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  1. S

    Replace text in word from Access becomes bold when should not be bold

    UPDATE: After a couple of years and having the unbold not always happen (happens when the phrase to find appears more than once, it only changes the first one. Normally that is perfect, but in a cell containing two items, this isn't going to work), I think I finally got the syntax right to...
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    Solved Advanced Search Methods in Win 10

    Would like to take a look at what Crystal provided, wasn't able to get to that site from work, perhaps I can see it from home. In the mean time, in case OP hasn't seen these links, here are a few examples for searches using the file explorer. There is some overlap, but some have more screen...
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    Solved ConcatRelated Issue

    If the distinct is causing issues, try the removedupes2 function from post #9 after you get your results instead of using Distinct.
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    Solved ConcatRelated Issue

    To contribute to the discussion adding improvements to the function if encountering error 3061. I recently had an issue with the concatrelated not working on a query. After a search, learned that as written it doesn't handle referring to values passed from a form. A search turned up the...
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    Access re-launches after close

    I had similar experience a month ago. I closed the open form and then closed the database. After that I closed Access and then Access reopened itself and the file I just closed. It may have to do with another windows or office update as after a week of this annoyance, it stopped happening.
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    Export Access- Table (with format) and Report(with conditional format) to Excel by using VBA code<--need help?

    If you use the template approach suggested by Pat and oleronesoftwares, here is some code that will give an idea of applying the format. As they said create or make a copy of the excel file that has all the formatting the way you want it to look. For my application, I created an excel file...
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    pdf Created From Report Does Not Appear on Top of Form

    Another idea to try. Instead of setting the output to TRUE set it to FALSE and then use followhyperlink to open the file something like: DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptCustomerQuote", acFormatPDF, "CustomerQuote.pdf",False Application.FollowHyperlink "C:\Reports\CustomerQuote.pdf"
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    Emailing Query

    That was what the first part my suggestion was, but guess I didn't use the right terminology by leaving out mention of the word <HTML> in my post
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    Emailing Query

    Assuming that the query only has a few columns and the same ones each month, if you want the query result in the body of the email you can use vba and a recordset to populate the message. If there are many cols, you may want to consider outputting as a report in PDF format or as text in csv and...
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    Get 2 Date from String

    Here is another idea using a vba function if all you want is to have all the dates extracted into a string, however, as theDBguy pointed out, if you want to use it in a specific way, would still need the split function. The function below can return all matches of a given pattern. It is set up...
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    Update Front End

    could be a timing issue. Can try putting DoEvents before the shell command, but may need more time than this would provide.
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    Office 2021 Release Date (Rumors) - Any changes with Access?

    does Ctrl+G still work or is that gone too?
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    Next Available Number that includes missing gap numbers

    I imagine you can modify the code to fit your numbering scheme by passing in up to the portion that needs incrementing and then concatenate it back together once incremented
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    Next Available Number that includes missing gap numbers

    Are you incrementing like this? "FD-00056-01" "FD-00056-02" "FD-00056-03" If so, this function should help. Function RegexIncrement(ByVal NumToIncrement As String, Optional sepchar As String = "-") 'Increment a text string number by 1 '(add 1 to the number) '(add one to the number) 'and keep...
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    Prevent two fast single clicks in succession on a from button - prevent code being run twice by accident

    Assuming that the action to take place happens only one time, that is to say you would not be needing to redo it while you are on the same record... What about putting a hidden text field on the form. When you click the button, have the code put 1 in the text box then you can test if the value...
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    Solved FAYT for Multi Column combo code from MajP question

    Made the change and at first nothing worked, no error, not finding the record either. I closed Access completely and reopened and so far, it is working fine without an error.
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    Solved FAYT for Multi Column combo code from MajP question

    Came across error 2185. If I select an item and click on it, whether I directly click on it (not typing any keywords since it is visible in the combo list) or typing letters and then click on it, this error pops up. The good news is the record I chose comes up after I click OK. If I use...
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    Solved FAYT for Multi Column combo code from MajP question

    After trying out a few scenarios is looking pretty well. I replaced the Class Module for FindAsYouTypeCombo and made the other changes you recommended. For the tab key issue, I modified the after update code with a messagebox. Private Sub cboGotoMessage_AfterUpdate() 'Added message for...
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    Solved FAYT for Multi Column combo code from MajP question

    Thanks for the instructions and update. I will try them out today and report back.
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