What Has the Biden Administration Actually Done?


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 20:50
Mar 14, 2017
Actions of the Biden administration include:

  • Detaining American citizens and denying them their constitutional rights to due process.
  • Working with major tech companies to suppress accurate information regarding the 2020 elections, the origins of COVID-19, and the U.S. involvement in funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • Making false claims about Trump's supposed "collusion" with Russia during the 2016 election, misleading a federal court to secure unlawful surveillance warrants, and spending over $35 million to investigate claims they knew were untrue.
  • Labeling explicit and criminal material on Hunter Biden's laptop as "Russian disinformation" and concealing it from the public, despite knowing it was genuine, to influence the 2020 presidential election.
  • Charging Trump with possessing allegedly classified documents while avoiding prosecution for President Joe Biden for similar actions.
  • Using the legal system as a tool against political adversaries.
  • Actively obstructing the implementation and enforcement of laws intended to ensure election integrity, such as requiring identification and proof of citizenship for voting.
  • Mismanaging the withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving numerous American citizens and Afghan allies stranded, along with significant amounts of military equipment and ammunition for the Taliban.
  • Allowing around 10 million migrants to enter the country illegally over the past three and a half years, relocating them across the nation, providing housing and monthly stipends, all at taxpayer expense.
  • Restricting domestic energy production, causing fuel prices and overall costs to surge, leading to the highest inflation rate in over 40 years.
Republicans must recognize that they are dealing with a segment of the population that remains completely unpersuadable, even by the most compelling arguments. To reach the remainder, Trump's campaign should concentrate not on trivial matters such as Harris' past relationships or her childlessness, but on her lack of qualifications, her incompetence, and the problematic policies she supports.

The evidence for this — at least for those not deeply influenced by indoctrination — is plentiful
Mismanaging the withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving numerous American citizens and Afghan allies stranded, along with significant amounts of military equipment and ammunition for the Taliban.
Let's not forget leaving Bagram for the Chinese instead of destroying it. Maybe Joe got paid for that.
Made the United States the largest producer of Oil and Gas in the history of the planet.
Brought Chip making back the USA.
Protected our Allies in Europe from another Mad Man Blitzkrieg.
Actions of the Biden administration include:

  • Allowing around 10 million migrants to enter the country illegally over the past three and a half years, relocating them across the nation, providing housing and monthly stipends, all at taxpayer expense.
  • Restricting domestic energy production, causing fuel prices and overall costs to surge, leading to the highest inflation rate in over 40 years.
Complete BS.
BS and more BS

The energy production thing is so completely obsurd. The United States is the largest supplier of energy products in the world, the US produces more Oil and Gas than any nation in history. we now produce a million barrel a day more than we use.

It is so sad to see actual facts being ignore and replaced by Brain Washing. But Trump can't win without lies, so there you have it.

You can look up the Oil and Gas facts on any number of Oil Industry Reports.
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Where are you people getting the information that we are paying illegal immigrant to come here.
Brought Chip making back the USA

If that's what you call a Taiwan-owned largest semiconductor plant in the world in Phoenix, well alrighty then. A bit misleading though ;)
Complete BS.
BS and more BS

The energy production thing is so completely obsurd. The United States is the largest supplier of energy products in the world, the US produces more Oil and Gas than any nation in history. we now produce a million barrel a day more than we use.

It is so sad to see actual facts being ignore and replaced by Brain Washing. But Trump can't win without lies, so there you have it.

You can look up the Oil and Gas facts on any number of Oil Industry Reports.
I suppose that's why he had to dip into our reserves, huh.
Where are you people getting the information that we are paying illegal immigrant to come here.

If I go on a trip and someone pays my hotel expenses, they're paying for my trip, are they not?
Do you jump through some kind of redefining-words-liberal-mumbo-jumbo to justify that it's somehow different?
If that's what you call a Taiwan-owned largest semiconductor plant in the world in Phoenix, well alrighty then. A bit misleading though ;)
There a list of American companies that are directly benefiting as well.
And yes, Tiawan building here is good for the US. If the Trump God would have done 10% of that, you people would be flying your MAGA banners, and parading through the streets.
If I go on a trip and someone pays my hotel expenses, they're paying for my trip, are they not?
Do you jump through some kind of redefining-words-liberal-mumbo-jumbo to justify that it's somehow different?
I'm not a Liberal. I get it anyone that doesn't drink the Trump God cool aid must be a liberal.
I suppose that's why he had to dip into our reserves, huh.
Proof, the Trump God lives. Oil and Gas in the US started to rise during Oboma's term and has risen ever since.
Only Trump can save us.
I suppose that's why he had to dip into our reserves, huh.
We dipped into the reserves becaue the sanctions against Russia were going to raise the price of fuel. Ultimately though, the world leaders, which included Biden, decided to not press China and India into adhering to the sanctions. At the same time the US oil and gas technologists have improved dramatically.
Another part of the initial spike was do to futures traders jacking prices to hurt the administration for shutting down the pipeline project. Some of them lost big for that indiscretion.
Where are you people getting the information that we are paying illegal immigrant to come here.

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When Obama was President he has been quoted as saying :
"If you want anything done, whatever you do, do not ask Joe to see to it. A total waste of time asking him."
I'm not sure you should call Harris twice as dumb, or even dumb.
Doing so is surely a huge insult to all the dumb people.
Actions of the Biden administration include:

  • Detaining American citizens and denying them their constitutional rights to due process.
  • Working with major tech companies to suppress accurate information regarding the 2020 elections, the origins of COVID-19, and the U.S. involvement in funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • Making false claims about Trump's supposed "collusion" with Russia during the 2016 election, misleading a federal court to secure unlawful surveillance warrants, and spending over $35 million to investigate claims they knew were untrue.
  • Labeling explicit and criminal material on Hunter Biden's laptop as "Russian disinformation" and concealing it from the public, despite knowing it was genuine, to influence the 2020 presidential election.
  • Charging Trump with possessing allegedly classified documents while avoiding prosecution for President Joe Biden for similar actions.
  • Using the legal system as a tool against political adversaries.
  • Actively obstructing the implementation and enforcement of laws intended to ensure election integrity, such as requiring identification and proof of citizenship for voting.
  • Mismanaging the withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving numerous American citizens and Afghan allies stranded, along with significant amounts of military equipment and ammunition for the Taliban.
  • Allowing around 10 million migrants to enter the country illegally over the past three and a half years, relocating them across the nation, providing housing and monthly stipends, all at taxpayer expense.
  • Restricting domestic energy production, causing fuel prices and overall costs to surge, leading to the highest inflation rate in over 40 years.
Republicans must recognize that they are dealing with a segment of the population that remains completely unpersuadable, even by the most compelling arguments. To reach the remainder, Trump's campaign should concentrate not on trivial matters such as Harris' past relationships or her childlessness, but on her lack of qualifications, her incompetence, and the problematic policies she supports.

The evidence for this — at least for those not deeply influenced by indoctrination — is plentiful
  • Reneging on their promise to unquestionably support Israel and now actively supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. The Biden administration plays the sob card of too many civilian deaths in Gaza and blames Israel for the use of "excessive" force. Yet the Biden administration never calls on Hamas to surrender which would potentially end the violence in Gaza.
An "accomplishment" of the Biden administration within the context of this thread, they successfully kept Biden's cognitive decline, even with some reporting on it, suppressed. Democrats (Biden) like to claim they they are protecting democracy, that they are fighting for the soul of the US, and that they stand to integrity. All lies. This cover-up by the Biden administration documents that they are not transparent and are gaslighting the public.

Moreover, when Democrats held their primaries, Biden was presented as the candidate, not Harris. Harris may, by default, receive those Biden pledged delegates now that he has withdrawn. Nevertheless, the leadership of the Democrat party failed to disclose Biden's cogitative decline so that the delegates could make an informed decision at the time of the primaries. Technically, this is an affront to how the democratic process is supposed to work. As an editorial aside: it appears that the Democratic leadership has been fixing the presidential nominating process, in an undemocratic manner, since Hillary Clinton ran for president (it may have started earlier).

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