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  1. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

  2. MsLady

    Show Prompted Criteria on Report

    Thank you pbaldy, it works like charm :D Thank you all for your time *muah
  3. MsLady

    Show Prompted Criteria on Report

    I have a criteria in my report that prompts the user for input when they open the report. I just have [Enter date] on the query criteria the report based on. I would like to show the "entered criteria" on the report when the report is open. Can someone tell me how to? I'd like a heading label...
  4. MsLady


    Yup and he got 1% pity vote this
  5. MsLady


    Ralph Nadar
  6. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    Reminds me of a time (growing up, my dad's brother...uncle lived with us for sometime). The neigbhour's duck (mother duck) went missing. next i know, uncle is roasting what looks like a turkey in the basement oven :eek: Im sure all the pidgeons in the area knew our yard as "the death zone" we...
  7. MsLady

    Enough is Enough

    Thanks Bonono :D....Is there an option i must to enable this. i don't have it (perhaps i don't see it)
  8. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    I've eaten chickenhead (head of a chicken) before. when i was younger my uncle made me i think it will freak me out if i see someone doing that now
  9. MsLady

    Enough is Enough

    How can i check my repuation please... lemme see if anyone's been sneaking behind me :D
  10. MsLady

    3 Table JOIN. Please help me with this query

    Here's the query i have now.
  11. MsLady

    3 Table JOIN. Please help me with this query

    Thanks for ur time GregVB, Sally shows up twice cos she's had 2 positions with the company (2 records in the empPositions table). She is no longer with the company, so the 2 positions she held have been archived (i.e. field Archiveflag=1). I'd like to select the one with the most recent...
  12. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

  13. MsLady

    Enough is Enough

    As lovely as this site is in humor and getting Access help, I can't believe people actually have time to fight :eek: Some people's life must be uneventful :D love u guys regardless, the haters and lovers
  14. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    cat and dog? :eek: not much meat there Do not hate me please: i hear cat tastes like chicken
  15. MsLady

    3 Table JOIN. Please help me with this query

    Okay thank you much!! i'll look into that. Im still searching folks....please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp :)
  16. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    hahahaahahaa....hilarious!!! :D
  17. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    You can only milk a mature adult goat right?
  18. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    I meant it to be in watercooler, i must've clicked here by mistake. Can someone kindly move it?
  19. MsLady

    3 Table JOIN. Please help me with this query

    Hi dkinley, thanks for that. I have decided to use the "select case". It's gotten me close enough, except one thing, perhaps you or anyone can offer more help? Here's my query now: Now There's an employee by the name "Sally Thompson" that has 2 archived positions. i.e. two positions in the...
  20. MsLady

    Amazing what people have as pets these days

    I am visiting friends. Their neigbhour just got a pet goat. A dwarf goat playing in their yard. I thought goat was supposed to be eaten!! Fried, grilled, boiled, roasted. Now here's a source of meat playing in a neigbhours yard for pete's sake :eek: Flaunting and showing off. And the goat is...
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