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  1. U

    Can please some one tell me how to disable "Microsoft access" control box

    Oh yes!! ;) This works the best from all the variants I have tried Thank You!!
  2. U

    Sendkeys from Outlook

    Add True to the end of your code to make it send automatically. DoCmd.SendObject acSendQuery, stDocName, acFormatXLS, EmailAddress, , , "Outstanding Orders", "Please find, attached, your outstanding orders." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Regards.", True This should work now.
  3. U

    Compile Error: Can't find project or library -- Help?

    I had a problem similar to this once before. I opened the form in design view and then viewed the code. Go to Tools>References and see that you have only like the top 3 choices checked. Visual Basic For Applications Microsoft Access Library 8.0 (access 97 here too) Microsoft DAO Object Library...
  4. U

    Conversion from 97 to 2000

    Is there a way to prevent conversion from 97 to 2000? We try to make sure there are no accidental conversions. Just worried it's going to happen eventually.
  5. U

    Command Button - To Open Outlook

    This is exactly what I've been looking for. I don't need the forms like they are here... would cause me to re-write quite a bit of stuff I have working. I just need the code to attach to a button to open outlook alone. I want a form with a buttin that says Open Outlook. When they click it...
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