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  1. RuralGuy

    File Name Changes When Compact on Closing.

    Do you have the db set to C&R on Close? If so, maybe remove that for now.
  2. RuralGuy

    File Name Changes When Compact on Closing.

    Everyone is accessing the single file: VERY bad idea.
  3. RuralGuy

    Trap and get unknown field name during append query

    Do you have error trapping in your procedure? Have you determined the error number?
  4. RuralGuy

    VBA script runs slow the first time, then fast after that. Why?

    Is this a Split Database (FrontEnd/BackEnd), or is it all in just the FE? If is is split, do you maintain a Persistent Connection to the BE?
  5. RuralGuy

    VBA script runs slow the first time, then fast after that. Why?

    How about posting the script so we can see it?
  6. RuralGuy

    File Name Changes When Compact on Closing.

    Any chance you have a locking file still there from an aborted shutdown?
  7. RuralGuy

    Auto upload picture

    Almost certainly but first we will need some additional information. Is there a control on the form to display a picture? If so, what kind of control is it? Do you currently display a picture on the form? Where and how do you get that picture?
  8. RuralGuy

    one of 6 update queries not working

    Boy, they sure look identical. Try *importing* your db into a fresh new db and see if the issue follows. It only takes a minute.
  9. RuralGuy

    String - Concatenate Variable Data

    You haven't really described where you are having a problem. What do the different strings look like separately and why are you having a problem putting them together?
  10. RuralGuy

    Adding print button in form query

    Got it. Happens to me as well and I simply quit assisting a recalcitrant poster.
  11. RuralGuy

    Adding print button in form query

    I don't see it in this case. You just having a bad day?
  12. RuralGuy

    Adding print button in form query

    Not with me I hope. I meant no disrespect Sir.
  13. RuralGuy

    Adding print button in form query

    Create a report that does what you want rather than printing the Form which was not designed for printing.
  14. RuralGuy

    Access 'features' that should be deprecated

    I'll admit I hesitated to post the results but the facts are the facts. :p I've gotten the "Not enough words in your reply" before and had to find a way to fluff up my responses. :D
  15. RuralGuy

    Access 'features' that should be deprecated

    Well I'll be darn. :eek: My Quick Basic background paid off. Would you believe only 21 Reserved words and 1 Special character in a query. I'm blown away. If he ever comes up with a relationship and design checker...I'm toast. :D
  16. RuralGuy

    Access 'features' that should be deprecated

    My system was done in 2002 with ac2002. I never learned how to use macros so I guess I'm stuck with code. :rolleyes: Let's see, that would be about 15 years ago. Wow, how time does fly. It is still in use today.
  17. RuralGuy

    Access 'features' that should be deprecated

    I'll let you know what my score is on my first system and it will probably beat your score.
  18. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    I haven't been an MVP since at least last year. I know nothing that isn't already public information. Sorry.
  19. RuralGuy

    How to check if a window is modal/popup

    @Colin - Now that I think about it, I believe all of the information that would be covered by an NDA becomes public in a short amount of time; usually months.
  20. RuralGuy

    Access 'features' that should be deprecated

    Thanks for the link Colin. Only 2900?? :eek:
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