Solved replace one line of code with two using the find and replace tool in ms-access 2010/2021


New member
Local time
Today, 19:51
May 29, 2008
I have this line of code in vba currently:
Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection

I would like to do a global replacement in current project with

conn.ConnectionString =extractConnectionStringADOfromOLE


how can i do that using ms-access find and replace tool?

I need to replace the one line of code with two line of codes using the find and replace tools
i tried inserting a readable line break but the compiler produces an error ..

Do you really want that? ;)

I would like to replace Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection with Set conn = MyGlobalFunctionToGetOpenConnection.

Topic: Don't repeat yourself

Note: It would be possible with Mz-Tools.
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so how you replace one line of code with two lines using mz-tools. I have just downloaded it. it can find multiline. It cannot replace multiple lines.
There was a presentation a few days ago --now on Youtube. Carlos, the author of MZTools,tells all in this video.

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