Another mass shooting

Do you really not understand that Putin feels that NATO threatens Russia or are you just playing dumb so you can take pot shots at Tucker? I can never tell.

How would the US feel if Mexico joined an alliance with China and Russia to add military bases on the US border staffed by China and Russia? And then Canada threatened to join the alliance also? Would we feel threatened? I'm pretty sure we would.
NATO should have been disbanded when the USSR fell.

Except that Putin wants to re-build a new version of the Soviet empire and just call it Russia. As long as Russia has ambitious land goals, there will be at least a good excuse if not a solid reason for NATO to exist.
Recognizing that Biden pushed Putin into acting isn't being a traitor. It is seeing reality. Biden knew (or maybe he didn't) that NATO was a threat to Russia and by insisting that Ukraine join NATO was just something that Putin was not willing to tolerate.

We don't have to support Putin's decision to understand his motivation. Biden had the ability to NOT poke the bear but instead he chose to deliberately provoke Putin. I wonder what he thought would happen? Did Biden deliberately provoke Putin into invading Ukraine? Will we ever know?

NATO should have been disbanded when the USSR fell.
Yes it's true, Biden went back in time and encouraged Putin to invade Crimea.
Are you kidding? You're making a joke, right?
If not, one of your family members should do an intervention and remove all of your AM radios.
I just looked for images of the Hamas flag on campuses. I couldn't find one. Do you have one?

It happened at Northwestern University.

F-Jj-YUbMAAjUES (1).jpg
Meanwhile, the left ignores actual traitors who chant "We are Hamas" while flying the Hamas flag on college campuses. Distract, distract, distract, and then blame Trump.
Do you think that those actions by students are going to effect the decision being made by our elected officials.

That is an unbelievable stretch. College students have been doing that since the 60s. That's a right of Americans. As it is Tucker's. But Tucker is effecting our national security, and he is literally doing the job of disseminating the Russian manifesto of undermining America.

Calling him out on that is the right thing to do. Do you think justifying his actions by shining a spotlight, and making comparisons, to college students is?

That is an actual question.
I am not doubting the possibility, but with photo editing software out there, you cant believe anything you see online anymore...
Yes it's true, Biden went back in time and encouraged Putin to invade Crimea.

No that was your other buddy Obama.

"Former President Obama on Thursday defended his response to Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, saying that circumstances were different then compared to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine last year."
You are now repeating Russian Propaganda.
I am not repeating Russian propaganda. I am using common sense. NATO had a specific objective. That objective disappeared when the USSR dissolved Why should it continue to exist? We made many promises to Russia during the past 30 + years that NATO would not expand. Each time NATO absorbed a new country, new promises were made. "This is the last country". All those agreements have been broken. Put your thinking cap on, if you can find it. Reflect on the Monroe Doctrine and decide how the US would respond given an attempt by Russia and/or China to surround and isolate us. Do NOT construe "understanding" a situation as "support for the actions Putin has taken". I am simply pointing out that Putin's actions are not irrational and his attempts at expansion would not (did not) happen under Trump because Trump wouldn't feel the need to publicly slap Putin's face.

Crimea was a test. Obama could have objected and held up our part of the bargain we made with Ukraine when they gave up their nukes to help to protect them from Russian aggression. Obama stepped back over his line as he did whenever any strongman challenged him and did nothing so Putin was not thwarted. Biden is the same kind of weak President that Obama was. Except he's worse because he feels the need to publicly poke the bear which is just downright suicidal. Biden even told Putin publically, that he would tolerate certain "small" agressions. Putin did overstep what Biden said he could take but Putin was pretty sure Biden wouldn't resist and so far we've thrown way too much money at the problem but not actually stepped in.

Do you think that those actions by students are going to effect the decision being made by our elected officials.

They have already. Biden needs to win Michigan and Minnesota. The arabs control those two states, just in case you haven't noticed. Sharia law is alive and well in many cities of the US. The Jews are a higher percentage of the population than muslims but they are more spread out and integrated except for a couple of ultra religious sects whose members always live together. The only large block is in the NYC area and those people are well outnumbered by liberals so they essentially have no political power.

The Muslims do not integrate. Therefore the Muslims do have political power given where they were settled. They represent majority voting blocks. So, Biden is catering to them now. If Biden were actually interested in stopping the war going on in Gaza, he would be pushing for Hamas to surrender and stop firing missiles into to Israel targeting civilians rather than telling Israel to lay down and die. Hamas, Hezbollah, and several Arab countries along with Iran are all committed to wiping Jews and Israel from the face of the earth. Israel is fighting for its life. This is not some squabble over territory. This is life or death for Israel and Jews.

Have you noticed that all the tents are identical but in different colors? I wonder if some tent company was having a sale or did some organization with deep pockets buy the tents and give them to the paid protesters who are pushing the protests?
Except that Putin wants to re-build a new version of the Soviet empire and just call it Russia. As long as Russia has ambitious land goals, there will be at least a good excuse if not a solid reason for NATO to exist.
Putin was not in power when the USSR dissolved. That was almost 40 years ago. He is a new addition. Did we KNOW that someone with expansionist desires would come to power? Why have we violated all of our agreements with Russia to not expand NATO? Every time NATO absorbs a new country we swear that will be the last and it is always a lie. No wonder Putin doesn't trust us. There is history to back up his fears.

No that was your other buddy Obama.

"Former President Obama on Thursday defended his response to Russia’s 2014 annexation of Crimea, saying that circumstances were different then compared to Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine last year."
You think because I believe that conservative messaging is the work of the devil, that i automatically support Biden.
Putin was not in power when the USSR dissolved. That was almost 40 years ago. He is a new addition. Did we KNOW that someone with expansionist desires would come to power? Why have we violated all of our agreements with Russia to not expand NATO? Every time NATO absorbs a new country we swear that will be the last and it is always a lie. No wonder Putin doesn't trust us. There is history to back up his fears.

NATO promised Russia it would not expand after the Cold War​

Such an agreement was never made. NATO’s door has been open to new members since it was founded in 1949. This has never changed. No treaty signed by NATO Allies and Russia included provisions on NATO membership. Decisions on NATO membership are taken by consensus among all Allies. Russia does not have a veto.
The idea of NATO enlargement beyond a united Germany was not on the agenda in 1989, particularly as the Warsaw Pact still existed until 1991. Mikhail Gorbachev said in an interview in 2014: "The topic of 'NATO expansion' was not discussed at all, and it wasn't brought up in those years. I say this with full responsibility. Not a single Eastern European country raised the issue, not even after the Warsaw Pact ceased to exist in 1991. Western leaders didn't bring it up either."
Individual Allies cannot make agreements on NATO’s behalf. President Clinton consistently refused Boris Yeltsin's offer to commit that no former Soviet Republics would join NATO: "I can't make commitments on behalf of NATO, and I'm not going to be in the position myself of vetoing NATO expansion with respect to any country, much less letting you or anyone else do so… NATO operates by consensus," he said.
The wording “NATO expansion” is already part of the myth. NATO did not hunt for new members or want to “expand eastward.” NATO respects every nation’s right to choose its own path. NATO membership is a decision for NATO Allies and those countries who wish to join alone.
I am not repeating Russian propaganda. I am using common sense. NATO had a specific objective. That objective disappeared when the USSR dissolved Why should it continue to exist? We made many promises to Russia during the past 30 + years that NATO would not expand. Each time NATO absorbed a new country, new promises were made. "This is the last country". All those agreements have been broken. Put your thinking cap on, if you can find it. Reflect on the Monroe Doctrine and decide how the US would respond given an attempt by Russia and/or China to surround and isolate us. Do NOT construe "understanding" a situation as "support for the actions Putin has taken". I am simply pointing out that Putin's actions are not irrational and his attempts at expansion would not (did not) happen under Trump because Trump wouldn't feel the need to publicly slap Putin's face.

Crimea was a test. Obama could have objected and held up our part of the bargain we made with Ukraine when they gave up their nukes to help to protect them from Russian aggression. Obama stepped back over his line as he did whenever any strongman challenged him and did nothing so Putin was not thwarted. Biden is the same kind of weak President that Obama was. Except he's worse because he feels the need to publicly poke the bear which is just downright suicidal. Biden even told Putin publically, that he would tolerate certain "small" agressions. Putin did overstep what Biden said he could take but Putin was pretty sure Biden wouldn't resist and so far we've thrown way too much money at the problem but not actually stepped in.

They have already. Biden needs to win Michigan and Minnesota. The arabs control those two states, just in case you haven't noticed. Sharia law is alive and well in many cities of the US. The Jews are a higher percentage of the population than muslims but they are more spread out and integrated except for a couple of ultra religious sects whose members always live together. The only large block is in the NYC area and those people are well outnumbered by liberals so they essentially have no political power.

The Muslims do not integrate. Therefore the Muslims do have political power given where they were settled. They represent majority voting blocks. So, Biden is catering to them now. If Biden were actually interested in stopping the war going on in Gaza, he would be pushing for Hamas to surrender and stop firing missiles into to Israel targeting civilians rather than telling Israel to lay down and die. Hamas, Hezbollah, and several Arab countries along with Iran are all committed to wiping Jews and Israel from the face of the earth. Israel is fighting for its life. This is not some squabble over territory. This is life or death for Israel and Jews.

Have you noticed that all the tents are identical but in different colors? I wonder if some tent company was having a sale or did some organization with deep pockets buy the tents and give them to the paid protesters who are pushing the protests?
Do you really expect anyone to read your extensive diatribes?
It doesn't make one a liberal to see what Conservative Propaganda is doing to our nation. Though it is a sad testimony for Democrats; they are being wagged by their own tail as well. It's just a smaller subset then Conservatives, but equally as brainwashed. liberal propaganda is as responsible for Trumps continued power as the Conservative spin is.

All the propaganda is designed to instill contemp. It's to make people think of themselves as victims. Conservative propaganda and Liberal propaganda are two side of the same coin. Both make people feel contemptuous and victimized.

By definition, the work of the devil.

You asked earlier why I have been remis in relaying my observations on Liberal propaganda. Y'all obviously don't need me to point that out to you. You automatically recognize it as propaganda. That's how modern propaganda works. People cannot recognize the propaganda that is aimed at them. Earlier I mention that Liberals have been influences by Iranian propaganda, but all I heard here was how ridiculous it is to believe that Conservatives are being influenced by Russian.
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Do you really expect anyone to read your extensive diatribes?
I would actually prefer that you ignore me since you don't understand anything I say and trying to explain myself in small words and short sentences gets exhausting, not to mention being boring for everyone.

You have a strange definition of propaganda for someone who claims to be a student of the subject. I guess in your world, the administration telling social media which posters to censor and what stories to push or suppress doesn't fall into your definition of propaganda. That is just the way the government works in totalitarian regimes. Got to keep the masses in the dark. Don't ever let on that the Hunter Biden laptop story is real. Too damaging to the Biden crime family, but that isn't propaganda.

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