Gender Pronoun Agreement

Took another look at the sample database I provided earlier. I have made some changes to processing.

I have provided 2 options.
1- I revised the form. When you click on the Process Comments the revised comment will now highlight the changed pronouns in red. Also, the gender of the student will have the background color Blue/Male and

see jpgs for details

2 - If you go to the Modules ---> ParseModule

Procedure ParseGenderText now will process the entire file of records. It will create a minimal html file that can be read in a browser.
The html file contains the studId, Gender, original Comment and revised comment with red highlighted changed Pronouns.
The default html file name is
"C:\users\jack\documents\StudentPronounIssues.html". You must change that to a path and name on your PC. You must create an dummy file with a new name on your PC. Replace the default file name in this procedure with the name of the file you created. It must have an extension .html.

You can open a browser to the file using this format

NOTE: The procedure ParseGenderText is executed/run from within the module. At present there is no form set up to run it.

A sample of the html output is attached as a jpg.

Good luck.


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Wow, that's amazing JD. You clearly put a lot of thought into that and I thank you for it. The thing that worries me is its complexity. I don't know if I could troubleshoot it is needed. But an amazing tool nevertheless. I am definitely going to investigate this further and implement it when I feel confident that I understand everything.

In the meantime I have found a way to successfully filter the records where there is a gender pronoun disagreement. So I can now produce a list of all the possible problem records. Beside each record in the list, I have a button that will display the comments for that particular record. What I'd like to do at this point is highlight every gender related pronoun that appears in the report, whether it is correct or not. I imagine that each pronoun 'him', 'his', 'himself', 'he', 'she', 'her', hers, 'her's' and 'herself' could be highlighted in bold, underlined or in colour. The offending pronoun/s will amongst these but because the user is focussed only on the highlighted words, they should be very easy to spot.

So, the question is: Is it possible to highlight certain words (see above) contained within a few paragraphs in a form (memo field)?

Compared to your solution, this may be rather primitive, but it will do the trick, if the users can spot an anomaly right away. It also gives them an additional chance to proof read for further errors.

Anyway, I've attached a screenshot of the form I am using to show each of the gender pronouns for that particular record. I have circled each, including the erroneous one.

Some way of doing this automatically would be fantastic and would save such a lot of time and effort.



  • Gender Pronoun Highlights.jpg
    Gender Pronoun Highlights.jpg
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Here's another version. There is a new form which opens on startup. DisplayHTMLResults see attached.
You click the buttons, it processes all the records and displays a message saying it has done so. Another button appears indicating "Click to Open the HTML file". Once you click that, a hyperlink appears. Click the link and you get a display of each record identified by studentID and Gender; a listing of the original comment; followed by the revised comment with highlighting for substituted pronouns.

NOTE: You still have to go into the procedure and name your HTML file, and a dummy file with your desired name has to exist. It will be overwritten when you use the form to process all records.


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Once again JD, an amazing piece of work. I have tried to alter it to suit my database, bearing in mind my limited understanding of code. So far so good. However I have come across a problem. In the uppoer box, where the contents of the original comments are shown, it displays only part of the comments plus some code, and when the Revised Comment function is activated, only the partial report is created. It appears that there is not enough space for the entire comments.

I have attached a screenshot to show you what I mean.

Thanks again



  • studentgendersample.jpg
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The textboxes could just be too small. You could use a smaller font if that is practical. You could certainly make the text boxes larger.

Where did your original comments come from. The <br> are fragments of html. Did someone copy this info from a web page??? Why is there so much white space in the original comment?? What is the purpose of the white space?? Is this material from some sort of custom report or rich text control??
There is no reason for storing those "formatting characters" in a comment, so something in your data collection,or storage mechanism is adding such character. If you have built what you have, what is the source of these characters?? It appears there is something going on that you have not described.

Did you try the new form that generates the html file? Size of the text should not be an issue with that procedure and it should be very fast.

I just looked at you jpg again---Ben is showing with a pink gender (f) and you have a new textbox with Male. You have done something with the source records or the processing since the background of the Gender textbox is based on the value of the StudGender field. ????
Last edited:
JD you are quite correct. I had changed the format of the original field to Rich Text in order to experiment. I forgot to change it back. I have done so now and the code is gone.

I agree that there is too much white space, however this is down to the user. Often they will create lists or paragraphs for clarity in the final paper report. The field has a limited size and as long as they do not go beyond it (about 2000 characters I think) then it will fit the space allocated for the paper report.

With regards to the new information on the form, I am still experimenting with it to see how I can get this integrated with my database. I have changed the data source, which is held in the form that displays the list of dodgy records. This enabled me to apply additional fields on your form. The basic function of Processing the Record still works.

I have changed the font size as you suggested, but the problem remains. The boxes seem only to display about 50% of the report. I have attached a screenshot to show you.

The actual comments in the report are as follows:

Paper 1 = 57 out of 75 = A*

Paper 2 = 46 out of 60 =

Paper 4 = 56 out of 60 = A*

Overall Exam Mark = 159 out of 195 = A*

Benjamin had excellent results on his Mock Exams overall and this is due to his excellent revision. Ben's analysis in Paper 4 were particularly well done. In order to prepare fully for exams and maximise his potential, Ben should target map skills as an area to improve to up her potential for a great Paper 2 score. Exam technique and content revision for Paper 1 can be improved by going through the human and physical geography study guides. Keep up the hard work Ben!



  • studentgendersample2.jpg
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Change the font for the original comment as well.

In form design view you canmove the buttons to the left and make them smaller. Same for the label with "revised comment" move it left and shrink its size (or remove it). Then you can take the 2 text boxes and expand their left borders to the left. That will give you more space.
If your comments are 2000 chars, you may not have enough room ona single form.
Hi JD, I did as you suggested, but the contents of the box are still well short. I reckon with the spaces, it is only allowing about 250 characters, about the same as a text field rather than a memo field. I will continue to play around to see if I can come up with a solution.

With regards to your other form, when I try to run it, it shows code errors (see attached).



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I have revised my Form for processing each student record (one by one) along the lines in my previous post. I created a student Bob ID 5 just to see how much text I could get in the adjusted boxes. I then took the revised text for Bob and created a new record student ID6 and pasted the text into the original comment for student ID 6. I wanted to see if I could simply replace the original comment with the revised. It can be done but you may lose some formatting??

In student ID 6 record there are 1621 characters (294 words).

After adjusting the form and adding the records (ID 5 and 6) I ran the other form to do the entire file at once. And output the materials to html. It works fine -- a sample is attached as jpg.


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Re your last message and the errors.
There are instructions in post 21 that explain that there are some things you must do before running from the form.

You have to identify a file including the path for the html. You must create a file and save it with the name you choose.

You have to go into the module, and the procedure and change the name I have used to the name of the file you created ---full path and file name.
Geez! Post from 2013.... 5 yrs ago.
Jack - your maths is a bit off. 2013 was 11 years ago not 5! 😏
I think I stopped at the 19 as in Feb 19. ??? At least that's what I'm suggesting --thanks Colin for noticing.

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