous, and the only victimized.

This is a result of the most dangerous brain washing of all. Where people seek out only to reinforce their already preconceived ideas. You have made no concessions, for that you should be proud.

You may be the most right winged fanatic I have come across in this last 30 years of having these discussions. I'm not answering any more of your positions.

I know in your own mind, that just means that you have defeated me.
You could stop deflecting. Although you did admit to some interesting points:
1. You KNOW that the Steele dossier was an attempt to discredit Trump and had no basis in reality and therefore, you KNOW that the FBI was interfering in an election by not coming clean up front about it. Not to mention wasting money the government takes from me at gunpoint (since apparently you don't care how the government wastes your money).
2. The ad holmium attacks on Trump are payback for Bubba's impeachment.
3. there was a COVID point earlier but I'm not going to go looking for it.
The ad holmium attacks on Trump are payback for Bubba's impeachment.
To the fed, one million ($1,000,000) or even 1 billion ($1,000,000,000) is nothing compared with
(a) the annual expenditure $6,600,000,000,000 ($6.6 trillion)
(b) the annual deficit $1,800,000,000,000 ($1.8 trillion)
(c) the federal total debt $34,700,000,000,000 ($34.7 trillion)

But the total debt does not seem so bad when expressed per tax payer a bit more than a quarter million ($270,000)
You could stop deflecting. Although you did admit to some interesting points:
1. You KNOW that the Steele dossier was an attempt to discredit Trump and had no basis in reality and therefore, you KNOW that the FBI was interfering in an election by not coming clean up front about it. Not to mention wasting money the government takes from me at gunpoint (since apparently you don't care how the government wastes your money).
2. The ad holmium attacks on Trump are payback for Bubba's impeachment.
3. there was a COVID point earlier but I'm not going to go looking for it.
Once again you bring up multiple disconnected points. The reason is that you, on some level, know you are spuing unprovable propaganda points. By the presenting the multiple subject method you just tire out any one that has actual facts.
And I am tired. So you win, Trump will sit at the right hand of God after all.
But the total debt does not seem so bad when expressed per tax payer a bit more than a quarter million ($270,000)
There was a time when I could actually pay off my whole family's portion of the national debt. The Uni-party has taken care of that right smartly.
And Chinese, Israeli, Ukraine, and about 180 others.
The right wing fanatics in Congress are siding with Putin. MTG is literally quoting the Russian Manifesto. How far can the extreme right push this nation until there is internal conservative backlash. Sayin there is Chinese, Israeli, and Ukrainian propaganda is a ridiculous comparison.
Israel is a long term ally, the Ukraine is an ally whose innocent citizens have been bombed out of their homes. China is a major trading partner.

Russia is an enemy, as is Iran.

Do you seriously defend that position, and not question whether or not it is a result of conservative propaganda? Look what single issue voting has done to us.
The right wing fanatics in Congress are siding with Putin. MTG is literally quoting the Russian Manifesto. How far can the extreme right push this nation until there is internal conservative backlash. Sayin there is Chinese, Israeli, and Ukrainian propaganda is a ridiculous comparison.
Israel is a long term ally, the Ukraine is an ally whose innocent citizens have been bombed out of their homes. China is a major trading partner.

Russia is an enemy, as is Iran.

Do you seriously defend that position, and not question whether or not it is a result of conservative propaganda? Look what single issue voting has done to us.

When it comes to spending we have to get our own house in order FIRST. I don't care about MTG or the SQUAD, BTW your side conveniently ignores. Let's stop hemorrhaging money first.

We need to cleanup Biden's border fiasco and stop our third world slide into oblivion.

Then we can talk about humanitarian efforts for world.
When it comes to spending we have to get our own house in order FIRST. I don't care about MTG or the SQUAD, BTW your side conveniently ignores. Let's stop hemorrhaging money first.

We need to cleanup Biden's border fiasco and stop our third world slide into oblivion.

Then we can talk about humanitarian efforts for world.
We agree on the concept, I suspect our opinions on the cause might differ...
The right wing fanatics in Congress are siding with Putin.
Throwing money at problems doesn't fix them. Just look at the schools in our big blue cities. Johnny can't read and he can't add either which makes him pretty much unfit for work in a modern society which seems to be just what the Democrats want to make him dependent on the state.

Just because some responsible representatives are trying to stop the hemorrhaging doesn't mean they are "siding with Putin". No one is on Putin's side but do we REALLY need to finance Ukraine's retirement accounts????? How stupid are we anyway? Geeze too bad we don't have any of that 85 billion dollars worth of military materiel that Biden gave to the Taliban and the Chinese when he abandoned Afghanistan leaving the women and children to fend for themselves.
Tucker Carlson:
Russian propagandist, American traitor.
Recognizing that Biden pushed Putin into acting isn't being a traitor. It is seeing reality. Biden knew (or maybe he didn't) that NATO was a threat to Russia and by insisting that Ukraine join NATO was just something that Putin was not willing to tolerate.

We don't have to support Putin's decision to understand his motivation. Biden had the ability to NOT poke the bear but instead he chose to deliberately provoke Putin. I wonder what he thought would happen? Did Biden deliberately provoke Putin into invading Ukraine? Will we ever know?

NATO should have been disbanded when the USSR fell.

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