File Name Changes When Compact on Closing.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:50
Oct 11, 2002
I have an .accdb, that I've ued successfully for a long time.
It was written in AC2007 and I'm currently using AC2013.
I have it set to compact on close.

Lately, when I close, I sometimes get an error message about "Can't delete old db after compacting because of Read Only. Remove Read Only.........".

And then it renames my file and changes the extension to .mdb, which of course, buggers up my shortcut.

The data base is NOT opened as read only, the db isn't password protected or even gives you the option of opening Read Only.

Can you think of anything I can do to stop this?

Any chance you have a locking file still there from an aborted shutdown?
Is this a private database on your local machine or a shared database with the back end on a server? OR a shared non-split database on a server? Or what?

Depending on your answer to this question, there are several places to look and they are all different.
Private, on my desktop, (faster to work on than using our intranet), then I copy to a shared drive so others can access it.

No password required.

Thanks for helping.
Yes, I agree it's not a good plan.
But in this case, it's actually out there on the shared drive so that a stand-alone Excel spreadsheet can query the inventory it contains.
No one but me ever uses it directly, and the shared drive is backed-up daily so we limit our loss risk.
Do you have the db set to C&R on Close? If so, maybe remove that for now.
Yes I do, and really space isn't an issue, so thanks, I'll just remove that and not have to worry about it.
Thanks, I was just wondering if this was something that happened to others, or if I should be considered "SPECIAL".

Thanks for all the help.
If this is private to your workstation then the problem is that at some point your file gained improper protections. I'm guessing that this might have happened in the way you make the public copy and distribute it.

When you can do so, get to your LOCAL copy. Right-click on the file, then select Properties from the drop-down menu. When that dialog box opens, select the security tab. In that window, the upper half shows you a list of who can access the file and with what permissions. Your login ID should be in that list. Select it. If you don't have MODIFY permission, then you have a problem. Typically, since this is your assigned workstation, you should have Read, Execute, Write, and Modify. Depending on your domain admin's setup, you might or might not have Full Control and probably won't have any Special Permissions. If the permissions you have appear "dimmed" then you inherited those permissions from a folder above that file. Might not be the immediately above folder if the path is more than a couple of layers deep, but that is OK.

If your permissions are NOT dimmed and in either case DO NOT include Modify, you've found your problem and it has to do with being unable to manipulate the lock file (probably).
I've checked and all the permissions look right.
I'm just going to clear the C&R on Close for the time being, and will continue the search when I have a bit more time.
Thanks, ALL, for the suggestions and help.


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