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  1. jdraw

    Hi All,

    Welcome aboard AWF! Yes, there are lots of "Access/tech addicts" here.
  2. jdraw

    costs for all stock items and stocktake

    Isladogs has info and sample Currency Exchange Rate tracker on his site.
  3. jdraw

    Hi everyone!!

    Hi and Welcome to AWF!
  4. jdraw

    Solved Data entry form how can I only show new record

    You may want to review Data Entry property to see if it is relevant to your needs.
  5. jdraw

    Solved How do I create and use a global variable later?

    You don't seem to be using keyLicencaGlobal , the name that you dimmed. Public keyLicencaGlobal As String
  6. jdraw

    Unbound Sub-Form

    sacacompany, Can you describe what you are trying to accomplish? Perhaps an example showing before and after. Then readers can offer some options on how it can/could be achieved.
  7. jdraw

    even voorstellen

    Welcome to AWF!
  8. jdraw

    What's your best/worst joke?

  9. jdraw


    Hi Katy --there are a few Canadians here. Welcome.
  10. jdraw

    Gender Pronoun Agreement

    I think I stopped at the 19 as in Feb 19. ??? At least that's what I'm suggesting --thanks Colin for noticing.
  11. jdraw

    I'm in Love with ChatGPT

    A little more of Chatgpt "hallucinating".
  12. jdraw


    Hi and welcome to AWF!
  13. jdraw

    Gender Pronoun Agreement

    Geez! Post from 2013.... 5 yrs ago.
  14. jdraw

    Hello from Va

    Hi and welcome from someone who drove through VA twice a year for 10 years.
  15. jdraw

    Solved Error 3078 when deleting a record

    Mztools ~ here's a recent video on some features
  16. jdraw

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi and welcome aboard AWF!
  17. jdraw

    Solved Error 3078 when deleting a record

    The thread is marked SOLVED?? But seems problem persists. Have you tried stepping through the code? You have Option Explicit turned on? Do you have MZ Tools to assign line numbers and use that with your error handler?
  18. jdraw

    Solved replace one line of code with two using the find and replace tool in ms-access 2010/2021

    There was a presentation a few days ago --now on Youtube. Carlos, the author of MZTools,tells all in this video.
  19. jdraw

    Add 7 Days to Todays Report Date

    No data source, no accompanying info? ReportDate = Date +7 ?Date +7 16-Feb-24
  20. jdraw

    My suggest solution

    Further to the comments already posted, I'd like to know what questions you asked your CLIENT and what you committed to on receipt of these files. You have almost 400 posts in this forum, I'm sure you must have agreed to something with your CLIENT.
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