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  1. P

    Google Drive

    You are absolutely correct and no way would I have a BE on OneDrive . This idea is more about web design than Access. Most websites need up-to-date data and as for me the data comes from Access. Until I learnt this trick I had to create the report/excel and then have an upload to my website now...
  2. P

    Onedrive/Google drive Hosting.

    Just an update when adding a BE and installing the FE on another computer find and use UNC path when Linking the BE as it is the same for all PC' on the network. Found out the hard way. Peter
  3. P

    Onedrive/Google drive Hosting.

    Hi, Youtube seems to have changed. Search 'create google drive for hosting' there are a number of videos that explain the concept. Peter
  4. P

    Onedrive/Google drive Hosting.

    Not to sure what you are asking?
  5. P

    Google Drive

    Ok, Coming at a totally different angle. If you only want data from the database to be accessed from the internet ie reports etc. you may want to look at this youtube I found. What this does is make a Google drive look like Hosting so is accessed via the internet. On your computer it will just...
  6. P


    Hi, Hope you can help. I have two arrays and want to use to edit a table. For example this is what it looks like normally: rs1.Edit rs1![Ready Date] = "[R Date]" rs1.Update rs1.MoveNext This is what I am after: rs1.Edit myarray1(1) = myarray2(1) rs1.Update rs1.MoveNext...
  7. P

    Array to field names in Query

    Hi, Just solved the issue. Peter
  8. P

    Array to field names in Query

    I loop thu a table to get field names myArray(iCounter) = "[" & rstTableName.Fields("DJPR-Import") & "]" into an array as I need them for a query ie "SELECT DJPR1." & myArray(0) & ", DJPR1.[READY TIME],... My issue is that if the field name is one word it works ok however when there are...
  9. P

    Router USB running Access

    Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. I may have not made myself clear. I plan on putting the data on USB router and having clients on the PC's. It seems to be working OK on my home network but only have one PC so will need to try on a bigger network. Peter
  10. P

    Router USB running Access

    Hi, I have been trying using a USB on my router to run Access. Has anyone tried or give advice on this method. I am aware to run on cloud drives. Regards Peter
  11. P

    Dsum between dates

    Hi, I am having issues with the DSum and tried different ways of putting it none worked. My latest is: vIncAmt = DSum("[IncAmt]", "Income" And "[IncDate] between #06/03/2021# and #06/25/2021#") This one gives me a Type mismatch. Any ideas what I am doing wrong. Thanks
  12. P

    A trip down memory lane

    You may remember Easytreive ! (spelling?)
  13. P

    VBA alternative

    Hi, Just a thought, before I started using MS Access I used a now out of date product called Paradox from Coral Draw. I did some major databases using it as it also had coding. Try finding a copy and having a look at it. Peter
  14. P

    Need VBA Code To Get The Data From Google Drive Excel Sheet

    Hi, See 'Onedrive/Google drive Hosting' on this forum. on this forum Peter
  15. P

    Export table to website.

    Hi, Just an update. I have found a simple solution to this issue, please read Post Onedrive/Google drive Hosting Peter
  16. P

    Onedrive/Google drive Hosting.

    Hi, I did not think that this would cause such an issue. As Pat above has stated this is not about Access. Forget Access, I put this post on this forum as a lot of businesses use access to run their business. As part of this process they may need to get information from Access out to the 'field'...
  17. P

    Onedrive/Google drive Hosting.

    Hi, I am so sorry I should have explained a bit more clearly. I have a database that produces all the reports, excel and html etc but had no way of getting them onto the net easily for ease of distribution, at present it is via attachments to emails. By using this method you can export them to...
  18. P

    Onedrive/Google drive Hosting.

    Hi, I have been playing around with MS Access during lockdown (Victoria Australia) and have just discovered that you can set your Onedrive and Google drive to also be hosting. What this then give you is from Access you can directly export what you like to your Local drive and then use a...
  19. P

    Splitting QR code information into different controls

    Hi, Just a little of the subject are you aware there are a number of different kinds of Qr Codes as it may help to investigate them on Google. Peter
  20. P

    Export table to website.

    Hi, During covid-19 lock down (Victoria Australia, another 9 days to go:) I thought I would upgrade my MS Access skills. My project is one where I am trying to link/export MS Access tables to webhosting and display on website. I have the MS Access tables and website figured, what I need is some...
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