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  1. R

    Print to PDF Not Working

    I have a database that has several reports that we print to PDF using Window's 10 "Print to PDF" printer. Starting yesterday, for some reason, it won't work. Access just says "Microsoft Access couldn't print your object". I did make some changes to the database yesterday, but they were to a...
  2. R

    Change Negative Number to 0 in a Calculation Query

    I have a rather complicated calculation query designed to calculate the estimated cost of a Guided Tour based on the estimated number of children, adults, free chaperones and what type of Cost Category it is (Full Price, Discount, etc. or one of the several BOCES programs that we have unique...
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    Sharing On Web Guidance

    Hello everyone, I have a rather extensive split database that has a back-end on a local server and two front-ends on the same local network. I am looking into the possibility of changing the database to be shared via the web for a few different reasons: - We want to expand to include users...
  4. R

    Adding Criteria To A Complex Query

    I have a form that displays information about an event that a returning client has booked. There are subforms to display information, based on a series of queries, from that client's last program. This allows the user to see what was done in the past, confirm with the client that it will be...
  5. R

    Text Wrapping Into Colums In Text Box

    I'm pretty sure the answer to this will be "no," but I thought I might as well ask. Is there a way to force the content of a text box to wrap into multiple columns within the text box, similar to what can be done in a text document? I have a subform that displays "Points To Cover" when talking...
  6. R

    Controlling Top Property with VBA

    I have a form that I would like to set an On_Current event that changes the location of various controls based on an If/Then statement. I thought that just using Me.ControlName.Top would work but instead of setting the control's top to the desired location, it sends it to the very top of the...
  7. R

    Missing Combo Row Source Based on Query

    I have a continuous subform with one combo box. This subform records what facilitators went on a given event. The combo box's row source is based on a query that only selects current facilitators (current/not current is recorded in the Facilitator table with a Yes/No field). This way, when...
  8. R

    Controlling Layout Of Continuous Report

    Disclaimer: Please read whole post before asking why I need this or saying "You'll never need that" or "bad idea, change your end product to look different." Thank you. ---- I am sure the answer is going to be "no", but is there anyway--even a complicated way--that would allow me to not only...
  9. R

    Using VBA to Close Form After Requery

    I have a form that is meant to add a new facilitator to the FacilitatorTable. It can be opened directly from a menu page. However, sometimes it will be opened from a form that is used to link facilitators to events that they facilitate. The combo box's row source is based on a query that is...
  10. R

    Clear Empty Record on Continuous Subform

    I have a continuous subform that just has one combo box as a control (named docentTxt). It is designed to select facilitators who have went on the given event (which is in the main form). Here is the current table/relationship structure: The Event Information table has Event_ID as the primary...
  11. R

    Further Narrowing Query with Inner Join

    I have an Event Information table with a key field Event_ID, a Facilitators table with a key field Facilitator_ID, and a Facilitation table that records which facilitators went on which events with the following fields: Facilitation_ID, Event_ID and Facilitator_ID. There's a One to Many...
  12. R

    OLE Questions

    From what I understand an OLE field would be able to hold a picture instead of text, correct? Can I use an image in an OLE field as the image in a report? Here's my situation: I have a report that we use to print an invoice that we send to clients. I want to include a scanned copy of a staff...
  13. R

    Starting With A 0 In A Number Field

    I have a field to record the last 4 digits of a credit card number in regards to tracking payment information. The field is currently formatted as a Number field. When I try to enter a set of 4 numbers that start with "0" (e.g. 0123), Access removes the 0 from the start automatically (so 0123...
  14. R

    Force Unbound Check Box to False/No Gray Fill

    [Solved] Force Unbound Check Box to False/No Gray Fill I have a report that generates an in-house physical invoice for an event. On this report is a small section for a staff member to make hand written notes regarding when we call a week before the event as a final confirmation. I want to...
  15. R

    Transforming a Private VBA Code to Public Function

    I have several controls that do the same thing in different forms. I currently have individual private subs in each form associated with each control. Each private sub has the same code that I copied/pasted from form to form (the names of the controls have remained constant from form to form)...
  16. R

    Commentary in Queries

    [Solved] Commentary in Queries I know that you can insert comments and notes in VBA code using a singular quote, like the following: 'Comment about what the code doesIs there a similar way to insert comments in the SQL of queries? I found other forum posts that say this isn't possible but...
  17. R

    Union Query Ruins Numbered Order

    [Solved] Union Query Ruins Numbered Order I have a union query with 2 fields: Order and Row_Heading_Full. SELECT DummyClientType.Order, DummyClientType.Client_Type AS Row_Heading_Full FROM DummyClientType UNION SELECT ("25") AS [Order], ("Totals") AS Row_Heading_Full FROM DummyClientType;The...
  18. R

    For Fun: An Easter Egg Question

    I like to put silly little "easter eggs" in my projects. Hidden little jokes or funny images that users may stumble across. They don't serve a practical purpose nor are they intrusive or distracting. I just had an idea for one but I doubt it's possible. Is there anyway to customize the...
  19. R

    Subreport Borders Cover Text

    I have several reports that include subreports in them, each one has a bold border surrounding it. When viewing the reports in Access, the spacing and layout is great. But when I print the reports--either physically or to PDF--the text within the subreports somehow shifts left and up. Some of...
  20. R

    Salary/Consulting-Fee Range

    In a previous thread I mentioned I am looking for another job. My main field is environmental education and working with youth outdoors, but I am interested in computers and programing. If I were to get a job working with databases--either as consultant on the side or working for a company in...
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